Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 24

Chapter 20 Shooting Complete

At sunset, the Seven Nights camera was placed on the corridor on the third floor of the abandoned building as the Wutiao Building, and shot down the scene of the two ceremonies looking up at the building.

"Unexpectedly, I returned here in the end."

Originally, in order to allow the budget to be allocated reasonably, the filming of the Wutiao Mansion was the first to film, but it was unexpected that Qiye would return here to finish the film because of the heroine.

The so-called unpredictable things are probably talking about this situation.

Because these lenses are all expansive shots, Qiye used a wide-angle lens to take a top view of the scene.

And in order to make the picture more poetic, he specially captured the early morning of sunrise and the evening of sunset for shooting.Although the use of filters can indeed produce similar effects, under natural light, Qiye feels that the reality will be stronger.

Of course, Qiye has the conditions to do so because Ilia’s funding has greatly eased the funding gap of the crew, and it has also made Qiye’s capital a rare waste.

It's just that the two periods of dusk and early morning are too short, resulting in just a few shots that took the crew several days, which greatly delayed the shooting schedule.

If it weren’t for the footage that Qiye shared with everyone, it’s really good, I guess some of the crew members would complain.

Today is the fifth day of the group shooting at dusk, and it should be the last day.

Qiye stood on the third floor and looked at the picture in his lens. The current light effect made him very satisfied.

"Shonan! Your lens is lower." Nanya operated the speaker to shoot the ground shots of Shonan Rantaro, "After waiting for me to start, you immediately shoot 720° surround weaving, especially every time you take facial close-ups. Slow down for me a little bit when I'm in, understand?!"

Shonan didn't reply directly, but he raised his hand and made an OK gesture.

"Wei, show me the expression of your ice beauty! Anyway, the cooler the better!"

"Believe it or not, I'll just cut you into pieces with a knife!" Hearing Qiye's adjective "ice beauty", Zhizhi went straight away.

However, Qiye was very satisfied with a thumbs up: "Very well, that's the expression! Action!"

Following Qiye’s order, Zhi Lima looked up at the camera with a serious expression, his eyes full of anger and war...

"very perfect!"

After this shot, Qiye didn't use the horn but shouted at everyone with a hoarse voice: "Next, I announce...All the shooting of "Kara no Realm" is over!"

Qiye sat on the ground directly after yelling these words. He felt as if he had escaped from the void.

There was sparse applause. After such a long period of high-intensity work, everyone on the crew was in a state of physical and mental exhaustion.Now that the movie is finally finished, they feel more relieved than cheerful.

For the purpose of saving money, and in line with the principle of pseudo-mothers as women, women as men, and men as cattlemen, Qiye can be said to squeeze the labor force of everyone in the crew to the maximum.

Fortunately, the place where Nanya is located is hard-working and accustomed to working harder in Japan. If you change to Hollywood, you will have to be asked by various unions to stop shooting.

After finishing the shooting, the crew immediately sealed all the shooting materials for processing by the later team.

Then Qiye took out the little remaining filming funds and asked all the crew to have a good meal at a nearby barbecue restaurant, which was regarded as a completion party.

The crew members who have been eating cheap lunches for almost 2 months were not polite, eating barbecue and drinking cold beer, and almost ate all the ingredients of the barbecue restaurant that day.

Therefore, on the second day, many people in the crew were said to have symptoms of indigestion due to overeating.

"I'm not young anymore, haven't you thought that eating too much is bad for your stomach?"

Qiye, who was distressed about the budget and did not eat Hesai, looked at the collapsed staff with some gloat. He was very grateful that he escaped because of his stinginess.

"Shut up you Qipi!" *N


As the filming is over, most of the crew will get a very long vacation to adjust their work status, and then put into the work of the next film with a full of energy.

But these people do not include several important later workers, including Qiye.

After only giving herself a day off to supplement her sleep, Qiye immediately took Shonan Rantaro, Ikeda Subaru and Ryogi-ori into post-production work.

For a movie, post-production is generally divided into three parts: lens editing, lens special effects and sound effect production.Of course, for a specific one, there will be many branches that need to be completed one by one.

With the development of the film industry, the proportion of film post-production in the entire film project will become more and more important. The situation of shooting for one month and half a year will be the norm in the film industry after 2010.

The post-production of "King no Kyoukai" is not so complicated, but for a film with only four people in the post-production, everyone's burden is not light.

The only thing that makes Qiye feel lucky is that he holds the final editing rights of the film, which at least saves a lot of time for wrangling.

The first thing Qiye did was to group the 4 people present. The work of weaving was to stay at an animation company that received special effects outsourcing from the "Kingjing" crew to supervise and follow up the production of special effects screens; Ikeda took the only remaining crew. With 200,000 yen funds, he went to find musicians to make music for "Sora no Realm"; and he and Shonan Rantaro edited the scenes that did not require special effects in advance.

At this time, the editing room was extremely quiet, Qiye resting his chin on both hands, watching the footage on the monitor intently.

Thanks to the fact that Qiyeyou watched the theater version of the previous life "Kingjing", he had a draft of the shot at the beginning of the shooting.This not only made him take far fewer shots than the average film director, but also made his editing work extremely smooth.

"Rantaro." Qiye directed towards Shonan, "Try changing the lens of A17 to A20."

"Okay, Qiyesan~?"

Shonan immediately replaced the lens he needed in accordance with Qiye's instructions. He had no dissatisfaction with the positioning of his work person. It would be better to say that the job of following the command without using his brain is very suitable for him.

Of course, it would be even more perfect if this guy could change his frivolous tone and not play games secretly.

The picture replayed, and the scene of two ceremonies walking on the street appeared on the monitor screen.

"Keep A20 lens for 7, 6 seconds. At the 7th second, Adachi's face was exposed."

Although according to someone's request, the appearance of her face in the film is an infringement of her portrait rights, but this does not mean that all the previous shots are invalid.

The face cannot appear, so the back is always OK?Also, aren't the silhouettes and the images below the head all usable materials?

You know that Illiya’s funding is only 5 million yen. If you want to retake all the shots of all the two ceremonies, it’s definitely not enough. So Qiye, who is incarnation of Zhou Peipi, uses the shots that have been taken as much as possible, and then uses the weaving. The lens is used for grafting.

Fortunately, Ori, Serra and Adachi Rimi are all of the same figure, otherwise Qiye would not be able to play like this.

Anyway, when the time comes, just declare that all the shots are taken by Ryogisori.Whether others believe it or not, Qiye believes it anyway.


When Qiye focused on stitching the shots, the door of the editing room was suddenly knocked open, and Subaru Ikeda walked into the room helplessly.

"Passed again?"

Qiye guessed the result when the other party walked in without cheering.

Ikeda gave a blank look: "Yes, this is the eighth one rejected. Your budget of 200,000 is too small, and no one wants to take this job. And your alternatives are all famous ones. Music producers, do you know that after I quoted the price, all of them looked at me like a fool?!"

Qiye curled her lips disdainfully: "These short-sighted guys, wait for the future and regret it like the screenwriters who rejected "Iron Man"!"

Although he admitted that he wanted the horse to run and not to eat the grass,

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