Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 351

If there are viewers who are holding their urine, they may also take advantage of this opportunity to relax their bladder a little.

So there is definitely no big problem with this story.

I have filmed the weaving of "The Lonely Gourmet" several times, and the shots that do not require special effects can be well controlled.

"We will first go to the church to take shots that don't require Rin and Shirou. Your progress will definitely be faster than us. When the shots are finished, you will come to meet us."

"What about the specific time arrangement?"

"Almost two weeks, I think you should be enough." Qiye replied.

"Yes." *n

Everyone in the crew replied in unison, but Qiye looked at everyone weak.

Qiye knew that everyone had become a little tired due to the continuous shooting.

Therefore, Qiye clapped his hands to let everyone focus their attention: "Come on, everyone, when this part of the scene is processed, I will give everyone a month off."

"Really?! Finally there is a holiday."

The eyes of the two rituals glowed, and then she was dissed by her brother.

"Sister, don't be surprised, you are obviously the easiest one of all!"

"Stop it! My heavenly spirit cover!"

His brother grabbed his head with his nine-yin-white bone claws and screamed like a chicken.

"Leave them alone, let's continue."

Qiye didn't care about the two brothers and sisters, he turned his head and looked out of sight, not upset.


The church in the morning is a quiet and peaceful place.

The only light on this ancient building at this time was the sunlight coming in from the high windows.

This is a serious space created by silence, and at the same time, this still space breeds baptized silence.

However, this silence was quickly broken.


Qiye, who played Shinji Ma Tong, stumbled and opened the door of the church.

Shinji's footsteps seem to have been buoyantly irritated, which made his footsteps on the floor very loud.

With an expression of horror and panic on his face, he didn't even think of closing the door after he smashed open the church door.

The church at this time has ended its morning service without any outsiders.

But Shenji didn't care about this kind of little thing, he just moved forward shaky like a puppet.

His target is the priest standing at the end of the aisle.

In the camera, Shenji's breathing flustered and his eyes drifted.

His limbs were trembling constantly.

There is no doubt that the current Shinji Ma Tong is a fugitive.



Shen Er staggered and fell to the floor, and a dog came to eat shit.



Everyone at the scene was afraid to speak, and everyone quietly looked at Qiye who fell on the floor and was speechless.

"It hurts! My nose."

For a long time, Qiye uttered a painful cry when she was face down.


Upon seeing this, Shonan Rantaro hurriedly called to stop.

"Qiyasang, are you okay~?? Did the nosebleed come out~??"

"To shut up!"

Qiye got up from the ground, and sat on the ground with his nose in his hands, looking like he fell hard.

"Why don't you just follow the lens just now? Anyway, according to the situation of Shinji Ma Tong, it is not impossible to fall here."

Gavien on the side shaved his cheeks and made his own suggestions.

"Even if it's a fall, it's not here, it's too far away."

Qiye’s painful tears were about to come down, and his nose hit the floor firmly just now.

"But, this is the 15th time the director has done you......"

"Stop talking." Qiye's face blushed and he glared at Gawain and motioned to him to shut up.

Qiye is not a professional actor. Fortunately, the role of Shen Er doesn't have much depth. The previous literary dramas can handle one or two.

After all, the role of Shinji summed up his performance in UBW in one sentence: "all kinds of cries at the advantage, and all kinds of incompetence and rage at the disadvantages."

In Rin's original words: "This role is so simple that even seniors can perform."

However, in this scene where Shinji sought help from the church after losing Rider, Qiye couldn't make it anyhow.

It wasn't because of facial expressions, but Qiye couldn't stagger through the whole journey.

Every time, Qiye would fall and eat shit in the middle of the road because of problems of this kind and that kind, causing ng.

"It's really too difficult to keep your body balanced while shaking your body. Don't you think?"

Qiye sat on the floor and muttered to herself, everyone in the crew took the initiative to look up to the ceiling and said nothing.

Ziyuan didn't come to the crew to investigate, and now this place is the biggest in Qiye.

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