Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 230

Although "Goblin Slayer" is a commercial movie, it is still an R-rated movie.

But the problem is that it was so successful that it can make up for its shortcomings in the box office in Japan.

At present, the box office results of "Goblin Slayer" have basically been released. Except for Japan and other places which are still showing, other countries and regions have basically been released.

But its box office has achieved unprecedented success.

The North American box office was 320 million and the global box office was 590 million.

Although on a global scale, "Brother Killer" lost to "Star Wars" can only hang in third place, but in North America, "Brother Killer" defeated "Star Wars" with a slight advantage of 10 million and occupied the second place.

Although Qiye is very clear that by the end of the year, the North American box office ranking of "Brother Killer" and the global box office ranking of "Star Wars" will drop by one ranking because of "The Two Towers", but this has already made Qiye very satisfied.

You know, this result can be said to be the best R-rated film in film history and it is no exaggeration.

In this era when 3D has not yet been widely used and IMAX cinemas have not yet become popular, the box office of "Goblin Slayer" has basically represented the pinnacle of R-rated movies.

As for "The Passion of the Christ" a few years later, Qiye feels that it is still dominated by religious themes.

After all, Jesus is probably one of the most widely known characters in the world, and the protagonist itself is an invisible propaganda.

The previous box office forecasting agency made a mistake in the global box office forecast of 550 million US dollars. The actual box office was 40 million US dollars higher than their forecast.

At that time, the evaluation agency thought that the R element of "Brother Killer" would make it difficult for other countries and regions except the United States to accept such overly sensitive subjects, but from the actual results, it seems that the global audience does not mind.

Such a box office dare not say about film awards in other countries, but it is a great help for film awards in Japan.

The brains of the old academics have not been as rigid as they will be in a few years. They may not like commercial movies, but when a movie's box office reaches a level of crushing, they will have to consider its influence.

"Titanic" a few years ago and "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" next year are the most obvious examples.

Although the structure of commercial movies is very disliked by the old men, the huge influence brought by the movies makes them have to choose them.

Although the box office of "Goblin Slayer" in North America has not yet reached the point where art needs to make concessions to the box office, it is not a problem in Japan.

Although "Brother Killer" has not yet been offline in Japan, according to the current situation, it is estimated that the Japanese box office will be around 13 billion yen.

Compared with the box office of "Spirited Away", there is still a lot of gap, but it is also the best live-action film in Japan in recent years (local director, funded by local consortium).

Coupled with the global box office of 590 million U.S. dollars, Qiye estimates that this awards season in Japan will definitely have a lot of gains.

Other than that, even if the technical awards fail to reach a grand slam, at least most of them will be taken away.

However, no matter how good the results are, related propaganda is still needed.

Although this press conference is a press conference for the sequel of "Kingjing", as long as the reporter with a normal brain is writing the manuscript, he will definitely mention "Brother Kill".

Just as the media will always bring "Iron Man" and Tony Stark when referring to other movies of Robert Downey Jr.

Of course, because the investment in "Kingjing" itself is not too high (compared to "Brother Kill"), the scale of the conference is only medium in Japan.

However, Qiye was surprised that countless reporters gathered at the press conference, and almost all the film-related media in Japan came.

This shows that Qiye is still very attractive to the Japanese media.

"Many people."

Hearing Qiye's answer, Hanai Long laughed.

"You are a celebrity now, you shouldn't be a superstar." Long Yi put one hand on Qiye's shoulder and said, "Be confident, you are now an 80 billion director. It's much better than this bad old man like me."

"Teacher, why even you say the same."

Qiye's face was full of black lines, he could see clearly the essence of this old man.

[80 billion director] is the nickname given to Nanya by the Japanese media recently, because "Brother Killer" won US$590 million in the world. These Japanese reporters directly converted it into yen according to the exchange rate, which was lost on Qiye’s head. On the title of 80 billion.

Why do you say that it is yen?

A large amount of money can attract the attention of passers-by who eat melons. It is like a movie from other countries being shown in the United States. The US dollar is never used to calculate the box office, but the domestic currency.

In this way, even a box office of hundreds of thousands of dollars can rush to several million in an instant. Such a title is powerful enough.

Of course, if you look at the current actual exchange rate, Qiye must be less than 80 billion yen, which should be around 77 billion yen.

However, these Japanese reporters secretly changed their concepts. They used the continued decline in the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar to the yen as an excuse to make up a total of 800 million in the name of calculation based on previous years, plus the 300 million box office of "Kokkai 1" in Japan. Billion out.

After all, the beginning of 8 is definitely more powerful than the beginning of 7, isn't it?

It's just that this is not particularly beautiful for Qiye, he was almost noisy to death during this time.

Everyone seems to believe that he has earned 80 billion worth of value instead of 70 billion at the box office. People who borrow money from various trusteeship relationships are swarming.

Among them, the most numerous are the folks from Qiye’s hometown and the college classmates of Qiye.

Qiye in his hometown can also understand. He who lived there with a childhood and a young man knows very well that there is a poor ravine with nothing.

However, if you lend money directly to those outsiders who don’t have anything to do with it, Comrade Qiye is not very happy, but you can’t do it if you don’t give alms. After all, you should pay attention to the reputation of the villagers.

In addition, the success of "Brother Killer" did give Qiye an extra amount of money in his hands-Shion was very satisfied with Qiye's achievements and gave him nearly $1 million in bonuses.

Thinking that instead of handing over the money to the tax bureau, Qiye took a part to support her hometown.

Qiye asked her mother in her hometown to help two families with almost no source of income because the male owner of the family was ill. It was regarded as supporting charity.

Then Qiye donated a sum of money to the village for infrastructure construction in the village. The money was held by Qiye's father to the most needed places in the village.

If it is directly given to the village government, Qiye's money will definitely be missing for various reasons before the end of the year.

For the evil in human nature, Qiye has always speculated on the worst side.

And those classmates, Qiye is not so polite to this group of people.

Apart from Four Seasons, this group of people looked down upon him when they were in school.

Whether it is Qiye's identity as a countryman or his idea of ​​making commercial films, it seems to them very funny.

"It's probably because of being mad in the valley, there is no lack of artistic pursuit."

This is what Qiye's classmates gave him.

However, now these people shamelessly want to let themselves fund them to shoot their art films.

Seeing this group of guys' flattering attitude and naive praise, Qiye only had anger and disgust in her heart.

"I just use the money to fund my alma mater, and I won't give you the money to make a movie!"

Qiye replied irritably, and at the same time he ordered Zhizhi to prohibit anyone except Shiji from approaching the studio.

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