Shadow queen development plan

Queen's Foster Plan Chapter 223

Didn’t see, has he revised the origin story of Asakami Fujino?

"I'm a loving director, you can directly call me [Love Warrior]." Qiye said shamelessly.

However, Shanyuan did not think so.

"Director Kiryu, just deceive yourself and others."

Shanyuan took out the "Goblin Slayer" poster she was carrying, pointed to a certain female martial artist on it, and said, "This young lady who happened to the goblin in the cave and the indescribable thing happened to you. Say it."


Qiye turned her head and said nothing.

"You're still just as childish...Forget it, you've taken it all out, the chance is rare, so you can sign for me."

Shanyuan chuckled, and she handed the poster to Qiye.

Qiye picked up the marker beside her and wrote her name on the bottom of the poster.

"Hey, why did you think of asking me to sign?"

"For collection, you don't hold a signing meeting anyway." Shanyuan carefully put the poster away, "In this case, your signed poster must be very rare, and I will have more face when I hang it directly in the living room."


Qiye still wanted to say something, but a dramatist came over.

"Boss, the manager of the cafe wants to tell you about the venue."

"Sorry, let's be with you."

Qiye greeted Shanyuan, and then left with the crew.


Shanyuan glanced at the two ceremonies in the final preparations, and a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

[It would be great if I could also have a senior director like this.

Although it is a job to support the family, Shanyuan does not like to play a scary female ghost.

If possible, she certainly hopes to become a well-known actor like Ryogiori, who can not only play the leading role of a well-known director, but also direct TV dramas with the support of this senior director.

But without family connections, she can only be considered a middle-class girl, she has no such good luck at all.

If she wants to eat in the entertainment industry, which is extremely competitive, Shanyuan can only give full play to her advantages, even if this advantage is not what she wants.

Because this is the only way for actors like her to survive in the circle.


"So let's do it, just in case I will extend the lease date back by 2 days. Then there should be no problem."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Kiryu."

When shaking hands with Qiye, the cafe owner smiled very happily, and Qiye also had a smile on her face.

Both of them got the results they wanted.

According to the agreement, Qiye can borrow the coffee shop for shooting, but he needs to show the name of the coffee shop in the feature film.

Of course, Qiye is also responsible for redecorating the cafe. As a reward, Qiye does not need to pay for renting the venue.

In fact, this is incidental to the crew, because the new decoration was originally the style of the store's set.

It's not a loss for the boss. With the popularity of the movie, his cafe on the outskirts of the city should be popular for a while.

And it's free to decorate, this kind of good thing is very rare.

It can be said that this is a win-win deal.

In fact, it is not only the coffee shop, but many other similar sponsorships have also been negotiated by the leaders of the Qiye project.

You know, in addition to the most important job of filming the film, the director also has a variety of other trivial things to be responsible for.

For example, sponsoring movies to generate revenue, this kind of thing can be regarded as one of the jobs that directors have to do.

Although "The Realm of the Sky" is not a movie like "007" or "Iron Man" that will have various sports cars or high-tech equipment on the stage, you can happily find advertisers to cooperate with.

But as a modern urban movie, there are still many advertisements that can be run. From mobile phones to music players to clothing and cars, various signs of modern life will frequently appear in front of the camera.

What Qiye needs to do is to choose a suitable brand sponsor and establish a business partnership with them.

Now Qiye is no longer the little director who used to stingy even for lunch.

As a director who has earned $500 million in the box office worldwide (the latest data from "Brother Killer"), even if the new movie is only shown in Japan due to subject restrictions, there are still many brands rushing.

What Qiye has to do is to choose the one that suits itself from the many suppliers.

Among them, the kimono of the protagonist [two ceremonies] is the least controversial. Who calls the heroine's hometown is the clothing factory?

Besides, Qiye has spent the New Year at other people's home for two consecutive years, and the couples of Liangyi are also very good with Qiye. Such little things must always be taken care of.

As for the advertisers of mobile phones, Qiye finally chose Sony Ericsson among many manufacturers such as Nokia, Philips and Motorola.

After all, Qiye’s movies are shown in Japan. Considering the brand effect, Qiye chose Sony Dafa, which is more trusted by the Japanese.

The music player that occasionally appeared in the hands of passersby in the movie was also given to Sony.

Anyway, this movie is Qiye's own movie and has nothing to do with Jiufeng.

Even if Shion comes, Qiye can have a clear conscience. Who makes Sony pay the most.

As for other products such as cars, Qiye also packaged them to various manufacturers.

Even for the telescope that has never appeared in the movie, Qiye found an advertiser.

The animal is going to wait until the movie is released and shoot a telescope commercial directly.

The content is that Fujino Asakami squatted on the roof of the building and used a telescope to directly headshot the two ceremonies on the street.

Even the Advertising Department, Qiye has thought about it.

[●● Telescope, Asakami Fujino's choice.]

If possible, Qiye even wanted to make Shanyuan a cameo in the advertisement, so that when the time comes, the spirit state Mujiguri and Asakami Fujino will stand together.

Coupled with the sentence "Let you and I grab a man".

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