Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 356

Sugiyama nodded, took a deep breath and brewed for a while, then made an expression.

"Is that so?"

Qiye looked at it for a while, then nodded.

"Yes, that's it. Everything is in place!"

A word after Qiye was shouted at the rest of the set.

"What about the lights?"



"Big man~??"

"Very good, field note! Ready to start."

Qiye signaled that it could start.

"Game one hundred and twenty-three, act 56! Action!"

With the clapboard starting, Archer walked towards Shirou.

"Archer, it was..."

Despite having the answer, Shiro Weimiya couldn't believe that fact.

"This is the end of your stupid dream."

Archer said coldly.

"Sure enough, you are..."

"Yes, Shiro Weimiya, I am you, you who drowned in your stupid ideals!"

Archer took another step forward, and he took out his own weapon.

"My wish has never been a second life, nor is it any other wish. From the beginning to the end, there is only one wish, and that is to kill the past me!"

Archer pointed the Ganjiang Moye in his hand at Shiro Wimiya.

This is the change Qiye made.

In the original game script, even though it had been crazily hinted at this moment, it was time to tell that Archer was Shirou until the castle showdown.

Qiye didn't plan to learn how to deal with game text.

If it is a novel or game text, this processing is indeed a better choice.

The contradiction is released at one time before the battle, so that the emotions accumulated by the readers can be released in the subsequent battle.

But it is not appropriate to deal with the movie in this way.

Because after [Glorious Moment], what the protagonist wants to show is the collapse of the three views, the whole person's confusion and helplessness, and the change of mentality to stand up again.

If the audience is still watching the movie with the confusion of [who is the red A?], their emotional investment in the protagonist will decrease.

The direct consequence is that when the drama reaches the breaking point afterwards, the emotions of the audience will not be in place and the desired effect will not be achieved.

Don't say what all kinds of explicit hints have been explained.

Not to mention, the movie audience may be as old as 80 years old and down to 8 years old.

Among them, there are too many audiences with inadequate comprehension ability, and they simply cannot understand these express and hints.

More importantly, people who watch Fate's movies are for summer cool movies, and they just want to watch the movie and have fun.

Thinking with your brain to the open lines and dark lines are all nonsense, and following the plot is the kingly way.

It is more practical to expect these audiences to watch the film with their brains thinking. It is more practical to expect them to have three yolk eggs in ten consecutive Fgo lucky bags.

In Qiye’s previous life, I always saw comments saying that the popcorn movie had no brains, and the filmmakers wanted to have brains, but the problem was that most of the audience did not bring them.

It's not that no director can do all the hints, but he can still make the audience clear what he hints.

But Nanaya couldn't do it. Besides, there is no "original policeman" in this world. When he reveals Shirou's identity, it all depends on him.


pS: Suddenly, Mi Chan discovered that when writing the theory of the screenplay, all kinds of things can be said.

It's a pity that the content is too boring to write a lot at once._(:з∠)_

Chapter 234 The Body Characteristics of the Three Major Heroines

In the somewhat chaotic set of the props set, Red A is still confronting Saber with Shiro.

He knew very well that with Saber's protection, he couldn't fight to the death with Shiro Weimiya, so he could only retreat and take Rin away.

So with Rin in his arms, Archer jumped onto the steps leading to the ground.

"Where are you going, Archer—"

Archer replied naturally: "Go to a place where no one is obstructing. Now my magic power is one less, and that kid can't be killed with your protection."

"So you took Rin as a hostage?"

Saber grabbed the holy sword in her hand, if Archer appeared within her attack range, she would strike him without hesitation.

"No, just exchange terms."

Archer denied: "As long as she is in my hands, this kid will come after her."

Because he was himself, Archer couldn't be more clear about Shiro's behavior.

"Plus, Rin is now your Master. Even if you want to protect this kid, you can't take the master's life instead?"

This sentence made Saber hesitate.


Shiro Weimiya, who had been suffering all the time, initiated a duel invitation.

"The Einzbern Castle on the outskirts of the country, there should be no one there. It happens to be a place for a duel."

At this time, Shiro Weimiya looked shaky, and his expression was full of confusion.

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