Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1669

"Now, Lily."

Qiye raised her head to look at Lily, raising her eyebrows slightly, "Are you sure you stay here tonight?"

Lily didn't know the content of Qiye's email just now, but from the change in attitude of the other party, she could also guess that it was someone else's assist.

Lily straightened her body and said, "Of course, this is my home."

"Your home?" Qiye stared at her.

Lily looked at him in the same way and said, "Sister is here, and Qiye is here for you, so..."

Having said that, Lily changed her expression, and she stared at Qiye with a slightly resentful look.

"We have known each other for a long time, right? Since that reception, I have been paying attention to you Qiye."

"The success you get, the achievements you get, have been growing with me. I..."

Lily suddenly sighed: "Although I did want to match you and my sister at first, when you were really together, I found out sadly that I was really a big fool."

Of course Qiye knew what Lily meant by calling her a fool.

He looked carefully at the girl who had known each other for more than 10 years.

The little girl who used to make a lot of noise in front of him is now fully grown up.

"Since you have said so."

Although Qiye is a kind of guilty and courageous most of the time, when a girl reaches this point, he will not lack decision.

The braised pork is ready and delivered to the mouth, and if you don't open your mouth, it will really be two hundred and five.

The next moment, Qiye took the initiative to take Lily's hand and walked up the stairs leading to the second floor.

Where Qiye couldn't see, the corner of Lily's mouth suddenly turned into a very high arc.

She finally took this step.

"Ala, it seems that we will serve another mistress in the future. Sierra, what do you think?"

Ligelite, who was standing in the corner of the living room, asked her sister.

"Nothing." Serra said with a blank expression. "It's not the first time anyway."

pS: Well, for some reasons that everyone knows, you don't write specific plots.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 902

"Brother-in-law, hurry up!"

With her ski poles in her hands, Lily glided past Qiye lightly, leaving a series of mocking laughter.

Since that night, the girl Lily has become more and more presumptuous in front of Qiye.

On the other hand, Lily began to call Qiye "brother-in-law" again.

As for the name "Seven Nights", it has become a special name for Lily when two people are alone.

"This girl..."

Qiye looked at Lily who was running around like a snow rabbit in front of her, with a helpless expression on her face.

"Sorry, Qiye. Lily is too naughty." Ryan, who was standing next to Qiye, said apologetically.

"Forget it, I've long been used to it."

Qiye sighed.

He leaned on the ski poles in both hands and carefully maintained his balance. He looked like a patient with disabled legs and walking on crutches.

The opposite of Qiye's trembling appearance was the very clever Lily.

After a clever sharp turn, she skillfully circled Qiye, and finally stopped in front of Qiye.

"Huh~How's it going?" Lily took off the windproof goggles and showed off to Qiye.

"Well, you are really amazing."

Qiye said in a calm tone.

"Brother-in-law, you really can't do it. You have been practicing for the whole morning, and you haven't improved."

Lily pouted and said, "I want to swim with my brother-in-law on the snowy road too!"

"Don't think about it, it's impossible. At least don't think about it this time."

Qiye replied while controlling her body forward with a slow and steady speed.

"I thought Brother-in-law, you know everything."

Qiye answered without looking up: "Sorry, I don't have your athletic talent.

Qiye had long since given up comparing with these young ladies in sports.

In fact, the practice of the morning, Qiye is not completely without improvement.

At least he can now slide a few steps on flat ground.

But Lily was obviously not satisfied with Qiye's progress. She went around Qiye again, then pointed to the steeper piste on the side with her ski pole and said, "Sister, let's go there."


"It's okay, brother-in-law is not a kid anymore." Lily begged.

Ryan looked at Qiye with some embarrassment.

"Go, just pay attention to safety."

Qiye nodded.

"Got it. Brother-in-law, you can play slowly on the beginner track~"

Lily waved her hand, and then only left Qiye with her back in an orange down jacket.

"Seven nights……"

Ryan turned to look at his boyfriend, and then saw a black sneer.

"Little girl, wait till night, I won't even make you call "Brother-in-law"...hehehe~"

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