Shadow queen development plan

Queen's Development Plan Chapter 398

"Is that so? So miserable Mr. Shinji Makiri, do you want Ms. Tosaka Rin to comfort your wounded heart at night?"

Lin secretly whispered in Qiye's ear with a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"You can put on this costume as a good thing to continue to be interrupted by Lancer? Tosaka Rin promises not to resist."


Qiye coughed loudly, his movements startled Knit.

"Senior, what's wrong with you? Do you want to cough up your lungs?"

"It's nothing." Qiye said vaguely, "not quite adapted to the Norwegian climate. I have a little cold."

Zhibai glanced at Qiye: "Really? I think it's a pity that someone was unable to make things last because of Lancer's intervention?"

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Now, Qiye's cough is getting worse.

However, Nanaya almost coughed his throat and it was not without gain, he was indeed comforted by Tosaka Rin that night as Shinji Makiri.

By the way, Qiye felt that she seemed to have awakened some extraordinary hobby.

In the process of intimate communication in the evening, Qiye found that Rin's acting skills had improved greatly compared with the first filming of "Magic Girl Ilya".

At least if it wasn't for Qiye to know that Rin was acting in advance...

In short, role-playing is the best, Qiye almost becomes addicted to it.


These are all jokes, Qiye and Rin just secretly had a tryst with others behind their backs.

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, Qiye believes it anyway.

However, these events are all episodes during the filming process. Qiye will not forget her true purpose of bringing so many people to Norway.

Half of the filming of Einzbern Castle was filmed long before the crew was fully established, and the remaining scenes of Rin and Shinji were just a set of small shots.

The real highlight is the battle between Archer and Shirou.

This battle between myself and myself is the key node of Shiro's transformation.

As I said before, Archer exposed his identity in front of Shiro when he was in the church, which was a [Glorious Moment] for Shiro.

From the academic point of view of the script, the protagonist is already at the lowest point in the whole story.

After this, the protagonist knew that he should make a change and climbed out of the bottom of the abyss, but this was not an overnight change.

But after experiencing a series of wandering and confusion, finally stand up from the blow.

This turning point is not an angle, but an arc.

The audience needs to see the process of the protagonist's change, rather than directly seeing the result of the protagonist's transformation.

"Thor 1" can be said to be the story that is closest to the traditional three-act play model in the script structure of the first stage of Marvel.

But there is a very improper treatment in this movie, which is the transition of the protagonist.

The protagonist King Sledgehammer Thor experienced his own [Glorious Moment] plot-unable to lift his hammer in the heavy rain.

After this, Thor seemed to be able to awaken all of a sudden, he was no longer reckless and violent, he was kind to people, and even the dignified prince of God's Domain would take the initiative to scramble the earth.

The audience knew that the protagonist should change in this direction, but they did not see the process of this change.

It's as if the Taoist monk suddenly realized it.

Thor was completely changed after he was taken out of the SHIELD detention room.

He no longer struggled with his own strength, and started to care about the people around him.

But this change is too fast, giving people a feeling of surprise.

Just when I was driving, the steering wheel in my hands suddenly flew.

This kind of transition without a process is so rigid and fast that it is difficult for the audience to put their emotions into it.

The most direct consequence is that the overall evaluation of the movie is reduced, and many people even regard it as the most mediocre movie in the first stage of MCU.

Of course, the problem with "Thor 1" is not limited to this one. For example, the abuse of angled lenses is also a big slot.

But these will be discussed later when there is a chance.

In UBW, Nanya found a good opportunity to show the transformation of the protagonist, Shiro Weimiya-to fight with the future self.

This directly embodies the process of the protagonist learning [facts].

Through fighting with myself, I understand the fallacy of [lie] I believe, and begin to accept [fact].

When Shiro Wigiya pierced Archer's chest and won the battle, it also meant that Shiro Wigiya was transformed into a new person.

The subsequent battle with Gilgamesh at Liutong Temple was to show the audience that the [facts] learned by Shiro Weimiya in the previous story are practical.

He is no longer the disabled person at the beginning of the story, he has become perfect.

"I won, Archer."

In front of the camera, Shirou declared so after piercing Archer.

The red knight was motionless.

Although the chest was pierced, judging from the settings given in the previous Seven Nights movie, it is not difficult for Archer to take this opportunity to kill Shiro.

However, the red knight dropped his hands and did not move.

His wish was not to kill the past self from the beginning, and at the moment when Shiro Weimiya completed his transformation, his wish had been fulfilled.

So, the red knight closed his eyes in relief.

"Ah." Archer sighed. "This is also my defeat."


Qiye clapped vigorously and shouted.

"Very good, everyone did a good job! Now, I announce that Fate is officially finished!"

"Yeah!" *N

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