Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1700

So Qiye worked on the character's action design and their styling design.While waiting for the audition to come.

From the beginning of the project, "Warcraft Battlefront" has made a large-scale audition movement.

The media cannot be unaware of the existence of this movie.

Coupled with the fact that "Camelot" is still seeking box office around the world, the media is of course very concerned about this movie.

Unfortunately, there is no particularly valuable news about Warcraft Battlefront.

So most of the media just mention it when it comes to "Camelot".

There are also some hostile media cynics, feeling that Qiye’s success has come to an end, and then he will encounter successive defeats like Spielberg.

These Qiye ignored them, as if they had eaten too much lemons.

After all, the director has to rely on the movie to speak, and when the movie is released, these lemon spirits and nt naturally shut up.

However, as more and more news appeared in the media, Jiufeng Entertainment took advantage of the popularity of "Camelot" to officially start the pre-publicity of "Warcraft Front".

For example, the official website of "Warcraft Front" is set up, and various viral propaganda materials are placed on it.

And the establishment of a charitable foundation in the name of "Warcraft Front" to fund all kinds of people in need.

Although Hollywood's charity was originally done for tax avoidance, charity has become a trend in Hollywood over the years.

Jiufeng Entertainment and Qiye are naturally inevitable.

Finally, it's time for the audition meeting.

"Now, do you think Qiye would be pleasantly surprised to see me?"

"I don't know the surprise, but I think I will definitely be frightened."

Sugiyama complained to the person in front of him, his forehead was full of black lines.

I don't know what this guy is crazy about, so he sneaks up to participate in the audition.

If you really want to take part in the teacher's movie so much, can you just say no to him?

"Does he still not know that I am going to audition?"

"No, the teacher hasn't seen the audition list yet."

"Oh roar~"

Seeing the other party's triumphant smile, Sugiyama covered his face with one hand.

[Forget it, how do you like to play and how to play, I am too lazy to care.

pS: Chapter 918...This number...emmmm..._(:з∠)_

Chapter 919 Do You Think I Don't Know You After Wearing a Kimono?

"let's start."

Qiye sat behind the monitor and announced to all the staff on the scene.

"Remember to record."

After everyone got busy, Qiye nodded to the camera assistant controlling the camera.

The opponent immediately turned on the camera and aimed the camera at the door.

And in the simple studio outside the audition room, many young men and women sat.

These actors have similar characteristics, handsome men and beautiful women.

It is no exaggeration to say that if someone stood at the door and looked around.

Except for the agents or assistants who accompany the actors, the rest are all first-class creatures.

If Yankong came here, he would definitely think he had come to heaven.

However, none of the staff in the studio took a second look here, even the most arduous ones.

These people are all old employees of Jiufeng Entertainment. Although they may not have seen a few real big stars, what kind of good skins have not been seen?

In Hollywood, there are really not too many handsome men and beauties who are not in the mix.

If it's normal, these staff members may still have the thought of hitting up.

But today is a special day.

If they represent Jiufeng Entertainment, if they still want to work on their own, then these people would not dare to do any tendentious behavior towards any actor.

In case someone will make the wrong intention and cause some troubles to happen, no one will help oneself on the platform.

"Amber, I got the list of actors for the audition role on behalf of the relationship."

On a relatively empty bench, a man dressed in a suit and leather shoes was admonishing a beautiful young actress.

"Of all people, your reputation is the best, and your appearance is the best."

The broker continued to cheer up his clients and increase their confidence.

"I have done enough work with the company, plus your fiancé, I think your hope is the best."


Amber Hill, Depp's new fiancée nodded casually and confidently said: "After I got engaged to him, I am no longer a young actor. Those people should know how to choose."

Compared to other actors, Amber Heard is indeed more advantageous.

First of all, she is beautiful enough and has a good figure.In terms of appearance alone, how many people can match her?

Such actors have always been the first choice for vase roles in commercial movies.

On the other hand, because her relationship is strong enough, her fiance has a role in the "Camelot" movie.

With this incense, I shouldn't refuse to come to Jiufeng Entertainment.

Thinking of this, Amber Heard looked at himself in the big mirror in front of him.

Slender, slender, and beautiful... Definitely a beauty at the level of disaster to the country and the people.

[Helen in ancient Greece should not be as good as me.

Amber Heard tilted his chin triumphantly.

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