Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1680

So after several revisions, it is the version that everyone sees._(:з∠)_

pS2: Without humans, there would be no gods. This is what the Lion King himself said in the sixth chapter script.Someone said that Mijiang has changed its settings, so let me clarify.

Also, the interpretation of Mi Jiang's works has always only represented his own point of view, which in itself is a very personal idea.

If you are interested, you can discuss it in the post, but don't quarrel or lead a war. It's good if everyone is harmonious and different.╮(╯▽╰)╭

pS3: This picture should be regarded as the scene of the plot of Chapter 6, although Da Bi Chi sauce did not appear in this chapter very much.

Chapter 908

Like "Da Qin", "Camelot", the latest work in the FGO series, has been released simultaneously with North America in China.

"Da Qin" won an unprecedented box office of 2.4 billion in the Tian Dynasty. Such an outstanding result naturally made the Tian Dynasty review department take a high look at this movie.

However, such a good thing is estimated to have only been in the past two years, and when the box office of the local Chinese film rises.

It is estimated that the time schedule of the May Day holiday will be insulated from imported films.

No matter the current audience does not know this kind of thing, they just want to watch more movies that they find refreshing.

For example, this "Camelot".

Sitting in the movie theater, Ma Zhongbo, who had just watched the film, breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the movie "Camelot" is not as stunning as "Da Qin", it is definitely a classic.

It can be considered worthy of his waiting for a year.

Well, in the eyes of Ma Zhongbo, "Da Qin" is number one in the world!

Because of "Da Qin", Ma Zhongbo also deliberately made up several other Fate movies. He has watched from the earliest FSN to the latest FGO series.

Compared with FSN tells the story of a man growing up, FZ tells the concept of justice, the FGO series is more about the concept of each hero.

Ma Zhongbo, who entered the pit from "Da Qin", feels this very strongly, especially in the creation of the core characters of singularity.

King Arthur in "Camelot" is wrong. It should be the Lion King who is almost equal to the first emperor of "Da Qin" in terms of combat power.

The two Chaldeans did not rely on their strength to win dignifiedly, but achieved their goal through trickery.

In fact, in Ma Zhongbo's view, compared to Qin Shihuang, who has always been a little concealed, he did not appear in real form until the latter part of the film.

The Lion King in "Camelot" showed his strength in the early stage of the movie.

Especially the kind of dimensionality reduction strikes like satellite orbital guns, it is simply invincible.

Of course, King Arthur is still no better than Qin Shihuang who directly lost the satellite.

However, this undoubtedly adds a greater sense of oppression and involvement to this character.

And in the whole film, the Chaldeans and his party are not only challenged by powerful enemies outside, but also by ghosts.

Holmes' suspicion about the role of Romani, and the final news of the Lion King, made the audience feel more confusing about the direction of the FGO story.

Originally, the audience thought this was just a very ordinary story of clearing and playing the boss, but did not expect that there is a hidden mystery?

Because it hasn't been a year since becoming a Fate fan, a lot of settings Ma Zhongbo still make up for it, but he can already foresee what the fan group will discuss in the future.

But apart from these various additional elements, "Camelot" itself is a very good movie.

It has a compact plot and a melee of multiple forces. In the alternate offense and defense, it completes the rapid advancement of multiple plot points, and finally gathers in the battle of the holy city.

This is the most common way of telling stories in the Fate series, but it allows the film to maintain a tense to abnormal rhythm from the first minute.

It makes people watch the entire movie without knowing it. The 150-minute duration seems to be fleeting.

What's more worth mentioning is that many of the plots in "Cameiro" used the plots and characters of the previous movies, making this movie more coherent as a series.

"But the pit is getting bigger and bigger."

When walking out of the cinema, Ma Zhongbo whispered a bb.

The original evil that the Lion King mentioned last is a new pit.

In fact, after making up so many Fate movies, his biggest feeling is that the director Kiryu Nanya is really a groundhog.

The pit is dug more and deeper.

Ma Zhongbo sighed, "Don't be unable to fill it in by yourself."

As a fan of a series, he is most afraid of digging holes and not filling such things.

Compared to new fans like Ma Zhongbo, old fans headed by Shi Zhifeng have no such idea.

It is the custom of Kiryu Seven Nights to leave a little suspense in every movie.

A seven-and-a-half chapter without digging is not a good director.

This is the consensus of all old fans.

"Oh, the first easter egg in the movie is really shocking."

Shi Zhifeng said to the two friends behind him while selecting his favorite surroundings in the cinema shop.

"Are you saying that Age Guiwen dragged his dying body to the throne of the king and gave the final report to the king?"

Asuna nodded vigorously: "It is indeed very touching. Although I also like Bediwell's kind, I still want a knight like Aggiwen."

[That is not a knight, but a steward, right?

Shi Zhifeng thought of picking up the key ring shaped like a holy gun.

"no problem!"

He Gu Lima held his wife's hands.

"I will always be Asuna's knight!"

Asuna's face flushed slightly, and she responded shyly, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


Seeing this scene, Shi Zhifeng silently walked to the other side of the sales department.

Too much dog food is bad for the stomach at night.

Kazuki didn't know what his friend was doing. He stared at Asuna and said, "Because Asuna is the queen I want to protect!"

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