Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1672

[See Moon] It is said that we will give DreamWorks US$10 million to produce animation, and then wait for the animation to be completed.

In this process, whether DreamWorks spends 10 million, 8 million, or even 1 million dollars for animation, [See Moon] will not care.

No matter how much DreamWorks spends, as long as it meets the standards required by [See Moon], the extra money will be the income of the DreamWorks project.

The last one is the exclusive agreement between [See Moon] and its partners.

This part is basically the other six Hollywood works.

Of course, like Warner's "Harry Potter" series, or Disney's classic animation, such film company master series, [See Moon] is definitely not available on the exclusive platform of the entire network.

In fact, Warner’s own streaming media cannot get the rights to play the Harry Potter movies.

Because HP's North American network broadcast copyright is in the hands of the CNN TV station under Warner Group.

In order to ensure the number of users of its own paid movies, CNN will only hold HP's network broadcast copyright in its hands until death.

It can be seen that the internal struggles of these large groups are already hopeless.

Sony is also next door, the game department and the lens department are in a fight, and there is no idea that everyone is a family.

I heard that my uncle's hairline has moved back 1cm.

However, Qiye didn't confirm this gossip.

Compared with these competitors, Jiufeng's interior can really be called harmonious and loving.

Of course, this may also be related to the overpowering of Miss Shion, the head of Jiufeng.

However, Jiufeng's internal harmony has little to do with [See Moon]'s profitability.

In fact, compared with so many video sites on the market, VIP members of [See Moon] are the most cost-effective category.

Let alone the substantial copyright library, the key is that it is cheap.I’m talking about [See Moon]’s member video library.

But it is because of being too conscientious, so the profit is less.

In terms of the current operating costs of [See Moon], they earn 2 cents from a VIP member every month.

"However, the biggest profit point of [See Moon] is not the VIP membership system."

Qiye took a sip of coffee and replied with a smile.

"Is it movie-on-demand? I think the data is average."

The order rate of movies purchased separately on [See Moon] is definitely higher than that of other platforms, but this part of the subscription is also divided into other film companies.

After all, [See Moon] didn't seem to make much money.

"You... did you forget this?"

Qiye took out her cell phone.

"Oh! Game Krypton Gold."

Lily saw Yuanxiang and her avatar icon on the screen, and couldn't help but pat her forehead.

"So, you girl, eat radishes and worry less."

Qiye said while organizing the papers on her desk.


A gleam flashed in Lily's eyes, and when Qiye focused on the file, she suddenly shot him to the ground.


"I'll make you cry again!"

Lily straddled Qiye's waist and moved her hand directly.

"You are a hooligan! Eliminate, don't move my pants!"

"Sister, the two hands of this guy are given to you."

"Ryan, don't mess around with Lily!"

"Seven nights, you will leave us tonight."

"...That, please be gentle."

Poor Director Kiryu faced two female gangsters with "excellent martial arts" and had to give up resistance.

As for the next day, the three people had to lie in bed because of muscle soreness caused by excessive exercise the day before. This is another story.


After finishing their vacation in Canada, Lily and Lane flew directly back to the UK to visit their parents.

Qiye returned to Los Angeles to continue the post-production of Camelot.

In the past, Qiye would basically only be produced by Jiufeng Entertainment’s own special effects team and Weta Studio, two special effects companies.

In addition to the fact that these two families are their own, it is also because Qiye and the staff of the two special effects teams are very familiar.

With a little communication, the two studios can understand what special effects Qiye wants.

But this time in order to be able to catch up with the 2014 summer vacation, in order to be able to cope with so many complex and cumbersome special effects production tasks.

Qiye can only hire more special effects studios and let them join Camelot.

Among them, the work assigned by two special effects studios is arguably the most peculiar.

Because they want to use special effects to directly produce two characters, to be precise, "resurrect" the two actors.

These two characters are the Mage Sanzang and Sherlock Holmes in Camelot.

After auditioning for a few roles and unable to satisfy herself, Qiye thought of a very crazy idea.

Since you can't find an actor that satisfies you in the living, look for actors who have passed away to play these two roles.

Of course, Qiye is not a great magician, and the world he travels through is not a magical world.

The method used by Nanya is naturally to use CG special effects to restore these two characters.

It just so happens that both of these two roles once had a very popular actor, but at the same time both have died.

As the so-called feelings are priceless, playing this kind of feelings card can obviously win the favor of quite a few fans.

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