Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1699

When I was FSN, I encountered a situation where the shelf life of Ilia's Lolita was over.

This kind of thing is really bad.

Fortunately, in addition to "Warcraft Front", Anna will also make a cameo in "The Final Chapter".

The big deal is to reserve a little material when shooting "Warcraft Front".

"I will notify each agency to select suitable actors and send their information as soon as possible."

Promised another person in the casting team.

"The sooner the better, we don't have much time."

Qiye thought about it and said, "Before next weekend, I will hold the first audition for these three roles."

"Where is Quetzalcoatl?" Sugiyama asked again.

"Sell your personal love to Victoria's Secret, and let them come out there. Remember it's best to be a Latin American model, so it's closer to the setting."

Although the Quetzal Koyatel has many scenes, she is a vase from the perspective of the role of the movie.

Just pick a person with good looks and good figure.

There should be many such people in the modeling industry.

Anyway, when my eldest sister in her last life came out [Christmas..ver], she was spit out like a Victoria's Secret angel.

Just look for one from Victoria's Secret Angels this time.

For some other roles, Qiye really let go of the casting team.

After the audition is over, Qiye will review it again.

But as long as a black man is not forced into it, Qiye will generally not change their decision.

Originally, someone in Jiufeng Entertainment suggested that Qiye put together a five-star lineup and select some Oscar winners and actresses to join.

After all, the subsequent "Final Chapter" is a carnival for all the actors, and it can be regarded as making the cast of characters under the scene of Qiye more luxurious.

But this proposal has been rejected by Qiye.

You must know that the prices of the movie kings and movie queens are not too cheap, and it is obviously not worthwhile to invest high salaries in those small supporting roles that are not too important.

On the other hand, many of these celebrities and queens are box office poisons.

Although Qiye doesn't worship gods and Buddhas, she doesn't want to try poison by herself.

After handing over the task of the preliminary review to others, Qiye found her own action guide and special effects team.

Although the two sides have discussed the action special effects scene many times, Qiye still has a lot of details to communicate with them.

This kind of communication will run through all stages from preparation to shooting to post-production.

Special effects and action production are undoubtedly important selling points of "Warcraft Front", and Qiye certainly doesn't want to mess up.

The special effects part is naturally handed over to the special effects team of Jiufeng Entertainment, and Qiye communicates with them more in the expression of special effects.

Then there is the action design. This time there are too many characters in the movie, and the fighting style is also very different.

There are those who focus on long distances like Shining and Istarin; there are those who use Anna's dexterous style; there are also those who use Japanese kendo like Niu Wakamaru; and there are those who open their mouths like Grandpa... Uh, this is not.

Even large creatures of Gorgon and Tiamat will appear in the movie.

Qiye needs to think carefully about how to integrate so many action genres into a movie, while maintaining their own characteristics and integrating appropriately.

Before designing an action show, we must first know why the audience wants to watch an action show.

This is clearly stated in Qiye’s textbook when she first went to college.

More than 80% of ordinary viewers like to watch people fight on the screen mainly because of a mixture of two psychological aspects.

The first is violent catharsis. The most obvious example of this catharsis is that the audience feels very good to see Hulk hitting it on the screen.

Some people even have some kind of excitement during exercise, which makes their prostate drive more than 100 miles.

Although, Qiye thinks this statement is quite nonsense.

If someone has such a situation, they should go to the hospital to see if they have premature ejaculation problems.

But this is undoubtedly a cathartic violence.

Another kind of psychology is the pursuit of beauty, which is the violent aesthetics that everyone often talks about.

In reality, gangsters fight, either by beating the nose or chin.

There is no sense of beauty at all in this Wangbaquan routine.

But it is different on the screen. With the help of the lens language, the fight becomes very gorgeous and beautiful.

It's as if Wuyingjia only used the sound to hit the west, disturbing the enemy's target, and then attacked the opponent with its legs.

But on the screen, Master Huang turned on the speaker, kicking dozens of feet in mid-air gorgeously, without returning to the ground.

To sum up, movie action scenes must be both violent and gorgeous.

To put it bluntly, to make the fight under the camera look good, you must find the best balance between strength and elegance.

Then add condiments to it.

For example, let women fight, and then tear off clothes during the fight...


Qiye said that he is a serious director of all ages, and he has never involved such things as R grades.

If you don't believe it, you can ask the official of the Celestial Empire, all their records are all age-oriented movies.

In short, the fighting style of all characters in "Warcraft Front" is emphasizing strength and elegance.

Xiang Anna's kind of elegant route should emphasize grace and light strength.

As for large units like Timm, it is naturally the most direct physical attack.

Who can imagine that with Timm's body size, you need to show some tricks in the fight and attack your opponent with an aerial split?

Isn't it good to slap your face?

It's like when you hit mosquitoes, you never use Wing Chun, but the simplest and most direct slap to paste.

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