Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1683

Seeing these unanimous praises, Ken Watanabe's mouth pursed.

He admitted that this is a very good commercial film, but these comments are too exaggerated, are they so good?

So Ken Watanabe read a few more pages of comments and found that he was still applauded.

[Kiryu Qiye's "Camelot" is definitely a new classic in the Fate series.]

[It is a well-deserved masterpiece worth seeing hundreds of times!All kinds of wonderful scenes make the audience nervous, and those scenes of fighting and blasting are enough to make you understand the true meaning of commercial movies.]

"It's a bit exaggerated."

Ken Watanabe whispered.

But this comment does not end.

[As a special effects action movie, the editing style of "Camelot" is very capable, and the accuracy is breathtaking. Almost no shot in the film is wasted.]

[I think this is due to the overly elaborate script written by Kiryu Nanaya.Watching the whole movie without stopping, people deeply sigh that the whole story is so smooth.]

[The two-and-a-half-hour movie watching process will definitely make you forget the concept of time, and you won't care about time.The movie plot alone is enough to make you tense every minute.]

[At the same time, the plot presentation in this movie is also very exciting. There is no extra line or scene in the whole film.Even a small detail will pave the way for the plot later.]

Although I wanted to refute this point of view, Watanabe knew that what the other party said was right.

Because he has just watched a movie and knows what kind of movie "Camelot" is.

Sitting in the car, Ken Watanabe finally sighed.

I have to admit that the comments of these fans are not exaggerated, and Kiryu Qiye’s film deserves such a praise.

"Camelot" is definitely not as good as "Madoka", but it is definitely a work with great commercial value potential.

Ken Watanabe gave a wry smile: "It's really amazing!"

Even as a competitor, he can't ignore such an outstanding performance.

At the same time, this also indicates that another Fate movie is about to explode!

[This? It's been ten years, why the audience hasn't gotten tired of this subject!

Ken Watanabe is now very worried about "Godzilla" which will be released later.

Nowadays, the word-of-mouth explosion of "Camelot" is inevitable, and a strong box office trend will definitely be drawn later.

Even after two weeks, the box office of "Godzilla" will inevitably be affected and impacted.

Although Ken Watanabe is only an actor in "Godzilla", the box office of the movie does not affect his pay for this movie.

But if "Godzilla" hits the street, he won't get anything good as an actor.

Ken Watanabe is Japanese. He doesn't have the same trial and error opportunity that whites can do again, so he must seize every movie he starred in.

That being the case, how can the impact of "Cameiro" be minimized?

Ken Watanabe frowned.

Attacking "Camelot"?

This is obviously not a good idea. Attacking them is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of the fans.

The number of fans that Kiryu Nanya and Fate have accumulated over the years is no joke.

Besides, Jiufeng Entertainment does not eat dry rice.

If I really did this, then Jiufeng Entertainment's endless revenge would be waiting for me.

Ken Watanabe knew in his heart that if he couldn't do it in Hollywood, then the Japanese entertainment circle could be a good way out.

But if you offend a large Japanese group like Jiufeng, you have cut your own back.


Ken Watanabe immediately thought of a way.

Since the attack can't be achieved, then you can completely catch the heat here.

If I remember correctly, Ivan Peters, the actor who played Bediwell in "Cameiro", has a lot to do with the actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson in "Godzilla".

Not only did they co-star in "King of Sea", they also played the role of Fast Silver in the two Marvel series of MCU and X-Men.

This is also a very good news hype spot in the current environment.

"I'm really a genius."

Ken Watanabe smiled and called the "Godzilla" promotion team with his mobile phone and told them his thoughts.

The publicity department of "Godzilla" is not a fool, and Watanabe's reminder made them immediately realize that this is a good idea.

After hanging up the phone.Ken Watanabe was suddenly very thankful that his film was not released at the same time as "Camelot".

In that case, it's really finished.

Outside the car window, the night in North America is getting darker, but the theaters in North America are getting more and more unquiet.

The premiere and the early stage can only be regarded as appetizers for the large-scale screening of "Cameiro", and the zero-point stop is the real first wave of movie viewing craze for "Cameiro".

Now the wave is coming.

Seven people's perspective of these two chapters.jpg

pS1: Watching the news today, Marta Kaufman, one of the creators of the "Friends" series, cried and apologized for the protagonist who was all white.


Now, is this world crazy or Michan crazy?Can anyone help Michan mark the direction.(?_?)?

pS2: The seven and a half chapters of these two chapters have not appeared. In order to prevent anyone from having any doubts, Michan uses a picture to explain the current state of Qi.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 910

The time was approaching midnight, and the AMC cinema in the Atlantic Times officialdom in Los Angeles was still crowded.

In absolute terms, Friday is only a few minutes away, and "Camelot" is about to begin large-scale releases.

Since the pre-sale of "Camelot" was too hot, AMC Cinemas has made sufficient preparations for today from the day of pre-sale.

Even if Friday is a working day, there are not many people in the theater.

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