Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1711

Qiye will of course deepen the bond between these people and the protagonist, but will not develop in the direction of love.

Intuitively speaking, with the exception of Matthew, the relationship between the other followers and Lixiang is more like the comradeship between the captain and the widow in "The US Team 2".

If you want the love between Istarin and the protagonist, you can play mobile games.

No matter if you are the King of Europe or Krypton, as long as you pull out the card, it will be your paper man wife.

By the way, Qiye can be regarded as using these female characters to brush up a wave of feminist meaning and emphasize the independent position of women.

In fact, the entire FGO series, from movies to web dramas, Qiye has the meaning of relying on this.

Although Qiye himself is very unfamiliar with those female boxing sports and activities that achieve political goals in the name of female boxing.

But this does not prevent Qiye from the heat.

As for commercial films, it is natural to pursue the maximization of profits and draw in all groups that may become movie audiences.

Why not have a good reputation by the way?

A week later, the small studio had been set up, and Qiye hurriedly took the crew out of the big stove and entered the relatively cool air-conditioned room.

Although it is certainly not comparable to those cool office buildings because of the shooting and setting reasons, it is much better than the previous stove studio.

With better working conditions, the crew members are more enthusiastic about their work.

After changing the studio, Qiye first filmed the scene where the protagonist team played against Timm in the movie.

In the studio, the crew is shooting a scene about Gilgamesh, played by Gavien.

In the setting, the turban on the king's head should have the same thing as two streamers.

Not only is Qiye restoring the card face in his memory, but also because this kind of thing blowing in the wind can effectively increase the character's handsome index.

However, in the actual shooting, Qiye did not add these two things.

The reason is simple, the streamer is too light to achieve the desired effect of Qiye in real shooting.

If it is really added, it will look very ugly under no wind.

And with a hair dryer, two things with the same tentacles will make a lot of ghostly movements.

In the first trial shooting, these two things directly blocked Gavien's eyes, making him very embarrassed.

Qiye simply gave up the idea of ​​actual shooting and let the special effects team add it in post-production.

Almost all the filming of "Warcraft Front" was placed in front of the green screen.

As a result, when shooting, the actors were unable to understand the specific intention of Qiye to make them do some actions because many of their actions were too abstract.

However, Qiye doesn't need them to understand, as long as he, the director and the post special effects members, understand what special effects these shots need to make.

The actors only need to perform in front of the camera to meet his requirements.

The current shots taken by Qiye can be said to be very rough preliminary products.

Compared with the final film, it is estimated that there is not even a 10% completion rate.

If you really want to show this to the audience, it is estimated that even the most senior Fate fans can't understand what it is acting on.

To complete these shots, you need to rely on post-production special effects.

This is why Qiye has to advance the post-production special effects before the shooting.

"Warcraft Front" needs to deal with too many special effects shots, and it can only parallel post-production work with shooting.

Throughout the summer shooting, Qiye has been in 996 working state.

During the day, the filming of the crew was carried out, and at night, the special effects production was exchanged with the special effects artists.

In fact, according to the situation of Qiye working until 0:00 every day, this is no longer 996, but 907.

It can only be said that the job of film director is really not something ordinary people can do.

If it were not for the love of movies, no one would be able to bear this sin.

pS: Hahaha, I didn't expect it, Michan actually added more!!(?°?°?)??

Chapter 925

Although Qiye never understood the specific production method of CGI special effects.

If he were asked to do CG, he estimated that he would be at the level of children's graffiti, but this did not prevent Qiye from communicating with the later team.

Qiye never needs to know what the CG production process is, he only needs the special effects team to achieve the effect in his mind.

It is not easy to turn the shots in front of the green screen into the final effect of the movie.

This requires very high imagination.

Not only the imagination of one person, but the imagination of the entire production team.

If the director's imagination is not enough, he will not be able to construct the picture he wants.

If the actor's imagination is not enough, he cannot make a realistic performance in front of the green screen.

If the imagination of the later personnel is not enough, the final CG effect will become very bad.

Generally speaking, making green screen movies is a job that requires all employees to have a high level of brain supplementation.

Of course, it is even more difficult that the results of these human brain supplements must be the same.

Regarding the action scenes of "Warcraft Battlefront", Qiye reduced the proportion of slow motion, fighting at all speeds.

Although slow motion is more aesthetic, it also takes up a lot of time.

This is really a nightmare for Qiye who wants to desperately compress time.

However, there are gains and losses in this kind of thing. Maybe this fast and fierce fighting style will become a feature of "Warcraft Front".

On the other hand, even though the combat shots need to be fast, this does not mean that the action scene will be so fast that nothing can be seen clearly.

This will leave the audience with a bad impression that the movie is catching up with the rhythm.

This is what Qiye didn't want to see.

Although Qiye does control the time, he can never show it in the movie.

So it needs to be able to see clearly every action in the shot after editing.

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