Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 224

Well, this should be perfect.

Of course, Qiye hasn't told anyone about this project yet because he is afraid of being forced to kneel on the washboard.


pS: Orange once teased in "Kingjing", if Fujino's twisted eyes are combined with the farsighted clairvoyance, it will be invincible.

At that time, Mi Jiang subconsciously thought of this telescope advertisement.2333

Chapter 163 Beautiful Girl Surrounded (??)

Feeling being loved and worn by advertisers, Qiye finally felt a touch of pleasure.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that nearly a quarter of the cost of advertising has been recovered before the filming started.

Coupled with the operation of empty-glove white wolves such as cafes, Qiye has greatly reduced the investment in other aspects of the "Kingjing" sequel movie.

Then he threw the extra money to Tsuburaya and asked them to make better special effects.

And Qiye herself took her team to officially start shooting.

Although the café scene is the first scene of "Remains of Pain", because the actor in front of the camera is considered a newcomer, it is still NG several times.

The actor who plays the flower is an authentic actor who can no longer be authentic. She has not experienced the wind and waves for the first time in a role with several shots.

As for the two ceremonies, she was a bit too open.

Probably he finally got rid of his relationship with the brother of the big demon king, this guy directly released himself on the set.

The whole demeanor and actions of this girl at this time looked like a prisoner who had just been locked up for a few years came out to let go.

On the contrary, it was Miss Yoshinaga Zi, she was the best performer, but this is also related to the slow response of Fujino she is performing now.

Although the actors are not very powerful, Qiye’s filming team has been an old man with him for several years.

The cooperation of the members behind the scenes is quite tacit. Whether it is the setting or the angle of the shooting camera, everyone can follow the idea of ​​Qiye well.

Even if the shooting is not smooth now, Qiye doesn't need to worry too much. Once the actors find the status, they can basically solve it.

Qiye sat at a coffee table, staring at the monitor, checking the shots.

Because of the limited space in the cafe, he couldn't sit directly behind the camera, which made Qiye feel a little regretful.

After all, that's what the director pretends in the crew.


With a crisp bell, the two ceremonies walked in from outside the door.

She looked a little worried, but at the same time she was a little confused.

Qiye was satisfied with the footage in the screen, he nodded lightly and exclaimed, "Cut!"

"What's wrong?"

The two rituals frowned slightly, she thought she had done well just now.

Qiye gave her a thumbs up, and praised: "Shishi, you performed well just now, keep this state!"

For the outstanding performance of the actors, Qiye will not be stingy with her praise.

For these newcomers, encouragement is often more effective than direct and rude scolding.

Because this can build up their confidence as soon as possible.

Of course, Qiye wouldn't be soft when it came time to scold someone.

"Let me just say, I thought it was pretty good just now."

The two ceremonies first breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately smiled triumphantly.

"Okay, go to sister Gui's."

Qiye saw the beads of sweat on the face of the two ceremony, and immediately signaled her to go to Katsura Mako to make up.

"Is it my illusion?"

The actor playing the orange whispered beside Qiye.

"I always feel that Ryoi-sang hasn't seen her acting regress a lot in more than a year. Is it because she focused on director work and neglected her acting?"

[Nonsense, because the two of them are not the same person at all.

Qiye sneered.

"But the body has become better, is it growing again, or is it better for you to moisturize the director?"


Qiye squirted out, and he coughed loudly and retorted: "You read too much gossip newspaper! I and Zhi () are just a very ordinary brother-in-law relationship!"

[Well, it is indeed that kind of relationship with Ori, and I am not lying.This is the cunning of an adult.

"Don't be so excited~ Is it a guilty conscience?"

The eldest sister, who was overburdened in stature, let out an oops of admiration, and then she leaned in and took Qiye's arm.

"I really regret it now. I knew that the director had a promising future. I should have got you in the first collaboration."

Qiye gave a white glance: "If you really want to do it, it's not too late. It just depends on your efforts if you can get me in."

"For now, forget it."

The eldest sister let go of Qiye, and she said with some regret: "Now the gap between our two identities is too big, and it will become very troublesome to be together."


The eldest sister glanced around and chuckled: "Mr. Director, you have worked hard enough, so I won't burden you."


Qiye tilted his head, he didn't figure out what the big sister was talking about.


The eldest sister smiled when she saw Qiye's confused face.

She leaned into Qiye’s ear and said softly: "Mr. Director~ You have to remember to take care of me next time you have a good character. As a reward, it’s not that you can’t have anything to do with you~"

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