Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1678

Qiye discovered that the IMAX theater at this time had become a gathering place for monsters and monsters. Except for the guests in the front row, most of the fans in the back row chose their favorite heroes as their costumes.

I don't know if it is a matter of North American fans' COS preferences. The more weird characters are, the more they will be favored by fans.

Qiye even saw a Hitota who came with a rice bag, although his rice bag was taken away by the theater security because it took up too much space.

"I hope everything goes well."

Ryan followed Qiye back and glanced at the full theater.

Although this is not the first time she has participated in the premiere, Ryan still felt a little nervous as her debut film.

"Don't worry, you will be very popular."

Ryan felt Qiye shook his hand gently.

"I believe you."

Ryan smiled at Qiye, then turned her emerald green eyes to the big screen.

Summer is to wear swimwear.jpg

pS1: Regarding the "Captain America" ​​series and the reflection of North American society, this has been said more than once, so I won't say more.

pS2: The so-called midsummer, the first reaction should be the sun, the beach, the swimsuit and the beauty!!

what!I really want to go to the beach!!(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

Chapter 907

In the AMC theater, the movie "Camelot" has begun to be screened.

This time, the opening is still the same as most of the previous FGO movies, and it is not a direct storyline.

The beginning of the film is the question and answer between Bediwell and Merlin in Avalon.

It's just that the audience didn't immediately know the true identities of these two men. They only knew that the name of the monologue was Lucius, which means brilliance in Latin.

He was awakened from a deep sleep by an unknown person. He didn't know what was happening in the world at present, only that he had a task he had to complete now.

The other is an unknown voice, he asked Lucius if he would like to embark on this journey.

That is your last chance as a sinner.

In this regard, Lucius said that his body and soul were already like candles in the wind, about to burn out.

However, his spirit will still be dedicated to his king.

So the unknown voice agreed with him, saying that he would give him something as farewell.

"Your destination is in the city of chivalry in the last days. You will face your past comrades in arms, and you will also face the sins you committed in the past. However, you must not let this radiant hand suffer A little pollution, because it is..."

As the voice went away, the audience and the knight named Lucius came to a barren ground.

"This time, no matter what sacrifice I make, I will kill my king!"

With that said, the silver knight stepped out.

Then the camera turned to Chaldea, but not in the normal timeline, but Chaldea before the FGO plot took place.

The audience saw how Matthew and Romani met.

They learned that Matthew was not a normal human being, and they also understood that Romani and Matthew were similar to a brother and sister.

Then the timeline jumped again to the present.

The Chaldean staff are making final preparations before the departure of Camelot's singularity.

There are many small easter eggs buried in Qiye.

For example, the audience saw Shadow Border, which appeared in "Da Qin", and Gudazi and Musashi who finally returned to Chaldea.

Of course, there are other kinds of easter egg props in the whole warehouse, the clothes worn by Lixiang in the first few special points, or the used props.

These all appear in the lens.

In the movie, Matthew and Lixiang stood in the distance chatting.

The picture just now is also the story Matthew told Lixiang.

On the other hand, the audience also knew that Ma Xiu had only one year left in his life, and they felt sorry for this flower-like girl just like Lixiang.

But Matthew herself didn't think so. She felt that her life was very wonderful, with Doctor Roman, Fufu and seniors accompanying her.

Matthew felt that she had no regrets, she just needed to continue to act as the shield of the current generation.

Just when Lixiang was moved by this good girl, Da Vinci came over and said that they were going to start the next singularity strategy.

At the same time, Leonardo also informed the two of the dangers of this singularity strategy.

In fact, this singularity was discovered earlier than the previous North American singularity, but it was temporarily shelved because it was too dangerous.

But now that after so long, the sixth singularity has deteriorated a lot, and no one can guarantee what kind of danger they will encounter.

Of course, Lixiang, as the protagonist, would definitely not give up when he was in danger. Both he and Matthew promised that they would succeed in restoring human nature.

After that, the two went to Camelot Singularity together with Da Vinci for a strategy.

So the group came to the desert of Jerusalem area where the singularity is located.

As soon as they entered the singularity, they were attacked by the Sphinx, and then coincidentally rescued Nitocris who was kidnapped by the Hassan.

And under the leadership of this woman with a wonderful butt to go to the territory of the king of ham sausage.

After fighting with Ra'er, Chaldea learned that this singularity had already been resolved under the battle of the Lion King, and that the current singularity has been divided into the three forces of Ra'er, the Lion King and Hassan.

La Er also asked Lixiang and others to take a trip to the holy city where the Lion King is located before making their decision.

Then the film began to enter the relatively old-fashioned FGO film, but it is a link that audiences like very much-exploring the truth of the singularity.

Because there is a difference between the singularity and the real history, but how much this difference is, we need to know through inquiry.

This kind of looking for unique points in the framework of knowing the historical background is different from the real history, always giving the audience the idea of ​​"we are solving the case."

However, compared to the previous few singularities that can be traced, Camelot seemed even more imaginative.

The audience even had the illusion that they were looking at overhead history.

On the other hand, unlike the relatively slow-paced "Hundred Years War", "Camelot" is undoubtedly more compact because of the larger plot volume.

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