Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1710

This will undoubtedly extend the shooting time, but if the actor falls ill, it will only be more troublesome.

What's more, these actors are Qiye's babies, and he cares more about their physical condition.

Fortunately, they don't need to complete all the shots themselves.

After the scene that needs to show up is finished, the rest of the shots are handed over to the avatar.

"Game 8, Act 24, Action!"

The voice of Changji sounded, and another scene began to be filmed.

Shonan controlled the No. 1 camera and slowly lowered it, and the close-up pictures taken by the lens were transmitted to the director's monitor in front of Qiye.

Rin was wearing that suit between underwear and swimsuit, lying flat in the air under the control of Wia, only a few centimeters from the ground

From bottom to top, the camera shot Rin's weapon, Tianzhou Maanna, and then slowly moved to Rin's face.

In the filming just now, Rin’s stunt double, in order to evade the attack of the beast, directly performed an action similar to hiding in the stirrup to lie down on the sky boat.

Next, Rin should get up and shoot a light bullet at the monsters.

In the lens, Rin glanced at the green screen props representing Warcraft in the distance

Perhaps it was a flash of inspiration, and Lin suddenly raised the corners of his mouth.

In the footage transmitted by the monitor, Qiye could see that there was a hint of arrogance in the confidence of Rin's smile.


Qiye immediately yelled to stop, and said loudly, "All departments will return to their positions, and reshoot in ten minutes!"

In the set, an assistant immediately brought a small electric fan to Lin, and another assistant handed a sweat-wiping towel.

"Huh~ I feel that my sauna this year has been exhausted during this time."

Rin waved his hand as a fan twice, and then under Qiye's glare, he picked up the towel and wiped his sweat.

At this time, it’s the easiest to catch a cold, and Qiye doesn't want to catch a cold.

Seeing Rin obediently wipe his sweat, Qiye's expression relaxed.

He sat beside Rin and said directly, "Why did you laugh just now?"

"Hmm... I just think I should laugh."

Rin frowned, and answered in an uncertain tone.

"So... improvisation?" Qiye asked.

Rin thought for a while and nodded slightly.

Actors have improvisations that are common in the filming of the crew, and there are even many classic bridges from these improvisations.

When "Iron Man" was filmed, the script was one-third completed, and most of the dialogue scenes were filled by improvisation by actors.

It is not without reason that Downey is called the perfect Iron Man.

Nanya was very satisfied with Rin's improvisation just now, but he wanted to know why Rin did it.

Don't look at Lin getting the queen, but she is really pretty.

It is precisely because of this that Qiye wants to guide her and make her a veritable queen.

The actor makes excellent improvisations during the performance, and conforms to the role setting, with a finishing touch.

This is often the dividing line between excellent actors and ordinary actors.

"So, Rin thinks why is Istar laughing at that time?"


Rin thought for a long time, and then said in a slightly questioning tone: "Istar is a god of beauty, but she should also be a god of war, right?"

"The God of War should usually like to fight and enjoy the existence of fighting. Fighting with these monsters should make her feel very excited."

"Not bad."

Qiye nodded and approved Lin's statement.

"Get ready, let's take a picture."

Qiye seemed to think of something when he got up, and he told Lin again: "Keep in this state, think about the role more, think about how to play a good role."

It's working time, and Qiye didn't tell Lin Duo.

Anyway, after get off work in the afternoon, Qiye had time, and he could wait until that time to discuss it with Lin.

Qiye walked back to work, and the filming soon restarted.

In addition to Shining, "Warcraft Battlefront" is another major sentiment card, Istar and Aire will be the focus of the movie portrayed.

Nanya needs to let Rin retain the characteristics of FSN COSCO Saka Rin, while injecting new vitality into her two roles.

This requires Rin to perform [Rin Tosaka] at the same time, but also to make people see that this is Istar and Rin, rather than Rin Tosaka.

Not only does this sound awkward, it is also very difficult to do.

It's like making Downey play a Tony Stark character, but making people not think it is Tony Stark.

Qiye didn't think that Rin could perfectly fulfill her requirements, but Qiye still hoped that she could move closer to this goal without any restrictions.

Of course, in order to facilitate Rin to express this difference, Qiye also made corresponding changes.

In the setting of Seven Nights, Istar and Aire's personalities will be more extreme.

Although they are all arrogant, Istarin will be a little more arrogant, while Ellein will be a little more shy.

The duration of the movie is limited, and Qiye can't slowly expand the attributes of the characters, and can only use the simplest method to make the audience impressed with these characters.

By the way, if the characters of the two characters blend together, it would be a standard Tosaka Rin template.

At the same time, Nanya also gave up the emotional drama between Istarin and Elerin in the original game script about the protagonist Fujiwara Tatsuka, and instead turned to a purer friendship.

Apart from not having enough time to start, what is more important is that there is already Matthew beside Lixiang.

Looking at the vast majority of Hollywood commercial movies, except for those with love as the main line, love triangles rarely appear in most movies.

Not every series will have a bloody love triangle like X-Men.

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