Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1727

Sitting in the media seat, Miss Arong saw Ma Xiu who was playing with Warcraft on the screen, and a smile appeared on her lips.

In the past, FGO movies like to start with memories, but this time they cut directly into the singularity itself.

This is like when a man used to do things, he liked to hold his sister and tell the two people's past experiences to incubate their relationship.

But this time, he went directly to the subject simply and rudely, and started strenuous exercise.

Well, the strenuous exercise here refers to the action scene, I want to face the wall crookedly.

"Occasionally, it's not bad even once..."

Miss Arong licked her lips with the tip of her tongue. The opening change made her realize that this "Warcraft Battlefront" may really be a different FGO movie.

pS: I saw that the open-air auction of the next door WW shopping site recently engaged in a very fascinating operation of bundled goods.

After the buyer purchases the NS Dongsen limited machine, a CD of "The End of the Beautiful 2" game will be provided.


Buy the old machine to give away Sony's games, and it's "The End of the Past 2"...

Although I know that there will be this operation because "The End of the United States 2" cannot be sold, but the operation of bundling NS is really too shameful.

Is this emphasizing "Nintendo is the master of the world"?╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 934

After Matthew solved the first batch of monsters, Lixiang and Matthew met Istarin who was looking for their own bull.

After a brief exchange with Rin and separation, Matthew and Lixiang met Enqidu.

At the same time these two encounters with new characters, Lixiang both encountered the attack of Warcraft.

The audience can clearly feel that the opening plot of "Warcraft Battlefront" unfolds very quickly.

Within ten minutes of the opening, the film has introduced two new characters.

It stands to reason that the opening plot of the movie is so dense, it will give the audience a very confused feeling.

But in fact, the audience is very clear about a few characters.

Although I can't say that I know these characters well, at least I have a general understanding of the character of each character.

The biggest contributor to this is Qiye's superb lens language art.

Qiye always believes that a good character image is never spoken out, but performed.

Many commercial films like to let other characters introduce the characters in the film to the audience through various language descriptions.

But in fact, this approach will not help the characters in any way other than making the audience annoyed by Tang Seng chanting scriptures.

The really good way to express the character of a character is definitely through the language of the lens.

Through the expressions and actions of the actor, tell the audience what kind of person he is in the role.

For example, when Istarin asked Lixiang if he saw the bull of the sky that he had lost.

The audience can see that this goddess is a daredevil.

And her evasive words can also let the audience know that she is a big arrogant.

As for Rin's charm as a woman, Qiye was already very intuitive when she eliminated the Warcraft.

After all, those beautiful legs that occupies half of the screen, both men and women will be very yearning.

Qiye is certainly not Quentin's kind of foot control, he is the most standard full control.

However, He Lin himself is not enough, only those legs can show off in front of the camera.

So Qiye can only focus on the performance of the legs.

As for Jin Gu, who appeared later than Istarin, Qiye also made the audience feel his arrogance through his dialogue with Lixiang.

I have to say that the acting skills of the two ceremonies have really improved a lot compared to the early years.

Jin Gu was polite on the surface, but in fact the coldness and arrogance in his bones made the two ceremonies very good.

When the audience first saw this character, they did feel that the other party was a reliable helper.

But gradually the audience could feel the coldness of Jin Gu in the eyes of the other party.

Especially after Jin Gu appeared, Qiye used several close-up shots of Jin Gu's emotionless eyes, which made the audience faintly disturbed by this new character.

Movies are different from games. The sudden reversal that can occur in many games requires sufficient preparation in the movie to instill emotions for the audience.

The scene of Enkidu is actually Jin Gu can be directly said in the game, because players have enough time to digest this amazing turning point.

But it's different in the movie. Because of the tight plot, Qiye must let the audience go through this link as smoothly as possible.

There are so many shocking things behind "Warcraft Front", there is no need to entangle only this one point.

Not to mention that the length of this movie is so tight. Of course, Qiye must use the fastest speed to help the audience clarify the relationship between the characters.

In fact, the plot in the original game script has also been criticized.

Merlin suddenly appeared and told Lixiang that this approach was too cheating, and made some players feel bad.

At that time, Lixiang and Matthew were in an environment that had been deceived by Jin Gu. Without external influence, they would definitely be deceived by Jin Gu.

Under such circumstances, Merlin showed up and pointed out that Jin Gu was a liar.

The transition is too abrupt.

Of course, this can be explained by Merlin's clairvoyance or something else.

But the explanation belongs to the explanation, and the sense of abruptness when reading the story is always there.

In fact, there are several similar sections in the script of "Warcraft Battlefront". From this we can also see that Mushroom is doing whatever he wants when writing this script.

Qiye first used the lens to pave the way, implying that Jin Gu is a bad person, and then through Merlin's method of debunking, there are still problems with the script logic, but it can make the audience more receptive.

Lixiang and Matthew, who are in the story, may be surprised after receiving Merlin's guidance, but the audience will feel that way.

This can be regarded as a lazy Qiye made by using the audience's perspective of God.

But Enkidu's handsome appearance was really confusing. Although the audience was confused, they didn't care too much.

Because their attention at this time has been deeply attracted by the scenery on the screen.

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