Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 226


pS: Well, today is the first day of class in the new semester. Old readers should know that Mijiang's class is two days from morning to evening on weekends.

In addition, there are many other things on the first day of today, so I don’t know when I can get home at night.

So the update time of the chapter in the evening may be postponed, so let me say sorry._(:з∠)_

Chapter 1⑥④Agent War

"It doesn't matter, he's not working anyway." She didn't realize it at all, she said uncomfortably while shaking her chair.

Just as Lily thinks that Qiye belongs to her sister, for Shi, Qiye belongs to her younger brother.

Kiryu Nanaya and Ryogiori, they cross the world and prejudice.

This will be an emotion beyond the physical, a union sublimated to the soul level!

In the style, this is true love.

And for her, Liang Yizhi's sister, Liang Li, she must help her brother achieve this goal!

The above is pure nonsense.

The actual situation is that Shiji wants to retaliate severely against the Demon King Zhizhi who has been strict with him recently.

Use Qiye to make fun of his brother. This is the only effective way to deal with weaving that I have found so far after waking up from the two rituals.

For example,

When I was deliberately getting close to Qiye, I took a picture of two people getting close.

Next time, Zhi and himself play violent suppression, [just in time] let Zhi see this picture.

Then I took the initiative to tell Zhi that I was going to send this photo to the gossip magazine for money, but it [just happened] hadn't sent it out yet.

If he can follow his own arrangements in the future, he will [just happen to] not be short of pocket money, and will not send photos to magazines.

This is the battle plan that I finally came up with after thinking about it for a week.

Its name is——The Great Crisis of Weaving!Just a good fight!].

If Zhizhi knew that his sister had been thinking about it for a week, he would come up with such a thing.

Believe that before the end of this year, never want to eat meat.

Unfortunately, Shi did not have such a self-consciousness. In her opinion, this matter was a very perfect battle plan.

However, before this plan took the first step, it was stopped by this woman named Lily Waiting!

what!This pretending little bitch is really annoying!

"Little girl from the UK, I am close to my seniors. Why are you outsider (stress) interfering?"

Said maliciously, she now hates this woman more and more.

Although the relationship between the two of them was pretty good before, they shared snacks together and played tricks in the studio together.

However, when he was woven to implement a diet plan because he was overweight, and the little devil named Lili could still eat big meat every day, the two of them gradually moved away.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about Mr. Qiye. After all, Liangyi-sang is not as obedient and obedient as the other·one·bit·(stress)."

Miss Lily still has a pure smile on her face, but it's a pity that this smile is not for the two ceremonies.

Lily, who has become half of the internal staff of [Erque Studio]-she was recruited by Ota Junya as her own game tester. Of course, she knows the tricks of the so-called two "Ryogiori".

In her opinion, the woman in front of her is definitely relying on the convenience of her twin brother's status to arbitrarily approach Qiye's little bitch.

Especially after the other party showed hostility to herself, Lily would not be merciful anymore.

Lily abides by the knight's dogma and is kind, but she doesn't even think of stretching her right cheek after slapping her left cheek.

Since it's an enemy, you must fight the opponent upright, and then drive her out of Qiye-sang!

Lily swears in her heart that she must let Qiye marry her sister, but there is no other option.

Of course, if the sister really chooses someone else, there is no alternative.

If it really caused Qiye to beat the bachelor all his life because of this, then Lily would decide to pay him.

The knight has the consciousness to be responsible for the consequences he caused. Since he made Qiye single, he has the obligation to bond with him.

But that was a long time later, and now Lily had to drive away the woman in front of her.

"Mr. Qiye, your work is very hard. For younger generations who don't know how to understand you, you occasionally have to show a tougher attitude."

Lily reminded Qiye very intimately.

"I don't care."

Qiye, who was checking the camera, didn't know that the two women were fighting in secret, as long as the style didn't stick to him, he didn't care.

Qiye’s attention is now focused on the shots, and his reaction to things other than movies is relatively slow.

If it was normal, he would definitely be able to see the struggle between the two girls.

It’s just that Qiye’s urinary nature can be seen, as long as the fire doesn’t burn himself, he will probably just treat it as a theater.

After all, two beauties are fighting for themselves, no matter what the reason, they are enough to make a man secretly cool!

Of course, it doesn't matter if you shoot directly at these two girls, the big Buddha standing behind these two girls is really amazing.

If you do, you will definitely die miserably.

Even if he did not die, Qiye estimated that he would be locked up for the rest of his life.

Qiye who hasn't played enough will not be so stupid.

"Mr. Seven Nights..."

Qiye's "indifferent" answer made Lily's expression stagnant.

[Is it still because of that face?Borrowing the face of her younger brother to take the opportunity to approach Mr. Qiye... During the two ceremonies, this woman is indeed the enemy!

Lily felt a slight crisis, and she felt that Qiye's feeling for the two rituals was obviously different from that of other women.

It's no wonder that the director who thinks that he admires should be Lily who belongs to his sister.

Of course, he is extremely sensitive to the close women who appear around the director.

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