Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1728

When Jin Gu led Lixiang and Matthew away from the deserted town and came to a high place to look at them, all the audience cried out.

At this moment, the expressions of the audience are in sync with Lixiang on the screen.

"this is……"

"Yes, this is the hope of mankind." Jin Gu introduced to Chaldea and the audience, "Guardian the world's largest and last fortress-Absolute Warcraft Front, Babylonia."

The picture began to zoom out from near, and a majestic man-made wall appeared in front of everyone.

Although this is just a simple scene, it shocked all the viewers who were watching the movie, making them unable to continue thinking!

On the vast plain, a wall across the screen divides the picture into two.

This huge city wall is so magnificent, and the monsters that run on the plain seem so small.

Accompanied by the magnificent BGM, the camera became a close-up of the city wall, and then the title appeared-"Warcraft Front".

William looked at the title composed of rocks. At the time of the trailer, he didn't know exactly what the so-called "Warcraft Battlefront" meant.

And now, he was already clear and couldn't be clear anymore.

So far, the plot of "Warcraft Battlefront" has officially begun.

But it has brought a lot of surprises to the audience.

Although one cannot see too much at the beginning, the amount of information conveyed is enough.

Lixiang and Matthew come to the singularity and find that Mesopotamia is on the verge of extinction.

The enemy of mankind is the [Three Goddess League] composed of three goddesses. Because of their appearance, 60% of the land of Mesopotamia has been taken away.

The humans who survived the crisis fled to Uruk City and built a triple huge wall...

Keke, I played.

In short, the ten-minute foreplay at the opening basically clarified the main story of the movie.

Mankind faces the fear of the goddess destroying himself. Fujimaru Tatsuka, the last lord of mankind, his task is to defeat the [Three Goddess League] and return the people of Mesopotamia to a bright future.

It seems that the story outline is not much different from the previous FGO, but it is enough to attract people to continue watching.

But will the story really develop like the traditional FGO story frame?

After the title disappeared, Jin Gu had already brought the Chaldean duo to a forest.

The audience originally thought that after going through the majestic scene just now, they have now entered a relatively soothing plot.

But unexpectedly, after Jin Gu and Lixiang exchanged a few words, Mei Lin jumped out with Anna.

Then Jin Gu staged a Sichuan Opera face change on the screen.

The moment Meilin revealed that Enqidu was dead, he shot Lixiang directly.

Although the audience was wary of this strange "Enqidu", they were still shocked when they really turned their faces.

After all, the speed at which Enqidu turned his face in the camera was so fast, before the audience reacted, Chain had already attacked Lixiang.

After Ma Xiu bounced off Jin Gu's attack, Anna also joined the battle.

The action scene without warning came so suddenly that the hearts of the audience who thought they were going to enter the mode of storytelling and literary drama were once again picked up.

However, this battle started suddenly and ended very suddenly.

Just as the essence of this battle was an illusion created by Mei Lin, when the audience awakened from the illusion with Jin Gu, the battle had been dismissed.

"Cut, damn all age limit."

Seeing Anna on the screen wrapped in thick armor and a cloak that almost covered her whole body, William couldn't help but curl his lips.

While other viewers around were discussing this inexplicable battle, William was pitying for Little Anna.

Although he only played for a few minutes, Anna, this little loli, left a very deep impression on him.

As a senior FGO chef and a staff member of a film company, William has a very deep understanding of the design of various followers in FGO.

He knows very well that with Kiryu Qiye's idea of ​​FGO's business supremacy, the costume design of all female characters will move closer to the allure.

Precisely because of this, Anna's shape has a very serious sense of abruptness. Comparing with the shape of Matthew, you can know that Anna's shape has obviously been specially modified.

As for the reason, as an American, William certainly knew the reason.

Although William never processed heavy metals, he had no idea about copper smelting.

But obviously Anna can be more attractive, but the man who wears it for some reasons everyone understands is strict.

Compared to Anna, the new Merlin made William rub his chin constantly.

From the moment he announced the makeup photo, William had a feeling that Merlin's look seemed to be seen somewhere.

It’s definitely not Robert Downey Jr’s other movies, or FGO movies.

And this feeling became clearer and clearer with the screening of "Warcraft Battlefront", it was just the last kick.

When Merlin finished introducing herself, and then Fufu jumped up and kicked, William finally knew where Merlin was familiar.

"Damn." William tapped his palm suddenly, "Isn't this Merlin's shape just a big Fufujing!"

pS: GF Pokémon press conference at 9 o'clock, actually announced Pokémon MOBA...

Although Michan has said, a big IP and enough characters can make any game.

But GF and Tencent actually came to this hand, really...

By the way, this year's game companies and film companies are all thieves...

Neither one knew what was thinking._

Chapter 935

Magician Mei Lin, with clairvoyance, as a crown back man, has many nicknames such as Mei Tianli and Mei Conscience.

But all fans of Fate should not be ignorant of this role.

As an unavoidable character in the legend of King Arthur, fans also have countless speculations about Merlin's image.

But they really didn't expect that the real Merlin was so...indifferent.

Flirtatious demeanor, nasty mouth, and expression without any sense of tension.

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