Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 213

Such a role is very simple, basically anyone with a little acting skills can do it.

Therefore, most of the actors who applied for auditions are just those who are usually outrageous, and some even don't even have a firm.

Therefore, Qiye also hopes to find one or two good shoots from these actors through the interview, even if there are still shortcomings, but there is development potential.

[Erque Studio] There are too few actors in my hand now. No, it should be said that there are only two ceremonies who can truly be regarded as the studio’s own actors.

Zhizhi is now completely separated from the actors and turned to behind the scenes. As for the Trier, their contracts are half outsiders in Jiufeng's hands.

In fact, Illiya's contract is in the hands of the firm, but although Little Lori is only a mixed race, she looks too white.

So there are too few roles that Lori can play.

Therefore, Qiye hopes to expand the cast of the studio.

However, after several auditions, Qiye did not have any particularly satisfied actors.

"Sure enough, this sort of thing is not suitable for me."

Qiye complained that although the selection of actors went very smoothly, none of the good seedlings he wanted to get appeared.

"This is also no way. If someone like that has been poached by the major offices a long time ago, it will be your turn to pick someone. You, you need to be content."

Siji, who is also sitting on the judges' bench with Qiye, spit out Erlang's legs.

This guy was specially invited by Nanaya to help him audition, in order to choose a suitable "Asakami Fujino" as much as possible.

Although the role of Fujino Asakami is not complicated to set, as a character whose spirit is on the verge of collapse all year round, it is not easy to play her well.

It can be said that this is an indispensable role for acting and appearance.

Qiye was afraid that her eyes would not be closed, so she deliberately found Four Seasons, not long after returning home, and asked him to watch it together.

After all, this guy is engaged in art movies, and he must have a lot better control over the actors' acting than Qiye.

For Siji, this is also a good opportunity to store actor information (watching beauties) for his future movies, so he also came here.

It's just that this guy wore sunglasses all the time, with Erlang's legs tilted up, with a cynical look.

Qiye really wanted to ask the security to throw him out.

"Don't worry, isn't this the role you said hasn't reached yet." Siji fiddled with his glasses and said, "When the audition officially begins, I will watch it."

[In other words, you didn't look at it carefully just now.

Qiye curled his lips.

"Speaking of which, how is your new movie?" Qiye remembered that Shiji was still filming in Hawaii when she first returned to Japan.

Four Seasons said relaxedly: "The shooting is over, the rest is post-production, and then go to major film festivals to sell."

"That's really easy. I can't compare to you at all. I am born to be a toil."

"Go! If I can, I would also like to have a global box office of 500 million US dollars!"

Shiji stared at Qiye and said, "Unfortunately, except for Japan, Lao Tzu's romance films can only be regarded as mediocre at the box office."

Qiye said: "After all, most of the love movies can only show off locally."

Romance movies, comedy movies, and horror movies are all the movie types that are the easiest to make a dark horse with a small blog, but these three movies also have the strongest regional style.

Because these three types of themes are very closely related to the local culture, the geographical label is very strong.

Therefore, it is difficult for these three types of films to perform particularly brilliantly after they are separated from the local and their own cultural circles.

Some are classics, the kind that can enter film history.

"That said, let's start the next group."

Four Seasons played with a signature pen and replied—because the audition room was non-smoking, he could not play cigarettes.

"You don't need to order me!"

Qiye complained, and then signaled the staff to let the actors in for the audition.

"How did you write?"

Between the actors' performances, Qiye turned over two pages of his notebook.


I protested, but it was of no use.

"It's too brief." Qiye said, flipping through the notebook. "Write in more detail, such as the evaluation of the actor's look and devotion. Write it down."

"Are you a teacher?"

Unhappy and took back the notebook.

"Sorry, I am your teacher now. As a student, you must obey my instructions." Qiye replied triumphantly, holding his chin on.

"He's right." Siji increased his backward range so that he could bypass Qiye's body seeing pose.

"Girl, although you are a little higher than your younger brother in acting talent, your sex is too late and you need to work harder, otherwise you will not be qualified for the popular role of [Two Ceremonies]."

"Cut, you don't need to educate me one by one!"

Shishi replied bitterly, but the notes she wrote next were much more detailed than before.

It seemed that she had listened more or less.

The next audition role is Aruba, this magician who is a joke from name to experience, and the most thorough magician for passers-by.

Qiye didn't know that when Mushroom was writing this character, he didn't know the meaning of the word [Aruba].

If it is not, it is a coincidence called the evil of the world; if it is, it is the evil taste of the mushroom itself.

Considering the mushroom's love for Chinese culture, this is really hard to say.

In the end, this role was taken by an arrogant-looking actor, because this guy was as owed as Shonan Rantaro when performing.

The audition after that was the highlight of today-Fujino's audition.


"Well, thank you for your performance. We will notify you if the audition passes."

At Qiye's sign, the actress who auditioned in front of her bowed and left.

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