Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1685

The score is the same as the previous two, both are A+.

At the same time, these people, without exception, made encouraging remarks to Gareth.

"The world is still bright."

"Please don't despair!"

"Gavin is a good brother, please don't hate him!"

Fortunately, we can end today's work by spot-checking 20 fans.

Otherwise, Gareth thought, keep going.One of the two, oneself and the world, must be crazy.

Given the size of the world, Gareth estimated that he was probably the one who went crazy in the end.

"Be sure to make time to watch the movie."

Gareth vowed to himself as he walked out of the theater.

If Gareth hasn’t noticed that these people’s actions were due to the "Camelot" movie until now, then she has gone to college for nothing.

Originally, Gareth was really not interested in this movie, but now she doesn't want to watch it but wants to watch it.

If you don't figure out the reason, Gareth feels that he must be suffocated.

In the theaters where "Camelot" was shown in the United States, it wasn't until 5:30 a.m., at three o'clock in the morning, that the scene ended, and it gradually became quiet.

But such a peaceful time will not last long at all.

Because by eight or nine o'clock, there will be a long line of hundreds of people at the entrance of the theater.

This has become a fixed scene in the first two days of each Fate large-scale release.

The related practitioners of the film have long been used to it. Every time a Fate film is released, they love and hate it.

What I love is that they can make a fortune by selling Fate; what I hate is that they have to work crazy overtime every time a Fate movie is released.

As the sun hung in the sky, in a villa near New York.

Qiye was sitting in the yard while enjoying the sun while eating breakfast.

Lily was wearing a close-fitting sportswear and was sitting on the side wiping sweat with a towel. This girl had just finished her morning exercise.

Well, not that kind of morning exercise, but the real morning exercise.

Qiye, who is over 40 years old, will naturally pay attention to maintaining his body. What he has done at night, if he wakes up in the morning, his body will be hollowed out.

Qiye put the last half of the bacon on the plate into her mouth and asked Sierra: "Has the fax from Jiufeng Entertainment arrived."

"Not yet." Serra offered Qiye a glass of milk and then Lily with a glass of water.

"I asked Ligelite to guard the fax machine," Serra said.

In Qiye's mind, Ligelite stared at the fax machine like an abandoned kitten.

Although it has now entered the information age, box office data can be sent directly by email.

However, Qiye is used to adding notes to some data, so every time the box office data needs a printout.

Lily drank the water in the cup in one sip, and then reminded: "Brother-in-law, you can check the mailbox, I want to know the data first."

"Well, go check it out on my computer."

Qiye got up and walked towards the house.

Smart phones these days are convenient and convenient, but the safety factor is still not good enough.

Qiye used a special office computer to receive confidential company documents.

After Qiye turned on the computer, Lily quickly scanned her own and Qiye's mailboxes, but did not find Jiufeng Entertainment or the e-mail sent to them by Shiyuan.

"Not yet..." Lily shook her head, "It looks like it will be a little later."

"It's okay, it will come out." Qiye touched Lily's head, "Are you in a hurry?"

"It's my sister's first movie after all~" Lily replied depressedly, fiddling with her feet.

Qiye didn't worry too much.

After all, the film's nearly 150 million pre-sale box office is here, and the attendance of the early and zero-point games must be very high, and even more than 90% is not a problem.

So in any case, the box office of the first round of screenings is definitely not bad.

Lily couldn't wait any longer, she simply clicked on the website.

"Look at the critics' comments first."

At the premiere last night, almost all the famous film critics in the United States were present.

Although they never liked the "vulgar" schedule of summer vacation, people always have to live in the world.

Even though they desperately want to refuse to comment on a popcorn movie, how can they—

Jiufeng gave too much.

pS: I found out that the old four masterpieces have been launched at station B, and a new time-killing tool has come.

It's a pity that Michan doesn't have enough time now..._(:з∠)_

Chapter 911Who opposes?

Although they don't have many favorable impressions of popcorn commercial films, North American film critics have already seen it.

As long as the "pureness" of the awards season can be guaranteed, this time will pretend to be grandson, and it will pass.

Look at the green dollars, don’t they smell good?

So apart from Roger Albert, the rest of the North American film critics all rated Camelot.

As for why there is no "old friend of Jiufeng Entertainment", the reason is that the other party had already received the Lord's call last year and left this world.

This makes Jiufeng Entertainment feel a little pity, after all, this film critic has helped them a lot in the last few years of their lives.

Especially after "Little Circle", several films of Jiufeng Entertainment were praised by Roger Albert.

Although Roger Albert was missing in "Camelot" this time, the rest of the film critics still gave good comments under the influence of the ability of money.

Lily put her arm around Qiye's arm, and her eyes were devoted to watching these professional film reviews.

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