Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 222

In fact, Strictly speaking, Qiye's "Realm of the Sky" series can also be regarded as an urban myth in a horror film.

It's just that Qiye's shooting method makes "King no Realm" closer to the type of special effects commercial film.

It's a pity that the timeline of Qiye's version of "Remains of Pain" is after "Overlooking the Landscape", otherwise it would allow this lady ghost to appear in two more shots instead of just living in everyone's memories.

"Director Kiryu, you are really too much."

Sugihara responded with a small mouth pouting to Qiye's statement.

Qiye smiled heartlessly: "Well~ I just think it's too early to arrange your character to die."

Sugihara was just playing with Qiye, and she was not really angry.

"It's a pity, even if Director Kiryu wants to change the settings, I don't have the time."

"I'm going to join the crew of director Takashi Shimizu next month. This is the schedule that was agreed six months ago."

"If it weren't for Director Kiryu, if you just made a few small shots on your side, I wouldn't be able to take this job."

"Taka Shimizu?"

Nanya has a little impression of the Japanese horror film director.

[Should it be "The Grudge"?But counting time is almost the same.But is the Wutiao mist painted version of Jiaco?I always feel that the style of painting has become a little strange.


pS1: Shinichi Ooka is probably the most well-known President of Tsuburaya in China besides the Tsuburaya family.He is the longest-serving President Tsuburaya since 2003 and he has been in 2017 since 2008.

It was also under his leadership that Tsuburaya finally stabilized by selling Showa and Heisei.

This is a photographer from Tsuburaya, and is considered an old man who entered Tsuburaya in 1969.Beginning as a photography assistant, successively served as production director, director, managing director, vice president, and president.

His resume can be regarded as the ideal job resume for a normal Japanese animal to retire after entering the company, but in most cases he has no special background or a good education such as Dongda, and it is the end to be a minister.


pS2: "The Grudge" was released in January 2003. According to the production schedule of Japanese movies, it is about this time.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 162 Implant Ads in Movies

Thinking of the pretty good-looking girl in front of me might become a nightmare for countless people in the future.

Qiye couldn't help feeling silent for her future.

"Sugahara, you will definitely become a very remarkable existence in the future, and it must be very good to work with Zhang Liao, the famous ancient Chinese general."

Let Sugihara let the child cry, and let Zhang Liao stop crying.

It's a pity that this young lady couldn't be born in the Three Kingdoms, otherwise she could form the world's earliest fishing law enforcement agency with Zhang Liao.

"I always think what you said by Director Kiryu is definitely not a good thing!"

Sugihara is not a Chinese expert. Although she knows that Zhang Liao is a famous general in ancient times, the allusion of Zhi Jiangdong children crying is really not very clear.

Just out of female intuition, she could probably guess that what Qiye said was not good.

"But, the director, your vision is really good."

Shanyuan looked at Ji Yongzi who was applying makeup and said with some envy: "This newcomer is much more beautiful than us back then."

[Nonsense, people don't think I can choose her?

There are not many roles in "Remains of Pain", and the drama is less important.

Among them, Nanya is undoubtedly the only two roles that are most valued, the Ritual and Asakami Fujino.

As a two-female movie, the two roles of [Two Ceremonies] and [Asakami Fujino] must be equal in all aspects.

Ability, appearance, special meaning for [death], etc.

As for actors, the two actors need to be as close as possible.

From this point of view, the two rituals and Ji Yongzi are both considered the same type of person.

Both are the identity of the eldest lady, and both are the first time to play an important role in the movie.

Of course, the most important thing is that the appearance of these two is beautiful enough.

Beauty has always been the finishing touch in Qiye's works. Qiye has always been very picky about the female characters under her lens.

In Qiye's view, the actresses in commercial films are the vases for the film story to set off and decorate, but this does not mean that female characters are easy to handle.

The vase is not equal to the doll, acting and appearance need to be considered.

Although commercial films have lower requirements for acting skills, low and no are two concepts.

A vase with no acting skills will only bore the audience. If the beautiful face remains unchanged, it will only be a face.

Of course, there is also the collocation of actors and movie styles.

Each vase has its own characteristic pattern, and no one can take a blue and white porcelain and put it in a room decorated with punk flavor.

That look is really nondescript.

The two rituals and Ji Yongzi at least seem to fit the image of the eldest lady in the script at least-provided that the two rituals sit quietly and cos her brother in place.

"This is the problem of the fit between the actor and the role." Qiye proudly introduced the female ghost sister, "The matching of the roles is the most important."

"That's why the director would choose a girl who is slow to respond?" Shuihara said with a smirk. "I heard that the situation of the beautiful girl with big breasts in the director's setting is unusually miserable, I I thought the Wutiao mist painting I played at the beginning is the ultimate expression of your evil taste."

"Hey, don't tell me I seem to like to abuse girls very much."

Qiye didn't want to carry this pot, he just created the character according to the setting of the mushroom.

Mushroom seems to have a soft spot for the tragic situation of girls who are weak or accustomed to resignation.

Asakami Fujino and Makiri Sakura are weak-character girls who are not in a good situation under Mushroom.

When he described these girls, their experiences were basically the kind of encounters with the ultimate goal of playing bad.

Let the girl despair to fall into the darkest state, and then directly touch the bottom to bounce directly black.

In comparison, the situation is much better for the powerful girls like the two rituals and Qingzi.

Although it is definitely not a bright, but at least it will not be played as a baby or as a worm's nest.

Compared to mushrooms, Qiye thinks that she is already a very positive creator.

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