Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 375


pS2: Although Europe and the United States have similar grading systems, there are still many differences in subtleties.

For example, in England, the scale of corruption is much more open than in other countries. Some countries even prohibit the release of similar content due to religious issues.

Or Germany, because of the declining birthrate, Germany has thought of all the ways to increase the chance of pregnancy. It is almost a hole in the condom. One of them is to broadcast "art films" in late night. You must know that even Japanese adult shows Don't dare to do this.Σ(°Д °;)

Chapter 245 When King Arthur Tucao King Arthur

This one-hour press conference went very smoothly, Qiye said everything he could say, and the rest was to see the results of his own efforts.

Although Twitter and Facebook were not online in 2004, instant sharing methods on the Internet are still limited.

However, the content of the press conference that relied on the chat software Fate such as MSN was still spread.

Especially the battle between Archer and Lancer was directly touted by the audience.

Although the press conference officially emphasized the prohibition of video recording, there were so many people on the scene, and the video about this fight was still circulated.

Of course, I don't know if it is ironic, all these guys are uploaded to [See Moon].

But there is no other way. For such a large-scale press conference, there will definitely be pirate shooting when there are too many people.

You must know that even more than ten years later, the first version of "Reunion III" was released on the Internet after being secretly photographed and posted on the Internet.

As for publishing to [See Moon], Qiye thinks that this group of people can't find other places.

After all, there are too few platforms that can be shared these days, but publishing on the platform of his own home really makes Qiye a little bit dumbfounded.

However, Qiye took a look at the videos circulating on the Internet and decided that the clarity was like shit and didn't plan to bother.

It’s good to use this video to boost the popularity, and by the way, to relieve fans who can’t come to the scene.

Qiye also took a look at the comments by the way, and found that most of them were based on praise, thinking that this fight was very cool.

Criticism is also mainly focused on the fact that the pixels of the video shooter are too low and the picture is not clearly visible.

Of course, there are also a few artistic people who think that this kind of commercial film is meaningless, and after belittling fate, they began to tout Kubrick.

For these guys who like to find a sense of existence, even if Qiye has basically seen it, he doesn't even have the desire to be deleted.

"Make an arrangement, edit the clips of the actors' appearances and the Q&A with reporters later, and send them to [See Moon] under the official name."

Qiye turned his head to an Jiufeng staff member and ordered.

These insignificant videos are basically no problem sending out, as for the 5-minute clip Qiye can only say sorry.

Because of the process of publicity arrangements, the official announcement of this video can only be said in December.

The current stage of the first half of Fate has not yet been completed, and it has not yet reached the time when the promotion is really hard.

The focus of this San Diego Comic Show is not this clip, but the many actors themselves.

Because I was afraid of going to the bathroom during the press conference, Qiye didn't eat lunch.

So after the press conference, Qiye arranged a task, and had a simple lunch with Rin and others.

Then, Lin and others returned to the fate booth to continue the promotion of the film, while Qiye accompanied Mark and Scarlett to the airport to see off.

During the period, when Qiye was chatting with Scarlett, she heard that she had recently taken on a big project, acting as the heroine in a commercial film.

"This movie is a big production like your fate, and the current plan will also be released in the summer of 2005. Maybe it may become a competitor."

Scarlett was very excited when she said this.

It's okay, after all, people feel good about happy events.

Whoever enters the Vanity Fair of Hollywood, which actress is not aiming to become a big star.

Whether it is art or business; whether it is an Oscar queen or a commercial box office.

Now that you have entered the entertainment circle, you are fighting for fame and fortune.

Indifferent to fame and wealth or something, in this circle is not suitable for you at all, the monastery is the home of such people.

However, after hearing Scarlett's words, Qiye's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"Oh, which director did it?"

Qiye asked in a casual manner.

Scarlett smiled and replied: "Director Michael Bay's work, the name of the film and the specific content I can't say, it's not time for the crew to promote it."


When Scarlett was talking about the big production, Qiye thought it would be this movie.

Although Scarlett did not say the name, but when he mentioned Michael Bay, Qiye immediately knew that it was "Escape from the Island".

And Qiye also knew that the ending of the movie was not good, which caused Bangbei's directorial career to fall to the bottom, and it took two years to rely on "Transformers" to rise again.

As the heroine, Scarlett was once again beaten back to the literary circle.

It was not until later that he took over the role of Black Widow that Scarlett’s career as a female star finally began to improve.

Qiye opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but finally gave up.

You and Scarlett have not yet become acquainted to this point. Saying that you don't want to take this project will probably destroy the relationship between the two.

After all, looking at the [Michael Bay + commercial production] model now, the possibility of failure is very small.

Although "Pearl Harbor" made Boom Shell's evaluation slightly lower, it has not completely fallen to the bottom.

In all fairness, the failure of "Escape from the Island of Clone" is not entirely a film quality problem, but in terms of the quality of the film itself, it belongs to the middle level of the explosive shell professional.

Although there are old problems that blast shells can't get rid of, there is no shortage of commercial elements.

To a certain extent, the film’s failure stemmed from the issue of publicity, in which inadequate publicity was a major factor.

So Qiye felt that it was better to let the matter go.

What if in this life, the movie is successful for other reasons?

For example, because of the success of my own fate, the box office of "Escape from the Clone Island" was driven.

Besides, in Qiye’s memory, "Escape from the Clone Island" was filmed in the second half of this year. At this time, Scarlett might even have signed the contract.

It is probably too late to ask someone to quit at this time.

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