Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 214

"Not at all, this woman keeps her face covered, the ghost knows if she is laughing."

After the actress left, Qiye directly complained.

The actress who was auditioning just now seemed to cover up her lack of expression and would always cover her face from time to time.

This bad habit makes Qiye extremely annoyed.

Four Seasons nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, covering your face in any performance is the most important thing."

"Because the audience can't see the actor's expression?" Shishi asked uncertainly.

"Yes." Qiye said with her fingers in her eyes, "and that woman keeps covering her eyes when she covers her face. This is the most terrible thing. In general scripts, except in rare cases, even if the character covers her face, it is just Just cover your mouth, your eyes will never be blocked."

"Blocking the eyes means losing communication with the audience. In this case, the audience will be confused by the character's current mood."

Four Seasons added a sentence.

"How many auditions have you audited now?"

"Half already."

Shiki glanced at the number and replied, "It seems that it is difficult to have any good products, how about you let Ms. Matsushima Nanako play? If you make it clear, I think the other party will not disagree."

"how is this possible."

Qiye directly rejected this proposal because he couldn't show his face at all.

"Then the next one." Qiye glanced at the sign, "No. 48."

The door of the audition room opened, and a woman with long black hair in a dark blue dress walked in. She glanced at the few people sitting behind the judges' bench, and then walked slowly to the crowd.

"Hello everyone."

After speaking, the other party looked at the judges' bench like this, and the purple eyes were facing Qiye's sight so calmly, as if waiting for something.

Qiye feels a little weird. You should know that most actors will always introduce themselves after they come in, although Qiye and Siji don't have any thoughts to remember.

[Is this going to do the opposite, or is it pure character?

Qiye knows that some actors will deliberately make some unreasonable actions, hoping to gain the approval of the director and judges.He even knew that some people would deliberately show their very careful side, such as packing up the props they used, or picking up things left by the staff.

Qiye said that all of them were poisoned by drinking too much chicken soup. For a director, whether he would use an actor or not would only depend on two factors. One is whether the actor is suitable for his role, and the other is the resources the actor owns.

The rest of the personality is simply nonsense, because people with poor personality want as many as there are in the entertainment industry.

But I have to admit that regardless of whether the other party is intentional or the character is originally like this, this long-haired lady has indeed attracted Qiye's attention.

Of course, the main reason is that the other person's looks are really good, and beautiful women can get preferential treatment wherever they go.

"Then, let's start, after all, there are still many people waiting."

Qiye propped her chin and said, "The time limit is 3 to 5 minutes. I hope you can perform an injured painless patient. If you are not able to perform well, I will stop directly. You know what I mean?"

In fact, it will not stop directly, regardless of whether it will eventually be admitted, Qiye will at least let these actors perform at least 3 minutes.To say this sentence is to add a sense of urgency to the actors and let them release their performance as much as possible.

And letting the auditioning actors perform for 3 minutes is to give these actors the most basic respect.

This is Qiye's last kindness as a director.


The other party nodded, and then stood there motionless, she just looked at Qiye with a blank stare.

"Don't you start?"

Qiye asked after waiting for a minute.


The beauty of No. 48 replied slowly: "Patients without pain, shouldn't they feel nothing?"


pS: Originally I wanted to put the picture in the next chapter, but I was afraid that everyone would confuse this with another Zifa...big sister, so I changed it to this chapter.(o▽)o...

Chapter 158


Qiye was really interested in the beauty in front of her.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and looked very surprised.

When the previous actors performed their performances, in order to show their acting skills as much as possible, almost all of them chose the appearance of painless patients when they saw their wounds.

This is not wrong, but none of their performances are qualified.

It is estimated that there is rarely the experience of encountering such a rare patient as painless, so many of them will appear very uncoordinated in their movements and expressions.

It's not that it's too pretentious to make people feel like they're acting at all; it's that the body and emotions are completely out of sync, and it makes people feel at a loss.

Although this Miss 48 has a dull gaze, it should be Fujino's early feelings.

It's simply not enough.

"It's because I didn't say it clearly. Please show the expression of the painless patient when he sees his wounds."

Qiye said with a smile, he wanted to see if the young lady was really blank or performing.

The black long straight lady's eyes flickered, and she looked up her arm-it seemed that she set the wound position on her hand.

Confused, and then showed a painful look.

Qiye didn't speak, he took a pen and lightly tapped on the paper. He felt somewhat acceptable to this young lady's performance.

Although painless patients are a special group, they are still members of society, and they will definitely want to integrate into the group.

So they will definitely show their normal side as much as possible, but this side will definitely still be obviously different from normal people.

So, what actors should really express is this feeling.

It's just that the other party's slow expression still can't make Qiye very sure, after all, the other party's expression is like this after entering the door.

[The remaining paragraphs need to be tested...]

Qiye made up his mind and said: "The next paragraph, let's show that you have recovered the feeling of pain in your current state."

Several people have reached this point before, but they have not completed this topic.

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