Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 374

At this time, the audience realized firsthand what kind of follower exists.

They are existences that have created myths, legends, fables and history, and their existence itself is a kind of legend.

This fierce battle lasted for a full 4 minutes, without a break in the whole process.

Generally speaking, a match in a movie will not last so long, because it is very tiring to keep the audience tense.

Especially long-term fighting, if the rhythm is not right, it will easily bore the audience.

So generally speaking, a fight in a movie does not exceed 2 minutes.

It's not that everyone won't fight after 2 minutes. Instead, they paused for a while, or was interrupted by someone else.

In this way, it will not give people a sense of tension in the cut-off time, and will not keep the audience's emotions hanging there.

However, Qiye didn't do this this time. He let Lancer and Arche fight like this for 4 minutes. Except for the occasional roars when they made moves, the two of them didn't let go of a harsh word.

But after this fight, the audience not only didn't get bored, but also felt like they were still in the mood.

So after the protagonist Shiro Weimiya interrupted the fight between the two, several viewers even made complaints.

The next story is that Lancer chases Shirou into the teaching building and kills him in the corridor.

However, Qiye did not release the scene of Shirou being stabbed by a gun, but ended the clip on the red gun shadow of Lancer.

What follows is the explanation of the Holy Grail War by Yanfeng Qili in the first version of the trailer.

However, the screen is different from the first version of the trailer, because the action scenes were introduced enough in the previous clips, so this time more followers appeared in various handsome poses.

This trailer finally ended in the subtitles [Released in Summer 2005].

When the lights in the lecture hall turned on again, the first thing Qiye heard was the applause of the mountains and the tsunami.

"Thank you."

Qiye picked up the microphone and smiled and thanked the applauding audience. This is the most basic quality of being a story creator.

"Thank you for your support and encouragement."

After the applause eased a little, Qiye said again: "Next is the question and answer session. You can ask everyone here, do you have any questions?"

The reporter who raised his hand first directed the question to Qiye.

After all, he is not only the director and producer of the film, but also the second most famous among all the people present.

"Hello, Director Kiryu. I am a reporter from The New York Times."

The leading reporter first introduced himself, and then he asked Qiye: "The story in your new movie is called [Holy Grail War], which is a bit similar to the current bestseller "The Da Vinci Code". After all, your stories mention the fight for the [Holy Grail]. Is there any special connection in this?"

"Well, it can only be said to be a coincidence."

Qiye knew that as long as he mentioned any connection, he would be misinterpreted by these reporters as plagiarism, and then the headlines of the entertainment section of major newspapers would be lively tomorrow.

So Qiye definitely can't leave any handle to these guys, but it can't be said that it has nothing to do, otherwise these guys will definitely say that they try to cover up the facts.

Therefore, Qiye organized the language a little, and then said: "First of all, if you have read Mr. Dan Brown’s novels, you will know that there is no such supernatural thing as a follower in his story. At least in him. In the story, people who jump off the roof will die."

There was a burst of kind laughter in the lecture hall.

"We all know that in religious legends. The holy grail appeared at the Passover dinner before the crucifixion."

Qiye paused for a second, and then continued: "At that time, Jesus used a wine cup with the 11 disciples after Judas Iscariot was sent away. That was the Holy Grail."

"Later people thought that this cup had some magical abilities because of this special occasion. For example, drinking the water contained in the Holy Grail will rejuvenate, resurrect, and gain eternal life, etc."

"My inspiration for the Holy Grail War comes from these legends. The Holy Grail has sacred power, so it can bring ancient heroes to modern society to perform this sacred battle ritual, and finally reward the winner."

In fact, fate and "The Da Vinci Code" still have certain similarities, such as the fact that the Holy Grail is all women.

But what kind of coincidence was there, Qiye didn't know.

After all, he is neither Dan Brown nor Nasu mushroom. He just follows the setting of the Holy Grail War itself.

After Qiye finished answering this question with a smile, he handed over the home court to the actors.

After all, the reporters and fans who come to participate in the comic show definitely hope to interact with the stars more, rather than watching him as the director is there for the whole show.

The problem that Qiye was worried about having reporters hit the venue did not happen. There were indeed a few more tricky questions, but they were blocked by Uncle Mark and Scarlett.

The vast majority of reporters have the attributes of bullying and fearing hardship. After seeing that Uncle Mark and Scarlett are not easy to mess with, they stopped looking for faults, and instead asked about the content of the film project itself.

The reporter is most concerned about the atmosphere of the crew cooperation, trying to dig some hard information from this.

At this point, everyone in the crew has a unified approach, saying that this is a very friendly shooting process. Everyone is in harmony and love during the shooting process. It is a big family who loves each other and has hardly any conflicts.

This makes the reporters a bit regretful. After all, the Fate project is not a very famous crew. Just reporting these regular news will certainly not attract too much attention.

But Qiye did not satisfy these guys' desire to make big news.

After answering questions from reporters, Fate's press conference is over, but Jiufeng's press conference is not over.

Qiye also introduced to reporters the news of the upcoming launch of various European versions of [See Moon] and the focus of Jiufeng Entertainment's next work, and announced Jiufeng Group's determination to enter the entertainment industry.

[See Moon] Currently only the North American and Japanese versions are available. Although it can be used in other countries and regions, the server speed is certainly not satisfactory.

Coupled with users from countries whose native language is not English or Japanese, no matter which version of [See Moon] they are currently using, they are no different from reading a book.

However, when launching the [See Moon] website in other languages, Jiufeng did not adopt simple text translation, but cooperated with the local snake to outsource the website.

Jiufeng provides copyrighted videos, and the operation and management of the website are left to the local enterprises themselves.

Because the media industry is a very troublesome thing, no matter which country or region is controlled, it is very strict.

Jiufeng didn't plan to waste time on these things.

Moreover, the grading systems of various countries and regions are different. For example, the grading in Germany is very strict in bloody management, but it is unusually loose in the relationship between men and women.

And the corrupt culture of the British...

It is too difficult to figure out one by one, so Shion directly outsourced the film network copyright.

As long as they still have the title of [See Moon], these people can do whatever they want in their own territory.


pS1: Michan entered the pit of the moon. I watched the 2006 TV version. At that time, I would click on the video because I saw the word "Holy Grail" in the introduction. At that time, because of the popularity of "The Da Vinci Code", Michan was against the Holy Grail. This term is particularly interesting, thinking it is also a religious drama.

Now think about it, if you didn't click in at that time, wouldn't it be enough to eat dirt?Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

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