Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1679

Therefore, the audience has to keep staring at the screen to ensure that they will not miss any wonderful details.

In fact, although "Camelot" is very informative, the overall plot is relatively clichéd.

Ingeniously, in order to make this simple story seem complicated, Mushroom added various character reversals.

In the beginning, Hassan, who robbed the civic girl, was actually a good man. Originally, everyone thought that the noble Knights of the Round Table were the greatest enemy that Chaldea had to face.

As for pulling two, he is in charge hahahahaha.

It can be said that the story of "Camelot" is the most suitable for film in all FGO scripts, and it is also the story with the strongest sense of cinematic drama.

When Qiye moved this story, which was originally only a still picture, the audience was naturally attracted by this story.

Because this story is full of various links that can be called romantic.

The badly injured hero drew his bow and arrow, and at the expense of his own life, used a treasured meteor to counterattack the holy spear that fell from the sky, and finally successfully defended the village.

Even if the knights of the round table such as Gao Wen knew that the king in front of them was very different from the past knight kings, they knew the purpose of the lion king.

But they still choose to follow this king to accomplish their loyalty.

Throughout the movie, San Zang, who has always been showing a little carelessness, fought to blow it away with "Five Elements Mountain? Sakyamuni Buddha Palm" during the battle of the Holy Capital.

Through the act of self-sacrifice similar to Arash, Chaldean's act of saving humanity is fulfilled.

The behaviors and feats of these heroes can naturally be called a romance with a heroic atmosphere.

This is especially true of Bediwell, the key character in this story.

After living for 1500 years, he decided to send his king to the other side at all costs, which is even more a romantic act.

Of course, this romance is not a romance between lovers, but a personal heroism full of expectations and pursuits for the future, lofty ideals, and unwillingness to fall.

And what supports these heroes to make these romantic behaviors is derived from their beliefs.

What is belief?This is something that cannot be explained in detail, but actually exists.

Throughout the story of Camelot, the heroes’ beliefs are described and how beliefs drive them to make their own choices.

As at the end of the movie, Bediwell said to Matthew who resisted the lion king's treasure.

"As long as there is no confusion in my heart, then the chalk city of liberation treasure will not collapse."

It can be said that this line is the best footnote of the whole movie.

I have to say that there is always such a slightly idealistic concept in the Mushroom script.

But it is precisely because of this romance that his story is so touching.

Even though this is a special era where kings gather and gods and ghosts dance in a wild, the shining points of humanity displayed by heroes will always shine on people's road ahead.

Whether it is gods or heroes, they are ultimately the product of human fantasy.

As the goddess Lungominiad said, without humans, gods cannot exist.

The meaning of the existence of gods and heroic spirits is the sustenance of people's beliefs and fantasy.

Therefore, even though "Camelot" is a movie full of fantasy, it still creates vivid characters.

This is why Mushroom is so obsessed with FGO's protagonist Fujimaru Tatsuka must be an ordinary person.

Once he lost his identity as [ordinary person], Fujimaru Tatsuka's many behaviors could no longer represent humans.

Because what Fujimaru Tatsuka created is a story that belongs to everyone.

Although Qiye didn't think that a Lixiang who was able to cross the North American continent in a short time, was still alive and quietly hugged and hugged, was just an ordinary person.

But this does not prevent Mushroom, the father of Fate, from thinking this way, right?

In his eyes, Lixiang is an ordinary person and that is an ordinary person.

As a director, Qiye only needs to put the script written by the screenwriter on the screen.

At the last moment of the movie, Bediwell returned the holy sword and used this behavior to show his loyalty to the king before leaving with a smile.

And the Chaldeans and his party finally ended this peculiarity.

Like the previous "Da Qin", the Chaldeans here failed to solve the most powerful enemy in the singularity.

It's no wonder that the Lion King is very upset.

Although it is indeed very exciting to run away after pretending to be forced, for those who are pretended to be forced, they will only feel very angry.

So the proud Lion King went offline, and Altria, who refused to admit defeat, stepped forward.

"Bah, what a mess."

Lily snorted coldly, listening to the spit of the audience behind her.

Is she the real Altria?!Even if it was his sister, what appeared was just a fake!

Then came things that made Lily even more unhappy.

On the screen, after the Lion King informed the Chaldeans about the Holy Grail in the age of mythology, Romani excitedly said that he would give you a kiss next time he met.

As a result, Ryan on the screen showed a very gentle and elegant smile.

"Okay, if there is another time."

Everyone in the movie hall knew about Ryan's relationship with Qiye, so they all made various noises.

Lily gestured to her sister, and then found that she was showing the same smile as on the screen.


Lily felt that the Coke she was drinking was too sour with lemon.

pS: Sorry for the late update, it's all Michan's own fault.

Originally, I didn’t finish doing homework during the day until the evening.

Then when I wrote this chapter, I got stuck, so I only published it now.(*/ω*)

Originally, Mi-chan wanted to write the plot of Chapter 6 in detail, but found that it was really too runny.

As Michan said in the article, Chapter 6 is very suitable for making a movie, but there is really nothing to say in words.

Because Mijiang can hardly find a slot in this story, even if there are a few playable stalks, it is not enough to help Mijiang write the whole story attractively.

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