Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 257

But the fat guy didn't go to the teacher because of his good face. Instead, he struggled with a bunch of people blocking the class door when class was over.

The fat guy probably thought that even if Qiye had a swing stick, they would have an advantage in numbers.

Facing these guys, Qiye calmly took out the anti-wolf spray from her arms.

"Boys, times have changed."

Accompanied by this devil's words, all these little ghosts lay on the ground and howled.

And Qiye was not idle, taking advantage of this group of guys losing their combat effectiveness, he first used a swing stick to slap.

When he got tired, he started to collect the wallets of these little ghosts.

The wool came out of the sheep, and it took seven nights of pocket money to swing the stick and the anti-wolf spray. Of course, he wanted to get back from this group of people.

If it's in a big city, following the routine of playing small and getting old, Qiye's next thing to deal with may be the gangsters outside school.

If we continue to fight like this in the future, maybe Qiye will become the king of Japan's ultimate path and open another world line.

However, it is a pity that the middle school where Qiye is located is in a real mountain, and the nearest gangster to the school is blocked by several mountains.

Coupled with the teachers' indulgence on Qiye, the bad students headed by Fatty are completely isolated and helpless.

In the following week, these people deeply felt the horror of Qiye.


pS: Mi-chan never thinks that it is a good invention to send text messages in groups on campus. It is completely to shift the responsibility of many teachers to parents.

It seems that I have been responsible for informing my parents.

You are a teacher, are you just a microphone?

If you think it is a good performance of a teacher?So why do you have to do school, just open all-weather cram schools?

Chapter 180 Qi Ye's Ex-Girlfriend

For Japanese students, students’ affairs can only be solved by students themselves, and finding a parent is the most cowardly choice.

For cowards, they should be bullied even more, because this is the most straightforward result.

And it won’t be any better to find a parent, because the parent will first find out what’s wrong with their children.

They will think that this is a bad thing for their own children, and they will rarely blame the children of others.

The reason is simple. The natural character of the Japanese is that they can't cause trouble to others, and don't want others to trouble him.

This is the overall social ethos of Japanese society.

Similarly, finding a teacher is not a good choice.In the case of not wanting to cause trouble, the teacher will only tell the parents what happened.

This style of doing things is irresponsible after all. Everyone doesn't want to take matters into their own hands, they just want to extrapolate.

This is the same as sending text messages to parents for big things.

Failed English dictation, school quiz scores, school activities, etc. All trivial things are sent to parents.

Anyway, I have notified the parents, and what to do next is your parents’ own business and has nothing to do with me.

In the eyes of most teachers, notifying parents is a manifestation of their own responsibility.

They have forgotten that they are teachers, they need to be preaching and being puzzled by karma, rather than simply being a microphone.

This kind of circular chain of teachers pushing parents and parents pushing students is the biggest accomplice of the rampant violence in Japanese schools.

For children who have not yet grown up, parents and teachers are the objects they should rely on most. They don’t even help themselves, so who else can help themselves?

Under such circumstances, the bullied student can only endure it silently, and even more extreme may be unable to withstand the pressure to commit suicide.

However, when such a serious consequence occurs, everyone never thinks that it is their own responsibility. This is all caused by the social atmosphere, or find a scapegoat, such as animation or something.

The reason is simple, because no one wants to cause trouble.

Obviously, the student group headed by the fat guy thought Qiye would also be a very good bully member.

In his opinion, a good student like Qiye is most likely to find a teacher.

For people like them who have already decided to enter society after graduating from high school, the teacher's evaluation is not at all painful.

On the contrary, it is Qiye who is going to go to school and pays more attention to the teacher's evaluation.

It's a pity that Qiye is not a kind of simple nerd. Qiye who has been in the society is very clear that you don't want to cause trouble, but you must never let the other party think that you are weak or deceiving, because this will only make those people more comfortable.

Therefore, after the fat man crossed the bottom line in Qiye's heart, Qiye directly told them what a biting rabbit is.

The benefits of living on campus are reflected.

Before Friday, students can't find parents.

There is a phone on the teacher's side, but the problem is that this time the teacher is on Qiye's side.

Therefore, in the next week, Qiye was very "kind" and "gentle" and "educated" these helpless bear children.

No one knows exactly what kind of treatment those guys have suffered, but it turns out that the teachers and students of the school are very clear.

After that week, Qiye became the largest student gang leader in the school.

Under his influence, the school atmosphere was at its best when Qiye was in school.

Especially those good students who are bullied, they are the biggest beneficiaries.

There was something to find Kiryu, almost the most widely circulated word in school during that time.

Qiye didn't have much desire to be a student leader, but if a student came to him, he wouldn't refuse.

But for those who dare not even look for him, Qiye would not take the initiative to help them.

After all, those people don't even want to save themselves, and Qiye will not take the initiative to blend in.

However, there was one exception.

"That time with your ex-girlfriend?" Shion asked amusedly, "Because the little girl is so beautiful, so your spring heart sprouted?"

"What little girl, people are older than you by age."

Shion pointed Qiye's nose with her index finger and said, "Don't change the subject, you just say if you are in love with other girls."

"Well... there is also this part of the reason, because she is also a child in the village, so she can't bear it. And she is..."

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