Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1692

If the movie is finished, there is really no way to squeeze it into a movie when editing.

Qiye will decisively abandon the plan of a movie and change it to the next episode.

Qiye has been pursuing for the audience to maintain a good viewing experience.

If you blindly pursue the length of the movie, and edit the movie, Qiye doesn't want to do something that turns the cart before the horse.

That would only cut "Warcraft Battlefront" into a fan movie.

Qiye has never thought about making a pure fan movie, let alone making a movie that is very unfriendly to passers-by like the DC Cinema Universe next door.

Qiye Hope "Warcraft Battlefront" is a movie that passersby can watch without barriers as long as they understand the basic settings of the Fate movie.

Qiye is an old fan of Xingyue, but he will not make movies only for Xingyue fans.

Fan movies are indeed very selling points, and many of them can also produce impressive box office and market response.

Just like the "Twilight" series, that movie is tailored for fans from beginning to end.

But if it is limited to fans, then this movie cannot achieve the ambition that Qiye wants to pursue.

At the same time, this is why Qiye has repeatedly rejected Fujimura Okawa's desire to add a paragraph to the movie.

There is no extra time, and this approach runs counter to Qiye’s idea of ​​making movies.

Fate movies are not Marvel movies. Blindly funny and fun have never been the style of this movie.

"Commercial films don't necessarily need humor."

At the meeting, Nanya again rejected Fujimura's proposal.

"Too many commercial films these days have added humor to the film in pursuit of humor, but neglected to correspond to the theme."

"In my opinion, this approach is just an expression of unconfidence by the producers who are eager to meet certain targets."

"They don't care about the story and the characterization at all, they just try to make the movie "interesting" to gain audiences."

Qiye sipped his tea and explained his reason to everyone present.

In fact, Qiye could not tell them this at all, but those present were all important members in the next "Warcraft Front".

Let them know Qiye's concept of this film, which will help to cooperate in the future production of the film.

"Everyone should be very clear that whether a movie is interesting is never reflected in humor, otherwise the highest-grossing movie should be a comedy movie."

Qiye's words caused the others in the conference room to laugh in good faith.

Anyone who knows about movies knows that there is never an inevitable connection between movie sales and humor.

Audiences always go to popcorn movies because they are "cool", not because they are "fun".

Why Marvel movies have been criticized as childish? It is not because they abused the [Bathos] relationship in the movie.

As a result, the original tension and seriousness of the movie was diluted by the sudden humor.

This is why Russell Brothers' films have always been well received in Marvel movies.

Because they use humor very carefully.

Moreover, Qiye's way of giving up Dahe is to give up the movie humor.

In "Warcraft Front", the Leopard is still funny, Istarin is also a persecutor who is responsible for providing slots.

As for Fu Fu, it was always a cute mascot before "The Final Chapter".

But the funny plots that involve them are never meaningless, and Qiye needs to establish a character image through these plots.

"But this kind of humor is not a comic performance." Qiye looked at Dahe and said, "If Sister Fuji, you really want to perform a comic performance, I can definitely include it on the Blu-ray disc."

[In that case, it will not achieve the proper publicity effect at all!

Dahe's heart was full of bitterness, but she could only smile and replied, "Little Brother Qiye, then that's a deal."

What else can I do if I don't say that, Qiye has already given such a detailed explanation, is it possible that he has to come hard?

It has long been not the new director at the time, and Dahe can only obey his orders.

Just when Qiye gave the "Warcraft Front" crew a unified mind.

In the outside world, the box office of "Camelot" still continues to rise by leaps and bounds.

In the first round of screenings received 44.6 million US dollars, and the first day of screenings received 144.6 million US dollars.

"Camelot" did not stop its pace.

With the $250 million in the first weekend, all film companies can only kneel down and call Dad.

At this point, the glory of "Camelot" shined throughout North America.

For commercial films, box office statistics are the most true and direct response.

In terms of word of mouth, "Camelot" is not inferior to the box office.

Cinemascore theater audience ratings have always been maintained at the highest level of [A+]; IMDB fans still scored at 9.5; rotten tomato freshness was 94%, and popcorn index was 97%.

Not to mention the scores given by the media and film critics. The comprehensive scores are as high as 90 points or more, which can be said to be very popular.

There is no doubt that the North American box office of "Cameiro" will definitely break through the $300 million mark next week.

Not to mention foreign countries. Except for a few countries that have received some negative reviews due to religious factors, most countries have not detonated the local summer vacation.

According to the current situation, it is very likely that "Cameiro" won the 2014 summer box office championship.

In this regard, Qiye is still very humble.

After all, there are too many champions, and that's the case.

"Senior, your current expression is really super owed. It's really disgusting."

Only Zhi Zhi could make a disgusting voice at Qiye who was smirking.

pS1: Bathos [sudden drop method], this is explained in Chapter 637, so I won't repeat it here.╮(╯▽╰)╭

pS2: Fate’s tempo is notoriously problematic.

And the strange thing is, you have to say that this is the pot of the UFO club, and several things that are not made by the UFO club have similar situations.

It can only be said that Fate's script is poisonous, and ordinary supervisors can't control it._(:з∠)_

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