Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1691

However, her proposal was directly rejected by Qiye. The length of the original "Warcraft Battlefront" movie was already very tight. How can there be American time for you to perform Japanese comics!

Qiye will naturally agree to those reasonable needs.

But the above kind of unreasonable, Qiye of course would refuse.Or negotiate a plan acceptable to both parties.

Fortunately, these people are willing to sit in the meeting room and communicate with Qiye, which shows that they have tended to cooperate with Jiufeng Entertainment and Qiye.

"It is necessary for me to explain this new Fate movie!"

At the end of the meeting, Qiye stood up: "Although this movie is still an FGO movie, it is not exactly the same in terms of frame."

"The biggest difference between this movie and the previous movies is the age. This is not ancient or modern, but the gods!"

When she said the last word, Qiye increased her volume.

"I think everyone has already seen the script and setting. Goddai is a very special period in the world of the moon. This era when the gods still exist will be completely different from the past peculiarities."

Qiye's meaning is very clear, he wants to highlight the power of God.

At the same time, this movie will be much more solemn than other FGO movies, because it will be the movie that needs the most apocalyptic aura besides "The Final Chapter".

The warm and harmonious atmosphere of the first half of the movie will be directly subverted after Tiamat appears.

In this way, it is very important to shape the atmosphere of the movie, which is why Qiye constantly emphasizes the relationship between God and Dai.

Speaking of, who should be the voice of Tiamat?That cute voice is the highlight of this character.

Qiye did not forget that there were countless Masters in her previous life, ignoring the identity of the beast step, and shouting, "Since the doctor can raise Gagai, then I have to mention it!"

Or, let Ah Fu try that fake QB?

pS: The above picture Mi-chan really likes it, and it feels like it can be used as an illustration for the battle of Mom.=w=

Chapter 914 Hey, I won the championship again

However, another thing about "Warcraft Battlefront" is more important than the voice of the voice.

That is to determine the movie duration of "Warcraft Battlefront" first.

Different from the peculiarities of the previous nonsense, the original game script of FGO has become more substantial since Chapter 6.

This means that while the quality of the game script has improved, it also means that it is more difficult to adapt to a movie.

After all, there is too much content to talk about, and the duration of the movie will be greatly increased.

In fact, when Qiye discussed with the script team, he thought about dividing "Warcraft Battlefront" into two parts.

But in the end Qiye gave up.

It's not that his conscience discovered it.

But Qiye found that the script of "Warcraft Battlefront" was not suitable for being divided into two parts.

Movies and fan dramas are two different carriers after all, and there are also very big differences in storytelling between the two.

Another important reason is the role of "Warcraft Front" in the FGO project.

It is an outpost of "The Final Chapter", so it must be made exciting enough to arouse the audience's desire to watch the next one.

This means that "Warcraft Front" must have a sufficiently exciting story.

But if it is divided into two chapters, it will produce a sense of fracture in the story, and it is a very strange sense of fracture.

This also leads to another problem, that is, the script of "Warcraft Front" is not well divided.

If it is divided according to the length of the script, then the place of separation should be the middle point of the plot, which is the alliance with the three goddesses.

But in this way, the content of the first article will be a bit loose and can even be expressed by water.

At the same time, the content of the lower part of the movie is too crowded, and the audience will feel a sense of incongruity when watching the movie.

And if it is divided according to the turning point of the script, the ideal dividing point is when everyone defeats Gorgon.

In other words, it is to use the moment of Timo's appearance as the dividing point between the next and the next.

But with such a score, the audience will be satisfied after watching the second part of "Warcraft Front".

Because the suspense left in the first part was accumulated after the next part was released, the audience had no regrets.

In this way, the audience lost the motivation to look forward to the "Final Chapter".

In other words, the expected value that Qiye originally intended to accumulate for "The Final Chapter" will be released under "Warcraft Front".

Don't watch the movie, it's just divided into two episodes, which means that the time difference between the two movies will be at least half a year to a year.

You know, the feeling of watching a movie story in the upper and lower episodes is completely different from watching the movie at a time.

If Qiye is only making the movie "Warcraft Battlefront", then it is completely fine.

But as a part of the FGO series, a single movie must serve the series planning.

This is also a shortcoming of the movie universe. The creators must consider the whole in their creation, so as to restrict the production of a single movie.

So after thinking for a long time, Qiye finally chose to compress "Warcraft Front" into a movie.

The duration was also set at about 3 hours by Qiye.

It's not that Qiye doesn't want to have any more time, but that 3 hours is already the limit for cinema movies.

No matter how long, the audience will not be able to bear it physically.

And the theaters will not agree to schedule a movie that exceeds three hours in such an important schedule as the summer.

What if the director of the movie is Kiryu Nanaya?

In terms of cost, this is an uneconomical sale.

Although Qiye found it difficult to tell the story of "Warcraft Battlefront" in three hours, she was very confident in her heart.

Although it is not a good idea to say that as a Xingyue chef, basically every drama of Xingyue has rhythm problems.

Almost every Fate is full marks for painting and fighting, but the rhythm is very awkward.

With Qiye's vision, the rhythm of the "Warcraft Battlefront" drama is optimized, and some cumbersome plots are streamlined, the story should be told within 3 hours.

Of course, the premise of simplification is that the film must tell the story completely and thoroughly.

Qiye even prepared Plan B for this.

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