Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1684

Compared with the silent shopping plaza outside, these are two extremes.

As soon as the admission time came at 11:45, the noisy theater lobby immediately became quiet.

All the movie fans lined up at the entrance of the theater in an orderly manner and checked in in order.

Those who can see the zero-point field are all old fans of Fate, and they are already familiar with the process of the zero-point field.

In fact, these fans know each other, even very familiar.

After all, Zero Point Field is definitely a movie theater close to home.

It's strange that the fans who often watch Zero Point Field don't know each other.

When the fans squeezed into the theater, only the theater staff and Cinemascore investigators sitting in the corner were left in the outside lobby.

Gareth Mitchell is one of them, she just got the job just after graduating from college.

She was sitting on a seat in the hall at this moment, yawning boredly.

In fact, she is neither a fan of Kiryu Qiye nor a fan of Fate, so she doesn't quite understand the fanaticism of these fans.

You will have to work or go to class tomorrow, but these people's congresses not only don't sleep at night, they also spend time and energy in the theater.

This kind of behavior is a waste of life in Gareth's eyes. What is so good about a popcorn movie?

It's not that Gareth doesn't watch commercial movies.

She just thinks that watching movies is a form of entertainment for relaxation.

The fact of staying up late to watch a movie goes against the original intention of watching movies as an entertainment activity.

But I have to admit that the movie "Camelot" is really charming.

Although the theater where Gareth was assigned does not have an advance show in the evening, many of her colleagues' theaters have an advance show.

According to colleagues, the live audience ratings of "Camelot" are all A+ without exception.

And the specific comments in the movie want to blow Kiryu Qiye and his film to the sky.

"Although the first batch of people I saw must be iron fans, this comment is really too exaggerated."

Gareth shook her head, she even suspected that her colleague made it up.

What is the world's best director, what is the pinnacle of popcorn movies, what is a great work.

Gareth never thought that a movie could get such praise.

No matter how good a movie is, isn’t it still a movie?

Gareth counteracted his sleepiness while playing on the phone.

If it wasn't for work, she would definitely lie in bed and go to sleep the first time.

I don't know how those fans resisted sleepiness and watched the movie.

After finally waiting for two and a half hours, the movie finally ended.

When he saw a fan coming out of the passage, Gareth couldn't wait to greet him.

Waiting for two and a half hours of emptiness made Gareth only one step away from going crazy, chatting with people and changing her mind is what she wants to do most now.

So Gareth stopped a female fan who was walking in the front.

"Hello, this is Gareth from Cinemascore...what's wrong?"

She introduced her identity as quickly as possible, only to see the other person staring at the name tag on her chest.

It stands to reason that a zero-point audience like this should not be unfamiliar to investigators like themselves.

But why--

The female fan grabbed Gareth's shoulder and sighed silently.

"poor child."


Gareth was even more confused now.

"Nothing, right?"

The fan finally returned to normal, she said without hesitation: "A+, it must be A+!"

"Do you have anything to say about this movie?"

Although he didn't figure out the reason for the other party's strange behavior, Gareth still completed his work very diligently.

"Well, this should be the best Fate movie so far! As for whether it can be regarded as the best in the entire series, that's a little hard to say. After all, the Fate series is always surpassing itself."

The female movie fan showed a look of yearning: "I don't know if Director Kiryu can continue to break through next time, but my mind can no longer imagine what a better Fate movie is like."

"Anyway," she gave Gareth a thumbs up, "absolutely this!"

"Thanks for your comment."

Gareth delivered a little gift to her.

The female fan nodded politely: "You're welcome. Miss Gareth, you also want to be strong."


If there is not work to be done, Gareth will definitely catch up and interrogate to the end.

Later, Gareth stopped another male fan who seemed to be under-age and asked the same question.

And the other party also stared at Gareth's brand name for a long time, just like the fan in the previous question.

"How do you say it." The male movie fan scratched his head and thought for a while before saying: "A very shocking movie, a commercial film can shoot such a depth, and only a few directors such as Kiryu Qiye and Nolan can do it."

Gareth asked, "What about the score?"

"A+!" He said positively, "It's definitely A+! Also, please don't despair."


Gareth didn't want to talk to the other person, and threw a question mark.

In the following time, Gareth collected more than a dozen comments from the audience.

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