Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 350

If it weren't for TBS's request, Qiye at that time would not even be able to enter the gate of Tsuburaya Company.

Li Wenshu estimates that unless a real building or a real oil tanker is blasted, the scene he is performing at this time is definitely the top of the blasting scene, even in Hollywood.

[Unexpectedly, the original little director has grown to this point, in comparison...]

Li Wenwen thought of the current situation of his old club, Tsuburaya.


Old Li let out a sigh.

At present, Hideaki Tsuburaya has sharpened his sword and is preparing to oust his elder brother Masahiro Tsuburaya.

In this case, no one in Tsuburaya would think that Tsuburaya Hideaki would fail. It would be better to say that most of Tsuburaya employees (especially female employees) are looking forward to the bitch of Tsuburaya Masahiro.

But is Tsuburaya a qualified leader?

Li Wenxue expressed strong doubts about this matter.

Li Wenwen has already seen the project called "Nexus Ultraman".

The ambitious Tsuburaya Hideaki has no idea of ​​keeping it secret at all. He regards this work as the beginning of Tsuburaya's rise again, and is frantically building momentum within the company.

But Li Wenshu knows very well that Tsuburaya Hideaki is just fooling around.

Li Wenwen, who has been working with Qiye since the second part of "King Jing", is no longer Wu Xia Amon.

It may be difficult for Lao Li to make a successful commercial special drama by himself, but whether a special drama can be commercially successful Li Wenxue already has his own psychological standards.

In his opinion, this project, called Project N, is deep enough and dark enough, but it doesn't have the elements to sell.

Li Wenwen believed that not only he saw this, but everyone subconsciously ignored it.


As the broadcast sounded, there was a deafening explosion on the top floor on the right side of the model building, and then the upper two halves of the model building were directly turned into fragments.

The explosion was huge, but it did not have much power. The fire and smoke were within the predetermined control range, and all the staff present did not suffer any harm.

[Takuya is already sick, it's time for it to break and stand up again, rebirth.

Li Wenshu looked at the model of the building with debris. He felt that it was time for the Tsuburaya Company to have such a dramatic change.

Tsuburaya has fallen down several times in history, but has managed to stand up every time.

Li Wenshu believes that this time is no exception.


pS: The sixth update is over.

It's really too much trouble. Mijiang feels that people are going to have liver cirrhosis.

For today's evening update, Mijiang said sorry again.(>people<;)

When I knew how to lock the small black house, I locked it chapter by chapter.

Change it tomorrow night, first send out the update during the day, and then the code will be ready._(:з∠)_

Chapter 231 What Did Qiye Not Good at

The explosion in the school building was handled very successfully, with only one small problem.

The lens of one of the two IMAX cameras that were shooting was too close to the blasting point.

This also means that this camera is no longer able to follow the Fate crew for subsequent shooting.

"It's a violent thing."

Uncle Mediterranean made an unwilling complaint, but Qiye ignored him at all.

"Fortunately, the lens broke after the shot was taken, and the images I wanted were all there."

Qiye breathed a sigh of relief after checking the shots.

"It's great to not have to prepare this lens again. Now, Uncle Mediterranean, let your company send the new camera over."


Now Uncle Mediterranean really cried.

It's just that no one will come to comfort him.

As for the culprit Qiye, he is already explaining to his post team how to synthesize this set of explosive shots.

These exploding shots can't be put directly into the movie like this.

The figure of the actors in the picture must be added.

Rider riding a white horse, Saber surrounded by a storm, and Caster opening a magic shield.

The three followers are all in an explosion in the final scene presented to the audience.

Compared with the misalignment shooting method that some directors like to use, Qiye believes that it is safer to use cg synthesis.

In fact, many Hollywood movies are also produced in a synthetic way, with actors facing exploding shots.

Of course, whether the production is good or not depends on the money of the crew and the attentiveness of the staff.

For example, in "Transformers 2", the hero and heroine in the later stage of the movie run in an explosion.

Due to a mistake in special effects, several exploding shots passed through the heroine's layer, causing the heroine Megan Fox to "flame in the chest."

Qiye certainly didn't want this kind of low-level mistakes in his movies, so he divided the members who made the special effects shots into three groups.

Cross-check each other to ensure that there will not be such a through lens.

As art lost the roof of the model of the private Suiquyuan Academy's teaching building, UBW's role in the school has come to an end.

Apart from some trivial shots, there are only three important scenes in the church, Liutong Temple and Einzbern Castle.

The scenes of Liutong Temple and Einzbern Castle were not in Kobe, so Qiye decided to deal with the scenes of the church first.

"Let's talk about the next shooting plan."

At the crew meeting, Qiye said to the main members of the crew: "We will divide the shooting into two groups. One group will shoot the scenes of Rin and Shirou dating, and we will leave these daily scenes to you."

This story is not important, it is more for the audience to relieve their emotions after the previous tense school battle scene.

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