Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 357

But he himself knew very well that he couldn't do without a duel, so he could only make an agreement with Archer.

"Yes, there is indeed no one to bother you. It seems that you are already enlightened, Shiro Weimiya."

Archer's face was full of mockery.

Because everyone can see that Shiro Wimiya is confused at this time.

"That's it. I guarantee her safety for the day. Without Master, I don't have much time."

Archer wanted a quick fight, he said in a deep voice.

"This body can only last for two days. If you can't kill you before then, I'm sorry, this hostage will wither like a rose."

Leaving behind an irritating laughter, Archer's figure disappeared from the steps——

Junichi Ishida brought a dummy named "Rin" into the sponge cushion prepared by the crew in advance.

After all, the action of pinching a person under the armpit is dangerous. Even if Ishida himself can do it, Qiye still uses a dummy in dignified clothes just to be on the safe side.

"Cut! Well done!"

The actors are all in good condition. After watching the camera again, Qiye didn't think he needed to do it again.

Afterwards, Qiye signaled the actor to take a break to remove makeup, and he himself started to check the shots that had been taken today.

"This is what I finished shooting today."

Lao Li found Qiye with his results today.

When filming the dialogue between Wenxi in Qiye, Li Wenshu took a few actors from Wenxi that weren't used to film the action drama.


Qiye immediately checked it. He checked it very carefully. If he found any problems, he would write it in his notebook, and let Lao Li make changes according to his own records tomorrow.

There are a lot of shots taken in a day, plus action scenes require several shots to be checked at the same time.

So Qiye was very slow to watch. When Lily and others finished removing their makeup and putting on casual clothes, Qiye didn't even check one third of them.

"Come here first today."

Seeing that everyone is waiting for herself, Qiye can only say to everyone: "Go and rest. I will talk about it tomorrow if there is a problem."

The rest of the crew breathed a sigh of relief. Qiye's silent seriousness when checking the camera was really scary.

Everyone packed their things and went out, Qiye packed up all the lens materials and took them away.

Thanks to the convenience of the digital age, in the film age, these lenses weigh at least tens of kilograms.

Qiye can't handle it alone.

Rin deliberately walked with Qiye. Nominally, she was discussing the role performance with Qiye, but everyone with a discerning eye knew what was going on.

"How many shots do we have next?" Rin asked at last.

"The scenes of the church are all over." Qiye replied after thinking for a while, "There is also a daily plot of the house in Eimiya, and the period when you provided magic power to Shirou."

In this segment of replenishing the devil, there is no doubt that Qiye must choose the all-age version, and even the general plot has not changed.

"That paragraph...Is it always strange to write? I always feel that the script is covering up..."

Rin recalled her script, she always felt a sense of disharmony, but she couldn't tell her what was wrong.

[So, do you want to be so sensitive in this place...]

It is not clear whether Mushroom has delved into the theory of scripts in his last life, but "there must be a sex scene before the war" is very skillful in his application.

The replacement of the all-age version is more of a cover-up for Qiye.


The sex scene written by Mushroom is not very good, vise, water pump, furnace...

Although this analogy is very straightforward, because Altria is a knight with many muscles and a harder body, she is a vice.

Rin estimated that the sweat glands are more developed, so it is easier to sweat, which looks like a pump.

As for Ying, there should be too many worms in her body, which made her in a state of inflammation and a low-grade fever, so she was described as a melting pot.

Although from a certain perspective, this analogy is very appropriate, but it feels strange besides the strange thing!

How did this adjective "mushroom" come to mind? No wonder it is called Xingyue Heavy Industry!

"Ahem, I just wrote a little more abstract." Qiye coughed lightly, "After all, things like supplementing magic are usually done in that way in the West."

The idea of ​​exchanging body fluids to replenish demons is not unique to Xinyue. In fact, there have always been similar descriptions in Western religions.

In the ignorant age when science has not yet developed, the behavior of body fluid exchange is very mysterious in the eyes of the world.

Therefore, in many Western sects, the behavior of body fluid exchange will have a magical power, which can make the person performing the ritual sublime from the soul.

Of course, there are completely opposite statements. This part of the religion believes that the exchange of body fluids can get rid of demons in people (usually women), which is regarded as an act of exorcism.

This statement is partly related to the "right of first night" in traditional Europe.

In the eyes of people at the time, things like virgin blood were unclean and dirty, and it would cause serious problems for ordinary people to use virgin blood.

It is necessary for people of noble blood to "break" the "curse" of the virgin first before the flat-headed people can officially become biological children.

As for who is the noble person, of course it is the noble lords.

It is no longer possible to verify who came up with this statement. Whether the old man who came up with "Chu Yequan" is a hungry ghost or simply ignorance is no longer known.

But one thing is certain, the “right of the first night” in the hands of the Western medieval lords is not as good as many people imagined.

Because they forgot a very important thing-in the Middle Ages, Europeans didn't bathe.

If it's a nobleman because it doesn't produce anything, it's a little bit clean.

However, the civilian women in the territory were all farmers, and they were all normal operations when they rolled and worked in the mud.

In other words, the noble lords were not holding a white and tender girl, but a female farmer covered in dirt and mud.

Therefore, if you want to use the "right of the first night" comfortably, the first thing the lords must do is to open up the people's wisdom, so that their people have the most basic concept of hygiene.

But if this is done, who would give up the "right of first night"?

It is not ruled out that the aristocratic lords at that time were good at it. After all, it is difficult for you to put yourself in the position and use the three views of modern people to understand the brain circuits of the medieval people.

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