Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 285

During the negotiation between Jiufeng and Dentsu, it happened that Lin Bao's internal power was transferred, and Lin Bao's internal chaos had no time to take care of the outside.

And the other three of the Big Four were also fanning the flames against Lin Bao at this time, trying to take advantage of Chairman Lin Bao's replacement.

Therefore, when the dust settled on Lin Bao's side, Jiufeng and Dentsu's side had already been done.

Of course, the accident can only be regarded as an accident. In fact, even if the old man is still in place, Jiufeng also intends to take advantage of Lin Bao's opportunity to focus on the announcement of "Remains of Pain" to reach a cooperation with Dentsu.

However, this result made Keiji stomped, but there was no other way but to get angry.

All Kiritsugi can do now is to think of ways to limit the development of Washimine as much as possible, so as to continue to maintain Lambeau’s position as the number one film production company in Japan.

It can be said that Qiye really hit the gunpoint this time.

It's like Sony and Microsoft are playing fiercely. Card bitch suddenly took the hands of both parties and said: "Let's play a game together."

Fortunately, Qiye really didn't know about Jiufeng and Dentsu's cooperation, otherwise he would have to be thrown out of the office window by Keishi as a young boy.

In fact, Qiye was the least surprised about the cooperation between Jiufeng and Dentsu.

Qiye told her to ask Shion to find Dentsu's proposal.

However, at that time, Qiye only asked Ziyuan to use a little overseas industry in exchange for Dentsu's support for Trier's development.

This is the advice that Qiye gave when Shion asked Qiye how to develop a girl idol group.

As for the 48-series idol project, this Qiye does not think it is suitable for Jiufeng.

The production of 48 series idols requires very sufficient experience in idol team building, which is not suitable for Jiufeng, who has just stepped into the idol industry.

But looking for Dentsu's father is different, even if Dentsu only leaks a little resource, Trier will grow and develop.

At that time, Shion showed no particular interest in Qiye's proposal. Qiye thought Shion didn't want the powerful guy Dentsu to interfere with Jiufeng.

Now it seems that Shion not only listened to it, but also developed this proposal further.

It's just that Shion has got his wish now, and Qiye feels uncomfortable here.

Because of the complete break between Jiufeng and Lin Bao, Qiye can only choose other means to achieve the purpose of making fsn.

However, the negotiation between Nanaya and Kirishu was not smooth, or it was completely full of gunpowder.

Because of the lack of Jiufeng, the big benefactor, Qiye could only propose to attract external capital.

This is also the usual method of Hollywood when shooting high-cost movies, using a good project to attract international capital.

However, Keishi is not very keen on this matter at all. He is now thinking about how to suppress Jiufeng, and he is only bored with the proposal of Qiye's new IP project.


After another negotiation to no avail, the anger Kiriji had accumulated during this period finally broke out.

"I won't allow you this project!" Keishi roared.

In the view of Qiye, Qiye now seems to be a bear child who doesn't understand the care of parents.

"But, if the plan can be successful..."

Keishi refused to give in at all: "Then have you considered the consequences of failure?!"


In Qiye's view, this project could not fail at all.

"Not at all, right?!" Chie Si sneered, "Let me tell you. If this big project fails, then Lin Bao will be caught up by the limelight Jiufeng, so Lin Bao will It will lose its position as the No. 1 film company in Japan."

"And this will be your responsibility then! Are you an outsider, responsible?!"

Qiye finally knew where the contradiction between himself and Kirishi was.

In Qiye's view, as long as the capital risk is shared, there is no production problem.

However, Kei Si pays more attention to Lin Bao's status. If fsn fails, for Lin Bao, it will definitely not only cause a financial loss, but more importantly, it will shake Lin Bao's position in the Japanese film industry.

Furthermore, this is also related to the position of Qi Shi in Lin Bao.

It is impossible for Chesi to accept the possibility of failure in his first project after taking over Lin Bao.

Regardless of what Qiye said about the fate project, the new plan in the eyes of Qiye is far inferior to the insurance provided by the mature IP of "Kingjing".

"Then, I will figure out a way to raise funds by myself, and only let Lin Bao issue it. Isn't that always enough? Don't worry, I will not use Jiufeng's funds."

Although it is a bit difficult to make one hundred million dollars by yourself, tens of millions of dollars with your own reputation should not be a problem.

However, Kirishu refused again.

"No, I order you in the name of [Erque Studio] as the major shareholder. Your new project must be a new movie of "The Realm of the Sky"."

Kirishu gave an order to Qiye in a tone that could not be rejected.

Chapter 195: Unexpected Encounter


Qiye exclaimed.

"Yes, I have taken back 66.7% of Illiya's shares. Now I am not asking you in the name of a partner, but as a shareholder."

Keishi looked calm, as if he was just stating an objective fact.

"That's Ilia..."

"Ilia is still underage. As her guardian, I certainly have this right."

The corner of Qiye's mouth rose, and he finally defeated Qiye's army.

"Now you have two options. Either be obedient and work on the "Airland" project, or be expelled from your own studio."

"Weaving they won't accept..."

"Then let them get out together!"

Qiye was interrupted by Keiji again.

This time, Keiji increased his tone: "There are countless people who want to enter this circle, and there is no shortage of people like you! Of course, you can also start anew, but don't forget that the copyright of your work is in the studio."

Qiye knows what Keishi means. The most valuable thing in [Erque Studio] is the copyright of the two works "Kingjing" and "Magic I" directed by Qiye.

If Qiye and others leave the studio, they will be just ordinary creators without the blessing of their works.

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