Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 286

More importantly, the copyright of many characters in fate that Qiye cares about most is currently included in "Magic".

"Are you a threat?"

Qiye's hands trembled slightly.

"If you think it's a threat, then it is."

Che Si didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. In his opinion, he was using social beatings to teach bear children.

Perhaps it was the success of "Brother Killer" that made Qiye, the little devil, think about running before he walked steadily, and he would come up with such an unreliable plan.

Kiesji analyzed the success of "Brother Killer", and he believed that there were too many accidental factors. If it were to happen again, he did not think that Qiye could replicate the success of it.

But the kid in front of him didn't think so at all. The kid who didn't know the heights of the sky regarded this accident as his talent.

This is very bad, maybe Illya will be biased by this guy in the future.

Therefore, Kirishu felt that as Qiye's elder, he needed to let Qiye know what was right.

However, this was not the result Qiye wanted.

Qiye didn't think that Qiye's approach was wrong. If he changed his status, Qiye would probably make such a choice.

After all, apart from Qiye, no one can believe that this gal game project originating from R18 will eventually become a super large IP with 50 billion U.S. dollars in Krypton.

The management style of Keiji, who just came to the top, will definitely tend to be conservative. He understandably has doubts about the development of the new IP.

However, there is still a huge gap between understanding and acceptance.

"You do "Kingjing" well. When the time is right, I will let you develop this project."

The tone of Qiye's words made Qiye think of the parents who "I help you save the New Year's money".

However, no matter whether Kirishu will agree to Fate's plan in the future, Nanya herself can't wait.

Now this time is the best time for fate to hit the world-class IP.

Relying on the success of "Brother Killer", Qiye can let European and American audiences accept the fate series by virtue of her role as a successful director.

In the next few years, the rise of superhero IP will increase the difficulty of fate promotion exponentially.

"Let me think about it."

Qiye didn't say anything more, he knew that no matter how entangled with Kirishu, nothing would change.

"I'll wait for you to think about it, and then you can come and find me again."

Qiye nodded. He knew that Qiye must be in a bad mood now, so he didn't push him too much.

Qiye stepped away and walked out of the office.

"What a difficult child, I finally got it done."

After Qiye left the office, Keishi collapsed in a chair.

He wiped his sweat, and then called Alice, who was far away in North America.

"Jiji? Is there something to do with me?"

Alice Phil answered the phone.

"Ah, I'm finally done, so I want to report to you."

Kirishu said the latest thing again.

"Are you stupid----?!"

After listening to Kirishu's words, Alice Phil went straight away.

"Do you think Qiyejiang is the same age as Yiliachan?! He is an adult!"

Alice Phil on the other end of the phone held her forehead with one hand, and she felt quite unmovable.

"Do you think I did something wrong?" Keishi shrank his head unconsciously.

He was afraid of two people in his entire life, one was his daughter Ilia, and the other was his wife Alice Phil.

"Your choice is okay, but you didn't do it right!" Alice Phil said angrily, "You are forcing him to make a choice!"

"and so……"

Alice Phil said angrily: "You just say that the company can't raise funds. Wouldn't it be okay for Qiyejiang to raise the sponsorship by himself? When he finds that he can't get the funds, Qiyejiang will give up on his own."

Alice Phil said to Kirishu again that she didn't end her reprimanding of her husband until it was almost 30 minutes.

"Really, none of these men made me worry."

Alice Phil hung up the phone, she put her chest on her cheek with her arms, her face full of distress.

"I hope Qiyejiang won't do anything extreme...but Shionjiang probably won't let this opportunity's troublesome."

Alice Phil suddenly had a bad feeling.


Qiye didn't stop after leaving Chesi's office. He strode out of Lin Bao's working building and strolled on the crowded road.

It’s now in May, and Tokyo, which has entered spring, is the rainy season. Even puddles have accumulated on the road.

Qiye's mood was very heavy at this time, he didn't even mind the muddy water on his trousers when he stepped on the puddle.

The experience in the office of Keishi was a big blow to him. He originally thought that after having the successful experience of "Kingjing" and "Brother Killing", he already had the capital to talk to the management.

However, Kirishu told Nanya with practical actions that no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't create freely.

In the eyes of those capital bosses, he is still just a tool man.

"The mood is really bad, do you want to drink some wine?"

Standing at the crossroad, Qiye was full of confusion.

Although he made up his mind to stop drinking long ago, at this moment Qiye still hopes to use alcohol to numb herself.


What can I do if I am paralyzed?

After he wakes up, he still has to face this fucking status quo. Drunkenness will not fundamentally solve the current situation, it will only make him hangover the next day.

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