Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1660

There is no way to not turn on the air conditioner when working in the studio.

But if the environment during the break cannot be guaranteed, how can employees maintain their vigor at work?

And even in October, the weather at noon in California is not so cool. Air-conditioned restaurants can at least guarantee enough rest.

After all, people are not machines, and it is impossible to keep running efficiently.

Even if it is a machine, it cannot work at full capacity within 24 hours.

"Hiccup~ It tastes good."

Qiye stuffed the last piece of spaghetti on the plate into his mouth, and randomly tossed his fork aside, belching a full burp.

"I said you eat too fast too? I haven't started yet."

Lily carried her own dinner plate to the opposite side of Qiye.

Seeing that Qiye had finished eating, Lily immediately complained.

Qiye glanced at the dinner plate she was holding, and as expected, there was only vegetable salad inside.

But in the entertainment industry, even if Lily never loses weight, she still pays attention to her diet.

Compared with Lily, the two rituals that have been unable to control her mouth are a different kind.

But Lily would not envy each other either. There was a younger brother with the attribute of "ghost sister" staring at him, and she had to reduce as much as she ate during the two rituals.

"Sorry, Lily. I'm going to disturb you."

A woman's voice came from nearby, and Shion walked to the table.

Although Lily knew very well that Shion was looking for Qiye to talk about business, she was still very upset.

After finally waiting for a chance to be less strict by a sister, she turned into this woman to intervene.

What was even more annoying was that Lily had to greet her with a smile.

"It's okay, Sister Shion, sit down as you please."

"Yeah, it's interesting."

Shion sat down to the left of Qiye with satisfaction.


If it wasn't for Shion's force, Lily really wanted to hit someone.

However, Shion does not seem to have the consciousness of being an "light bulb".

After she sat down, she first took a sip of the coffee on the dinner plate, and said: "I just got the data, and the exact box office numbers of Da Qin around North America have been calculated."

"How many are there?" Qiye asked.

Although "Da Qin" is still too early to complete its downgrade, it is unlikely that there will be any major breakthroughs in the box office data in one month.

Lily, who was not planning to participate in the topic, also showed interest and asked: "Have you ever won the score of "Man of Steel"?"

"Lily, you should wake up and talk in sleep."

Shion said in a joking tone, "Although I would like to, it is obviously impossible."

"So, what about the specific numbers?"

"Da Qin" is a movie I have starred in. It is impossible to say that Lily is unwilling to be interested.

Shion recalled a bit, and said: "The current North American box office is 386.45 million US dollars."

Hearing this number, Lily couldn't help but mumbled: "It's only 400 million US dollars, not 450 million US dollars."

The hottest period of "Da Qin" has passed, and the box office results must be less than a week after that.

Based on experience, Lily immediately estimated that the North American box office of "Da Qin" could only stay at the $400 million level.

"It's not easy for a movie with a celestial theme to exceed $400 million in the North American box office."

Qiye couldn't help but shook her head: "When I predicted it, I thought it was only 350 million US dollars at most."

If possible, Qiye certainly hopes that "Da Qin" can achieve 500 million or even 600 million US dollars in North America.

But this is obviously impossible.

It's as if Qiye couldn't change the box office of commercial films that would drop sharply next week.

Qiye also couldn't get a movie about the celestial dynasty in North America and won more box office.

For the blocked North American audience, it is not an American-themed movie, or an American movie that saves the world. It is already very good to have this box office.

At least, in the memory of Seven Nights and Two Lifetimes, this should be the highest box office score for a movie on the subject of the Chinese Dynasty in North America.

pS1: Johnny Depp, Keanu Reeves, and the late actor River Phoenix were also famous in their early years.

They should be the kind of people who are similar in smell, they are all the kind who are super good to friends.

So, there must be one such friend Mijiang._(:з∠)_

pS2: Uncle Depp’s ex-wife, Amber Heard, had previously divorced Depp and stated that she had been violently abused in order to gain sympathy.

In addition, the "Mi Rabbit" trend has not passed, so public opinion has always been on her side.

At that time, this one could be said to be a big show, and even helped her get the role of Mera.

However, after a year and a half later, when the recording of her violent treatment of Depp was exposed, public opinion was flipped.

By the way, the last divorce turmoil that won the sympathy of the society and became famous for this popularity was Nicole Kidman.

And she starred in Mera's mother-in-law Queen Atlanta in "Aquaman".

Can Mijiang say that she is not a family, so she won’t enter a family..._

pS3: Why is the update a few minutes late...

The teacher in class today looked closely, Michan couldn't secretly code words.o(╥﹏╥)o

Chapter 898

"How about the global box office?" Lily asked, "Sister Shion, how many are there now?"

"US$1,062.78 million."

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