Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 25

"What movie is that?"

At this time, in 2000, Marvel was still struggling on the verge of bankruptcy, and the film plan of "Iron Man" was still in its infancy.

As a future MCU, this man is not well-known outside of the American comic circle, and is even less known in Japan, the super-English cemetery.So Qiye's words were not understood by Subaru Ikeda.

"Forget it, think of a solution quickly. Musicians need time to create. Don't let someone do it but the time is too late." Ikeda complained from the empty seat.

Qiye leaned her hands on the back of her head and said, "So where can there be music producers with high levels and low prices~"

"Why is Qiye Sang a stubborn iron rooster~?"

Seeing that Qiye temporarily stopped editing and entered a state of thinking, the guy Shonan directly turned on the computer in the editing room and played the game.

"Shonan! Your kid is lazy again!"

Qiye who discovered this situation directly gave this guy a trick to lock his throat.

"It's going to be broken, it's going to be broken~?"

"Don't be disgusting! Huh? What are you playing?" Qiye looked at the picture on the screen and found that the round face full of pixel flavor was a bit familiar.

Qiye let go of Shonan, he looked at the screen thoughtfully: "It seems that the problem has been solved."


pS1: According to Marvel's own documentary, when they were preparing for "Iron Man" they invited the screenwriters, but most of them directly refused.As a result, "Iron Man" only had a synopsis at the time of filming, and in many places it was improvised by the actors.As far as the result is concerned, it is hard to say whether this approach is good or bad, but the screenwriters who rejected it at the beginning are probably regretting it.


pS2: Mijiang intends to add some realistic characters and movies to increase the sense of reality. It feels too difficult to write completely overhead._(:з∠)_

Chapter 21 Drunkard Musician

Song Jiang Song Gongming, a well-known bandit leader in ancient times, once said: "If there is no sound, no matter how good it is, you can't fight."

And the famous Internet celebrity Mr. Lu Xun also said: "Yes, this is not what I said."

This shows how important sound is to a movie, and it can be said that the BGM of a movie is the most important tool to highlight the movie scene.

In fact, Qiye’s most favorite music producer for her "Sora no Realm" is Aunt Kajiura Yuki. Although this music producer has a high degree of similarity in music, if you listen to more, you will think it is a small problem with the same song. .But the flaws are not concealed. The music she created for Xingyue left a deep impression on whether it was "The Realm of the Sky" or the later "Magic Girl Madokazu" and "FATE" series.

However, I don't know if it was the influence of butterfly wings. Qiye has never found Kajiura Yuki, a music producer.

Although the other party was really famous after "Gundam Seed" in 2002, Aunt Kajiura was already active in the Japanese music industry before that.However, in this world, the music seemed to disappear, and Qiye couldn't find any information about her.

In the case of no results, Qiye can only retreat and send out invitations to other music producers, but these guys without exception look down on "The Realm of the Sky", which has no funds, no big stars, and no famous directors. No work, all chose to refuse.

Of course, according to Subaru Ikeda, Qiye didn't give enough money to be the main reason.

Fortunately, the sky is infinite.

Qiye found another choice through Shonan's fan game. Since a regular music producer can't do it, he can go to a fan music creator.Anyway, at this time in 2000, many great gods from all walks of life have not yet emerged. Asking them to make music is definitely cheaper than those vampires in the music industry, and the quality can be guaranteed.

And the target of Nanye Chosen is the game producer of "Touhou Qi Tan" that Shonan is secretly playing-Junya Ota ZUN.

This guy, who is called by fans as a god, can be said to be a legend in the fandom of Japan and the world.His "Touhou Project" series, "Chilling" and "Tsuki Hime" are also known as Japan's three major fan games.

If you insist, after 07 and Yuesha moved towards commercialization, "Chaman", no, the "Oriental" series has become a banner of the original Japanese fandom.

And "Car Man", Bah, the game producer of "Oriental", ZUN, is an admirable game producer. After all, it is not someone who can do a game program, drawing, music, and personal settings by himself. It can be done, and what's more important is that apart from the round face style which tests the appearance, other aspects of the "Oriental" series can be said to be perfect.

Although after the rise of the C84 new generation of Lamor Island Wind Sauce in 2013, the Dongfangzhong gradually began to decline, and before the rebirth of the seven nights, it was even dubbed the title of “Breakfast”, but no one can ignore that Dongfang was in the CM during the strong period. The status is as high as the sky.

I will enter the East without regrets in this life, and wish to live in Gensokyo in the next life.This sentence should be a true portrayal of many oriental chefs, and Ota Jun also used his rich imagination to build a paradise where weird people and monsters symbiosis.

The element that impressed Qiye the most in the original game of "Orient", except for ZUN's almost paranoid round face style is the game soundtrack.Qiye still can't forget the memory of being abused under the full-screen barrage in order to listen to the game BGM several times. The exciting style of the game's background music and the fast pace of the barrage game can be regarded as perfect. The combination.

After finalizing his favorite music producer, Qiye immediately found the game producer he once admired.

"Mr. Ohta, I hope you can agree to our request."

Qiye lowered her head and pleaded with the thin and spectacled game producer across from her.

"Don't be so serious, just call me ZUN." ZUN straightened up his iconic peaked cap, and said embarrassedly, "Even if Director Kiryu begs me so, I guess I can't do it. After all, I Just an ordinary fan game producer. It’s still a bit difficult to make a soundtrack for your movie."

"I have played ZUN's "Oriental" series. You have a talent in music that no one else can match. I believe you will be qualified for this position. And if "King no Kyokai" can succeed, ZUN as a music producer Will you gain more popularity? In this way, your game will be known to more people."

Qiye didn't directly ask for money. He knew that the other party was in a good family situation and didn't have much demand for money.But as a fan creator, letting more people like the game you make is the other party's ideal.Otherwise, ZUN doesn't have to spend energy on making games, it's great to drink beer at home all day.

ZUN was a little moved by Nanya's words, but he still had concerns: "But according to Director Kiryu, the movie called "King no Kyoukai" is a TV movie? Will this movie really succeed?"

Qiye's face froze. He knew that the lack of a successful resume was his biggest weakness.But it’s already here for Qiye to say nothing, he can’t just give up. He continues to try to convince the other person: "I also know that I’m just a newcomer, but I’m confident that my movie will never lose to others in the story. People. But my film lacks an excellent music producer like ZUN You, ZUN you are also a creator, you should know the importance of music to a work. I believe that if you join, my film It will be successful!"


ZUN rubbed his chin with his hands as he thought about the truthfulness of Qiye's words.As an unknown fan game producer, he himself knew that it would not be a blockbuster to invite him to make music.

Seeing that the other party had not made a decision, Qiye was anxious, and immediately shouted: "If you agree to join ZUN, I have enough beer!"

ZUN's eyes lit up suddenly: "What brand of beer?"


Bewitched by the additional conditions that Qiye can drink casually, ZUN was eventually fooled into the post-production of "The Realm of the Sky".

With the addition of this powerful music producer, Qiye's post-production speed for the film has suddenly become leaps and bounds.

As for the beer that Qiye provides to ZUN, it is of course the famous Asahi No-Set beer.

Of course there is also a small problem.

In order to ensure the harmony between the music and the scene, ZUN brought his own music creation equipment into the editing room, and then the whole editing room began to be filled with alcohol.

The favorite of this music producer who drank eight liters of wine without panting is to work while filling beer. The most stacked staff on his desk is not a stale stave but a can of empty beer. tank.

In particular, Qiye's "Unlimited Drinking Beer" condition made ZUN Feathers a good drink.

Fortunately, unlike other guys who have misbehaved drinking, ZUN is a special case where the more he drinks, the more efficient he works. Even though he is holding a can all the time, the work progress has not been slowed down.

So Qiye turned a blind eye to all the incidental small problems.As long as ZUN can complete the work, let alone beer, even if he really drinks blood-enriched black tea like the young lady in the Red Devil Hall, Qiye will show off his arms and bleed himself without saying a word.

The only thing worth noting is that the high alcohol concentration in the air in the editing room can make people a little bit drunk.This makes Qiye have to play 120,000 points every time she edits, for fear that she accidentally cut the wrong shot.

Of course, what Qiye can bear does not mean that others can bear it.Others try to minimize their time in the editing room.

Basically, apart from the five minutes of reporting work progress every day, we never step into the editing room. Although Subaru will be on standby at any time, she basically only moves in the corridor outside; even before, she has been clamoring to watch how to post-production. Ilia disappeared after ZUN moved into the editing room. After all, the smell of alcohol was too stimulating for the current little Lori.

Apart from the editing assistant Shonan who had to endure the growing alcoholic atmosphere with Nanaya, the only people who would stay in the studio were--

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