Shadow queen development plan

Queen's Training Plan Chapter 229

The current performance of Fujino Asakami is not that difficult. The real difficulty of this role is that she has to show pain while she is in a state of sickness, but also show the kind of pleasure to hurt the body after blackening.

[Damn, I can't laugh anymore.What did I do.Normal heart, normal heart.

Because she finally found her own actor, she kept her unspeakable sense of pleasure when she found her life goal.

This made Zi's usual stability gradually disappear, and she began to smile unconsciously, looking like a young girl in love.

Finally returning to the facial expression, Zi said calmly to Qiye: "Go ahead, director. I'm all right."

After that, the lens was NG three times before it passed. This time it has nothing to do with Zi, but the angle of the camera lens.

However, this kind of thing is a very common problem in the filming process, and the members of the crew did not care, but did their best to do their work as much as possible.

Although this is a commercial film, because the selling point is all kinds of beautiful girls, Qiye's requirements for several actors are higher than usual commercial films.

In addition, the coffee shop was the first scene shot, so there were only a few minutes of footage in this movie, and Qiye Leng took three days to complete it.

Fortunately, the decoration of the cafe needs to be preserved at the request of the boss, which saves the crew of trash disposal.

Qiye's next set of shots is Orange's Office.

In the original plot, Orange could not pay his salary because he bought extra things, and even reached the point of borrowing money from his employees.

Here, in order to connect with later works, specifically fsn, Qiye deliberately changed the things bought by oranges into mirrors excavated in the remains of the Greek temple.

Well, the holy relic used by the Ma Tong family to summon Sister R.

As the original plan of Lunar World, Qiye doesn't need to keep the timeline exactly. It is better to say that he needs a timeline that is convenient for him to make himself.

Transfer the irrelevant props from the previous movie to the next one, so that the story can be connected.

This operation is simple and easy to use, and intuitively tells the audience that this is a story in the world.

Well, Qiye learned another trick from Marvel.

"Well, come here first today."

After Orange took out the mirror wrapped in flannel, Qiye announced the end of today's shooting.

"Now, senior. I said, is there a story behind this mirror?"

The person who called Senior Seven Nights was not Ryogiori but his sister Ryorit.

"Well, it might be related."

Qiye said vaguely.


Qiye was a little bit dissatisfied with Qiye’s answer, she pulled Qiye’s clothes corner and pleaded: "You tell me about it~ I will promise not to say it."

[This lady took the wrong medicine recently.

Qiye sighed, she hadn't noticed it before, but now that it is, Qiye has decisively sensed that this girl is a bit wrong.

Shishi has recently been particularly fond of asking questions about Qiye. This kind of scene usually lasted until Lily came over and had a fight with her before it stopped.

At the beginning, Qiye was very happy to answer the formula, after all, it is always good for actors to learn.

But gradually, Qiye still noticed something wrong with the style, after all, the style was too deliberate.

At that time, Qiye thought that Shishi was competing with Lily, so as long as these two girls didn't disturb the crew, he would let him go.

But now Lily has left the crew because of idol work, but there is no sign of stopping.

This makes Qiye feel curious.

Moreover, Qiye already felt a little irritable because of the frequent entanglement.

It's not that Qiye hates the two rituals, just looking at that face, Qiye always can't help but think of her little brother.

Then, Qiye immediately lost her interest.

It's just that, at the moment when the crew is currently unorganized, no one can stop it.

Qiye, who was somewhat helpless by the style, could only deliberately lower her voice. He asked with a volume that only two people could hear: "That style, can you keep it secret?"

"Of course, senior!" Shi immediately said in an vowed tone.

"Very good, because I can too!"

Qiye didn't hesitate for a second, he replied in an unusually decisive tone.

Then, before the formula reacted, he ran away early.

"Mo~ Qiye, you fellow..."

Shishi groaned behind Qiye, but Qiyeren was long gone.

Although the shooting has ended today, Qiye's work today will continue.

He was short of time and had already left the studio when he was complaining.


pS: In terms of the time of creation, Fujino should be the earliest tax evader. After all, the first edition of "Kingjing" was published in 1998, earlier than Tsukihime and Fate.

Chapter 166

There was no large-scale publicity when the two-chapter sequel of "Kingkong" started shooting, but this does not mean that the new film does not need publicity.

There was no publicity before because Lin Bao's overall focus was still on "Goblin Slayer" at the time, and the audience needed to keep an eye on Goblin Slayer.

At this time, the box office of "Brother Killer" has come to an end, and Lin Bao feels it is time to use Qiye's new film to make another wave of box office.

After all, the box office of several million yen is also the box office, and it can be a little bit more.

So they arranged for Qiye today a film conference about the sequel of "Kingjing".

More importantly, it is now nearly October.

Although there are still three months before the end of 2002, it is almost the end of the year for the entertainment industry.

Since the November awards season is approaching, various film companies have begun to build momentum for their films.

As Qiye's only movie this year, the momentum of "Goblin Slayer" is also needed.

Borrowing the name of the new film conference to pull one's own old movies, this is a method that every director can use without a teacher.

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