Shadow queen development plan

Queen's Training Plan Chapter 256

Affected by the declining birthrate in Japan, when Qiye went to school, there were only a little over 200 students in the six grades of junior high school and high school. Even the number of faculty members was less than 300.

Similarly, because this school can only be regarded as an existence that the education department has to set up, of course the teaching staff cannot be said to be good.

The inability of teachers has directly led to the decline of students.

Most of the children who come here to study are just for the compulsory education they have to carry out.

As long as the children who are interested in learning, the family will use the relationship as much as possible to send them to other places to study, such as Matsue City, the largest city in Shimane Prefecture.

Most of the children left behind are unwilling to study, or are not allowed by family conditions like Qiye.

In Qiye's alma mater, every third year of high school students, the students who can enter the university are basically counted with one hand.

Studying in such a school, Qiye admitted to Dongyi University is probably the most powerful student in the school in recent years.

Qiye felt that if he was not a traverser and had a strong desire to be a director, he would probably go home to farm after graduation like most middle school students.

"It sounds a little embarrassing, I didn't expect you to have such a life."

Shion sat on Qiye's bed, shaking her legs, and didn't mind making Qiye admire her long black silk legs.

The quality of the stockings that can be selected by Miss Jiufeng is of course very good. Just looking at Qiye with your eyes can feel the smoothness of the black silk legs.

In order to resist the temptation of the female boss, Qiye forced herself to look out the window.

"When I was in college, I was always said to be a silly boy from the country. I was used to it."

"I don't think so. If it's just an ordinary country boy, it's absolutely impossible to make a film of 590 million dollars, so I believe Qiye You are different."

"That's natural." Qiye said confidently, "I have always believed that I will succeed, so I will keep working hard."

"Obviously every time I face a woman, I am indecisive, but I have always been unexpectedly confident in this matter." Shion snorted, "You haven't told the story about you and your ex-girlfriend."

"There is nothing to say. She was bullied by a group of classmates at the time. I couldn't stand to tell them'she is my person' and then drove the women away."

"Is it school violence?"

Shion recalled the photo she had just seen. The girl was indeed very beautiful, and she was able to compare with the little idols under her family (except the trio of foot washers).

In a rural place like Shimane Prefecture, Shion believes that she must be a school girl.

Such a person with outstanding appearance is of course easily rejected by other girls, not to mention that Japanese campuses are originally an environment where campus violence is more severe.


"I didn't see it, Qiye, you are so good. When you were in school, you were not only a high school student, but also a bad boy."

"No, it's just not as knowledgeable as a kid."

Qiye touched her nose and said in embarrassment.

With a clear goal, Qiye focused on learning from the first day she entered school.

Compared with other students who have to deal with homework, Qiye is an absolute alien.

It is necessary to reject the alien, this is a law that has not changed since ancient times.

So Qiye didn't feel very happy at the beginning of middle school. If she didn't talk to him, she didn't have a group with him in physical education, and secretly speaking bad things behind her back, these were all normal operations.

Qiye didn't care at the beginning. For him, who had already planned the future, he hadn't planned to get along well with these hillbillies from the beginning.

Just like Chen Sheng's phrase "The bird is safe to know the ambition of Honghu", Qiye didn't even bother to talk to this group of people who thought they wanted to farm for a lifetime.

However, Qiye's disdain seemed to be regarded as cowardly by the group of people, and began to intensify.

For example, there is a silly big guy in the class who directly threw Qiye's tables and chairs on the playground.

Facing Qiye's gloomy expression at the time, the other party squeezed his fists very arrogantly.

Qiye compared the figures of the two sides and found that she couldn't beat her with her fists.

However, is Qiye such a soft person?

And what age is it, you still use fists in fights.

Human beings have never been able to become the rulers of the earth without relying on fists and beasts.

So Qiye turned around and left at that time. This reaction made the fat man very proud, thinking that he had won a big victory.

As a result, next Monday, this guy’s nightmare began

Qiye took the initiative to find him, and then took out the swing stick she bought from the city on weekends and hit the opponent.

The fat man was stunned by Qiye directly, and he hugged his head.

However, Qiye didn't intend to let him go. He planned to tell everyone once and for all that he was not easy to mess with.

So Qiye carried a swing stick and stared at the fat man hitting, from Nantianmen to Penglai East Road...


It ran the fat man from the class all the way to the playground.

Then Qiye took off this guy's trousers in front of all the teachers and students again, as the carp streamer rose to the top of the flagpole in the playground.

Of course, this incident hit the teacher, but all the teachers pretended to be deaf and dumb as unaware.

After all, the teachers are very aware of bullying on campus, they just turn one eye and close one eye.

Unless students take the initiative to find them, otherwise they will not take the initiative to interfere with such things.

So unless the fat guy ran to find the teacher, the teachers have the right to happen.

Qiye did a little too much in this matter. If other students did it, the teachers would definitely find their parents.

However, the teachers all knew that Qiye was the one who was bullied before, and this retaliation can be said to be Qiye's own helpless counterattack.

In addition, Qiye's top-ranking grades in the school have always made him the darling in the eyes of teachers, so Qiye is extremely tolerant of good students.

In fact, some teachers have long planned to talk to the students who bullied Qiye, but there are too many of these people, and the teachers are not sure who they are looking for.

This time Qiye took revenge and went back, they were actually a bit happier than Qiye himself.

As for the fat man, Qiye didn't know if the other party's brains were really bad.

After all, Qiye who didn't know the teacher's attitude towards him was really a little afraid that the guy would go to the teacher.

Qiye wasn't afraid to find parents, but was afraid that this incident would be recorded and affect her declaration to Dongyi University.

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