Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 227

Since entering the set, Lily has been observing Qiye's every move.

She had seen the communication between Miss Ghost Girl and Miss Big Breast and Qiye before, even though they all seemed to have a good relationship with Qiye.

But this kind of woman who seems to be close but has no chance at all, in Lily's eyes is the five dregs of war without attack.

But this woman is different, Lily can feel that this woman is special for Qiye.

[No, it is not her who is really dangerous, but him.

Lily was born in a big corrupt country, and coupled with the influence of Japanese otaku culture, she would not think there was any problem with gender.

Rather than say...

Contrary to Lily who was a little frustrated, Shiji looked very proud.

She proudly moved closer to Qiye, and then—

"Should you sweat, go over there for me!"

Qiye said disgustingly.

[Doesn’t this girl know that applying makeup is troublesome?It will delay the shooting progress!


Now it was her turn to be depressed, and she pouted her lips with a dissatisfaction look.

She didn't think about her own reasons. In her opinion, this animal, who is a regular guest of Ginza (which Zhizhi said privately), could not be indifferent to girls.

In this case, it is definitely because you don't want to get too close in front of this British kitten.

But I know the formula, this animal has estrus to this cat’s sister in public.

[Could it be said that this animal really fell in love with her sister?In order not to misunderstand her, did you deliberately alienate me?'s troublesome.

If Qiye really wanted to pursue that woman named Lion, it would be troublesome. Once the two parties established a relationship, wouldn't her brother become a third party?

Shi just wanted to threaten the weaving with the photos. She didn't want to make the matter big, and eventually turned into a condemnation of Qiye by the society.

The chaos in the entertainment industry is all private.

If you really get it on the table, a third party will get involved, it will definitely become a huge scandal.

It was not the purpose to make his brother and Nanya become infamous.


[Before the plan is successful and the weaving is under my control.Never let Seven Nights Pickup be successful, this will be a major event in my future happy life!

Thinking of the possibility that she might be pressed by the knitting machine in the future, and the style is no longer tangled, she grabbed Qiye's arm.

"What are you doing?"

Qiye was shocked when she saw the lady's eyes glowing green.

"Senior~ Don't you like me?"

The smile seems as brilliant as the fireworks in summer.

[What is this lady doing!

Qiye suddenly got goose bumps, although this face was indeed as beautiful as a god.



This face is too similar to Zhizhi, or exactly the same, such a face really makes Qiye unable to move.

[I always feel that if I really agree, there is a feeling that I can’t find a weaver, so I will replace her]

Because the guilt is too strong, Qiye feels uneasy.



Qiye solemnly apologized by clutching her shoulders with both hands.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Isn't it as if I failed to confess?!"

The style made a sound of defeat.

"Oh oh, you have already failed Liang Yisang, leave the stage now."

"Lily, don't make trouble!"


Just as various accidents broke out at the director's desk, Yoshiyuki sitting in the corner was recording all this with a small notebook.

[It's really interesting, I can't see such interesting things on my aunt's set.

Although the expression on Miss Ji Yongzi's face was indifferent, she was already happy in her heart.

[This director is really funny, is this a love triangle?Doesn’t it look like, those two women mentioned their family...]

Ji Yongzi's eyes flashed with a gleam.

[Is it a proxy war?!Because I was afraid that I would lose points in front of the director, did I let the agent compete?It seems that there are a lot of Yingying and Yanyan around Mr. Director~ It seems to be the material for my novel!

Ji Yongzi's face turned a little red when he looked at Qiye. This was not shyness or love, but a kind of excitement to see toys.

[Is this director going to stage the modern "The Tale of Genji"?It's great, it's really great!Although this is very presumptuous, I am constantly inspired now!

Because of being overly excited, Ji Yongzi's breathing was slightly panting.

what!what!It's really great!Modern Lord Guangyuan, let me record your story!I will write down all of a bit, a drop, and everything~my Lord Guangyuan~~?]


pS: I feel so happy that I didn't delay the change._(:з∠)_

Chapter 165

Women are really troublesome.

This is Qiye's view on this matter, and the two ceremonies to appease him took a lot of time.

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