Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 284

"The person you asked us to find is not where you said it."

"Oh? Where is it?"

As Shion stopped, she seemed to be interested.

"In Tokyo."

Shion's face was full of joy, and she had to cover her face with a folding fan in order to maintain her grace.

"That's really...destined."


pS: After thinking about it, I'd better tell Chesi not to change his surname, even though he is indeed a parent._(:з∠)_

Chapter 194

The cooperation between Jiufeng and Dentsu is like a bolt from the blue to the outside world.

No one except Qiye would have thought that these two seemingly unrelated companies would actually have a major commercial cooperation.

Jiufeng packaged and sold some of his foreign assets to Dentsu in exchange for the new company Jiufeng Film Distribution Company established by Dentsu with a 5% share capital injection.

Ordinary people may not know what this means, but of course they know what it means.

5% of shares are not important to Dentsu. What is important is that Jiufeng has a sword that can enter the Japanese film circle.

With this, coupled with his own financial resources, it is not impossible for Jiufeng to become the fifth largest besides the four.

At present, there are four leaders in the Japanese film circle, they are Lin Bao, Toei, Kadokawa and Shochiku.

The situation now is that the Limbao family of four was happily rubbing at home, but suddenly ran in alone.

Then this person asked everyone not to play mahjong, and to play ALU instead.

Who can stand this Nima?!

Now that Jiufeng is in the middle, it is really very uncomfortable for the other four companies, but there is no alternative.

I have said it before.

In the Japanese entertainment industry, Dentsu is the father.

Dad asked your four sons to take your newly recognized niece to open black, and the four sons couldn't refuse.

Perhaps some of the four sons will choose a certain happy man to cheat others, but absolutely no one dares to directly say that this woman is playing too much food and let me go.

For the game of Dentsu, the four major companies such as Lin Bao can only swallow their teeth.

As for why Dentsu will agree to bring in Jiufeng, this involves the strategic development of Dentsu.

Dentsu is a well-deserved leader in the Japanese entertainment industry, and even the Japanese Oscars are made by Dentsu, who is pulling the Big Four and TV stations.

Just like in Infinite Novel, the protagonist will continue to challenge in other worlds after clearing the customs in one world.

After taking over Japan, Dentsu, which has been regarded as a unified Japanese entertainment company, naturally set its sights on the international market.

However, success is also Xiao He, and failure is also Xiao He.

Because of Nippon Dentsu's position in Japan, it also determines that when Dentsu enters overseas markets, other countries will be extremely resistant to it.

Because the Japanese color on Dentsu is so heavy that all the local snakes are very vigilant about Dentsu.

Although Dentsu has tried many ways to expand overseas markets, the results are not very good.

Today, Dentsu's influence is still limited to Japan.

In fact, in Qiye's memory, even 15 years later, Dentsu's international development is still not that good.

However, whether Dentsu is persevering, or that Dentsu is stunned.

From the day that Dentsu took over the Japanese entertainment industry, every leader of Dentsu will tirelessly attack overseas markets.

For the international market, Dentsu has an almost pathological obsession.

And this is Jiufeng's opportunity.

In the past two years, in order to expand its pan-entertainment industry, Jiufeng has adopted a buy-buy-buy strategy around the world and acquired a large number of small entertainment-related companies and industries.

These industries were integrated during the "Goblin Slayer" project, and many of them were relatively tasteless industries for Jiufeng due to duplication of business.

After all, before being acquired by Jiufeng, every company had a relatively complete structure. It is not surprising that business overlaps in the case of a wide-spreading acquisition like Jiufeng.

These industries are tasteless for Jiufeng, but for Dentsu, they are treasures they dream of.

So when Jiufeng Shion took the initiative to find Dentsu and said that he wanted to sell this part of the assets, the current president of Dentsu Tomagi Matagi directly agreed without hesitation for a second.

Leaving aside the price offered by Jiufeng is reasonable, even if it is a 50% premium, Dentsu estimates that it will not frown.

As for what Jiufeng asked for, the idea of ​​establishing a film distribution company was of course approved by Dentsu.

For Dentsu, as long as Shiufeng does not challenge his unique position in Japan, other things are easy to discuss.

As a result, Shion got the ticket to enter the Japanese film circle very smoothly.

The entrance of Jiufeng is also a good thing for Japanese film companies and filmmakers other than the Big Four.

The world is suffering for a long time.

This is a true portrayal of the Japanese film circle at present and in the future.

Because the Big Four really have so many resources in their hands, other people have to wait for death except to find a dependency among the Big Four.

However, relying on the Big Four means selling one’s life. The Big Four’s attitude towards them has always been to squeeze out the greatest value. There is no such thing as cooperation.

Jiufeng's approach is like a catfish entering the sardine, directly stirring the stagnant water in this pond to life.

For some small companies and independent filmmakers, they have a new thigh that they can embrace, and Jiufeng's conditions as a newcomer are obviously much more generous than the Big Four.

And those who don't want to be attached, they can also breathe a sigh of relief while fighting against the Big Four at Jiufeng, and take the opportunity to benefit themselves.

It can be said that this cooperation between Jiufeng and Dentsu is a good thing for everyone.

Of course, except for the Big Four itself.

As a vested interest group, the Big Four certainly do not want anyone to grab their cake.

It's just that the timing of Jiufeng's cut is really good.

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