Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1690


Saturday is a rest day, and there are still crowds in major theaters across the United States.

The attendance rate of all the theaters showing "Camelot" reached two-thirds, and the IMAX theaters were all full.

Starting from "Brother Killer", Kiryu Qiye's movie must be released in IMAX version.

The IMAX version must be the best version for viewing movies.

This kind of thinking is already in the minds of moviegoers all over the world.

Therefore, theaters with IMAX theaters are well prepared for the craze for watching the IMAX version of "Camelot".

Firstly, they are confident in Qiye, secondly, the crazy publicity of Jiufeng Entertainment has also increased their confidence.

Basically, on the first weekend of the FATE movie release, these theaters will add special time slots to the IMAX theater.

For example, the zero-point field and the three-point field, there will be such an arrangement of movies, both of which are the most popular movies.

"I came to see the Lion King played by Ryan Wetting. It is my life's dream to see King Arthur with big breasts!"

"This is Kiryu Qiye's movie, of course I want to watch it."

"IMDB's rating is very high, such a movie must be watched~"

People who walked into the theater early in the morning all have their own reasons, but their purpose is the same-to buy movie tickets for "Camelot".

The staff of those prosperous theaters entered the busiest stage from 7 or 8 in the morning.

A theater manager directly complained about "Camelot" in an interview with a media reporter.

"I worked until 3 in the morning last night, and got up at 5:30 this morning. I didn't even sleep well, let alone go home."

He pointed to his dark circles under his eyes, his face was full of helplessness.

The reporter immediately asked: "The movie's attendance rate is very good?"

The theater manager said directly: "Almost the venues are full, and there are even audiences fighting for seats in the movie."

Having said that, he couldn't help sighing: "Hey, such a lively scene, you can only see it only a few times a year when Fate movies are released. This is also the most profitable time for movie theaters hahahahaha~~"

Reporter: [You? Are you laughing?

However, although "Camelot" was still very popular on Saturday, the attendance rate dropped significantly.

The early screening on Thursday and the one-day screening on Friday have consumed the enthusiasm of many fans.

This is also a normal market law.

After all, not every movie will have more and more audiences like "Maiden".

It's just that with the spread of word of mouth, the number of audiences coming to the theater has increased.

Some bad reviews about "Camelot" are unavoidable.

"At most 60 points. If this is not a movie by a Hollywood super director, I don't think it is worth even 50 points."

An acne-faced audience commented to the camera: "I prefer the straight-on movie like "Iron Man". The plot of this "Camelot" is too tortuous and not refreshing enough."

Another female audience made similar comments.

"It doesn't mean anything at all, but the battle scenes are still made together. A boring movie makes all the handsome actors I like crazy. It's really too much."

There is no movie in this world that can satisfy all audiences and fans.

Anyway, similar negative reviews can be described as rare among many movie audiences.

So Qiye and Jiufeng Entertainment did not pay attention to these at all.

Because the number of bad reviews is so small that it can be ignored!

It's okay to let these bad reviews exist, all the good reviews sometimes seem too fake.

Anyway, compared to these few negative reviews, "Camelot" has been recognized and praised by most fans.

This is enough for Qiye and Jiufeng Entertainment.

Therefore, while Jiufeng Entertainment was still trying to increase the box office of "Camelot" through various channels, Qiye shifted his mind to "Warcraft Front".

The previous conflict with Rin in the conference room was play.

But of course Qiye will not just do this kind of meaningless things. He communicated his ideas face to face with the FGO creative team.

The morning sun again shone on the windows, illuminating the somewhat gloomy meeting room.

Rin's face was better than before, and she figured it out.

Isn't it just wearing shameful clothes?It is considered to be dedicated to art.

Besides, Istarin's costume has more ornaments and a pair of stockings than bikinis.

If you look at this as a new style swimsuit, Rin's mood immediately becomes more balanced.

Although it has been said before that you don't wear this kind of clothes before you die, no one should remember this, right?

But compared to Rin who had already admitted his fate, the others still had a lot to talk about with Qiye.

Every movie with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars means huge profits and power.

Therefore, everyone involved in it hopes that he can get his share.

Even if Qiye is the one with the heaviest say in the entire project, the differences between him and others still need to be resolved through step-by-step discussions.

These people are different from Rin, they can sleep in bed with a little effort.

Qiye needs words to convince them.

Each of them has their own position and interest demands.

For example, Fujimura Okawa, who plays the Leopard Man, has asked for the length of his time in the movie, hoping to give himself more time to appear on the scene.

Because she hopes that she can perform more funny performances in front of the camera to start an advertisement for herself.

It should be understood that although funny has a higher status in the Japanese entertainment industry, it often appears in some movies.

But they have never appeared in a Hollywood movie, let alone show their art.

From Dahe's point of view, if he can have more performance time, he might be able to tour the world next time.

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