Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1668

"Do you want to play Merlin?"

The expression on Qiye's face was a bit strange.

Qiye hadn't considered this idea at all before Downey said this.

Because Tony Stark impressed Qiye too deeply, Qiye didn't consider Downey in it subconsciously.

Although both Merlin and Stark belonged to the kind of bashful characters, the paths they took were completely different.

And Qiye could hardly imagine what a shaggy Merlin would look like.

Therefore, Qiye shook her head subconsciously: "Sorry, Robert. This role does not match your usual play style."

"Don't refuse so quickly, I think I can."

Downey said confidently, "I've seen the character settings, don't you want a character with a cheap mouth?"

"Merlin isn't a character with a completely cheap mouth." Qiye reminded.

"Well, I didn't see a more complete role setting." Downey replied with a smile.

Of course, actors like him who work closely with Jiufeng Entertainment can read the character information.

But what Downey could see was only some outlines, and he couldn't see the specific content.

It is natural to have a misunderstanding of Merlin's role.

"I just think the role of Merlin is more suitable for me."

Downey scratched his messy curly hair, looking a little embarrassed.

"Do you really want to play a role in my movie?"

Qiye asked curiously.

"Aren't we directors and actors who admire each other very much? Why can't we work together once?"

This was indeed Downey's inner thoughts.

As his benefactor, Downey always wanted to cooperate with Qiye.

At this time, he was relatively empty, and the filming of "Avengers 2" has not started yet, so he does not need to consider his own schedule.

So Downey began to look through the recent film projects of Qiye, hoping to find a suitable role for him.

Looking around, Downey found that there was only one Merlin suitable for him.

Although Gilgamesh with the poisonous tongue is not unacceptable, but in the tradition of Xingyue, this role must be reserved for Gavien.

Don’t you ask him to play Enkidu?

The [neutral] label made Downey unable to speak.

"I will think about it."

Qiye didn't immediately refuse.

Playing Merlin with Downey's acting skills is not a problem at all, it is mainly an image problem.

When Merlin auditioned, just let Downey try.

As for the tenderness of the face, Qiye said how he treated Uncle Ming in the first place, and now it is here to treat Downey like this.

"Then I will try when I go back."

Downey smiled like a child.

Even though Qiye's remarks were suspected of shirk, he was still very satisfied.

Anyway, it seemed to Downey that as long as Qiye didn't explicitly refuse, then he had a chance.

Because there was still shooting the next day, the party ended less than ten o'clock.

Including Robert Downey Jr. as a guest, everyone left one after another. Even Depp, who was completely drunk, was taken away from Seven Nights' villa by Bell and Bloom.

Only Lily was behind.

After bidding farewell to the last few people, Qiye left the hallway and walked into the living room of the villa.

And Lily followed from behind like a little tail.

"Can I stay here tonight?" Lily suddenly asked Qiye.

"Huh? Of course." Qiye looked at Lily curiously.

Because of Ryan, this villa has always had Lily's room.

But Lily didn't go back to her room to sleep, but just stared at Qiye.

"Don't you..." Qiye suddenly had a hunch in her heart.

"Can I sleep in your room?"

Sure enough, Lily said her thoughts in her heart with a shy face.

"I said you..."

As soon as Qiye wanted to refuse directly, she heard the alert tone of the email on her mobile phone.


Qiye quickly turned on the phone and found two unread emails in it.

[Lily, she should have asked, right?]

[It takes a lot of courage for a girl to say such a thing, so I can’t refuse it!(○?Д?? ○)]

[——By Lane]

[It should be only you and Lily tonight, right?I guess that girl will definitely attack you at night, give me the bravery like a man!]

[PS: Don't worry, Ryan has been held back by me, you don't have to worry about someone ruining your good deeds.(?°?°?)??]

[——By Ziyuan]

[These two women... have you calculated it?

Just looking at the email, Qiye had already made up for the expressions of these two people when they were talking.

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