Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1673

And these two actors are Natsume Masako and Jeremy Brett.

The untimely death of Natsume Masako can be said to be an eternal pain in the hearts of the Japanese people.

Otherwise, she probably wouldn't rank eighty-ninth among the 100 great men in history loved by the Japanese.

And frequently appeared in the list of the most beautiful or most attractive actresses in Japan.

And every time they are ranked very high.

To be honest, Master Sanzang is definitely not the most classic of the roles played by Masako Natsume.

However, the tradition of the Japanese Master Sanzang from then on being played by women began with Natsume Masako.

As for Jeremy Brett, not to mention, in the role of Holmes, no one is more deeply rooted than him.

Although Sherlock Holmes played by Volume Fu and Downey is good, but in terms of classic degree and Jeremy Brett is really far behind.

You know, Jeremy Brett played Holmes for ten years.

After such a long time, even his soul was injected into this role, and it was recognized by countless people.

When Jeremy Brett died, many fans thought he was dead, and Holmes also died.

pS1: Natsume Masako's version of "Journey to the West", when I was spit out, everyone should have an impression.

Although this version was not acceptable to domestic audiences at the time, after all, the older generation liked the original more.

But Michan thinks it's okay, as a special film from the Showa period, it doesn't have a special flavor.╮(╯▽╰)╭

By the way, although this version of "Journey to the West" is performed by women, it is assumed that Master Sanzang is still a man.

I just don't know why, in the later Japanese film and television works and ACG works, San Zang directly became a female._

pS2: Sherlock Holmes played by Jeremy Brett is really classic. You must know that the earliest "Old Fortune" nickname refers to Jeremy Brett's version of Holmes.

He is also the most classic Sherlock Holmes in Mi Jiang's mind.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. In the FGO version of Sherlock Holmes, Michan can always see a faint shadow of Jeremy Brett._(:з∠)_

Chapter 904 Black Technology From Cybertron

Even though the "enablement" of Natsume Masako and Jeremy Brett was declared by Nanaya to be sentimental, Nanaya is still for commercial considerations.

Therefore, this matter was naturally quickly put out by Jiufeng Entertainment as a publicity point in the early stage of the film.

Roger Gate, the former visual effects director of Industrial Light and Magic, even accepted an interview with Fox Films.

"We were all surprised by Qiye's request, because the idea he put forward was really too bold!"

He said in an interview: “But Nanya is a great director. He knows what the audience wants to see. Natsume Masako and Jeremy Brett are both very great actors who can put them on the screen. The resurrection is an honor for the crew of Camelot."

"At the same time, this is also a technical challenge. Although we managed to make an actor younger in "Da Qin", I can't be sure whether a dead actor can be restored perfectly."

The use of two dead actors to perform the film has certainly aroused numerous discussions.

The Japanese audience was somewhat conflicted about Nanaya's desire to "resurrect" Natsume Masako.

Of course they like to be able to see the actress again active on the screen, but at the same time they are afraid of Qiye's approach.

But in fact, Natsume Masako has nothing to do with Japanese fans at Nanya Club, mainly to calm the hearts of the audiences next door.

In the early preparations, Qiye tried to write the Xingyue version of Master Sanzang as a male.

But after trying several times with the screenwriters, he found that the effect was not very good.

After all, many behaviors in San Zang's "Camelot" are biased towards feminine, and it would be very weird to change to a male rashly.

However, Qiye knew that most of the audience in the Heavenly Dynasty would certainly not accept a female Tang Seng so easily.

So Nanya simply asked Natsume Masako to play the Sanzo.

In contemporary society, sympathy for the weak can be said to be a universally applicable rule in most countries.

Just as the Oscars will give the Little Golden Man to Heath Ledger, who has the righteousness to commemorate the actress who died young, it is difficult for the audience of the Chinese dynasty to blame Qiye.

After all, Nanaya is still Japanese in this world setting, and the excuse to commemorate Natsume Masako is completely past.

Sure enough, after the news was announced.

Even though some viewers of the celestial dynasty have some criticisms about this matter, under the concept of "the dead is big", they are just talking about it.

The discussion about Natsume Masako’s female triptych mainly focused on the Asian region.

In Europe and America, fans are more concerned about the "resurrection" of Jeremy Brett.

Anyway, most of them hadn't even heard of Master Sanzang, and didn't care if they were male or female.

And the actress Masako Natsume has never heard of it.

But Jeremy Brett is different. This actor is almost representative of the impression of the role of Holmes in European and American audiences.

Now Kiryu Nanya is about to "resurrect" the actor, which is naturally a carnival for Holmes fans.

Many fans said in the message area of ​​the [See Moon] website that they can’t wait to see the finalized version of Sherlock Holmes.

At the same time, there is also a small group of viewers who threaten the crew in a low voice. If the film makes Holmes ugly, they will certainly not forgive the crew.

With the enthusiasm caused by the news of hiring a deceased actor, the publicity of "Camelot" is gradually gaining momentum.

However, the specific publicity matters are all handled by dedicated personnel from Jiufeng Entertainment.

The main task of Qiye is to ensure quality and quantity, and complete the post-production of the film on time.

Because after consulting his opinion, Jiufeng Entertainment has already selected a schedule for "Camelot".

Just like last year's "Da Qin", the mid to late stage of this FGO 1.0 plot will be officially released in North America and around the world in early May 2014.

Similarly, although other Hollywood studios didn't say anything, they kept their films away from this schedule in private.

"Camelot" is more popular with North American audiences than the celestial theme "Da Qin", and there will be King Arthur, who plays the role of the Fate series in the film.

No one would want to be a victim of this doomed box office harvester sickle.

Therefore, on the first weekend of May when "Camelot" was released, there were no competitors of the same magnitude.

It was not until two weeks later that "Godzilla" released by Warner was a relatively large-scale movie.

This movie can be regarded as a 3D movie nightmare for the audience.

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