Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 399

All crew members cheered loudly after hearing this sentence, and two of them were emotionally hugged and cried with joy.

"It's finally over."

Sugiyama relaxed himself, and then lay in his cousin's arms.

"Sasuke, what's the matter with you?"

Ishida Jun quickly supported him.


Sugiyama clutched his ankles, smiled bitterly, and said, "I got my ankle cramped in the last thrust."

"Call a doctor now!"

Qiye also discovered that Sugiyama's situation was not right, and he hurriedly asked someone to hand over the doctor from the crew.

For film crews, any accident can happen, so basically as long as the budget is sufficient, there will be a dedicated doctor on standby at any time.

"You should just say ng directly."

While waiting for the doctor to come, Qiye preached to Sugiyama, "What if I hurt my bones?"

Sugiyama smirked and said, "Because it's the last shot. It would be embarrassing for everyone to delay for a few more days because of me."


Qiye shook his head helplessly. He didn't know what to say about Shanshan's persistence.

Fortunately, after an examination by the crew of the crew, the doctors said that Shanshan had just gotten her toe and did not hurt any bones.

However, Suiyama must rest for a while.

Looking at the appearance of his swollen ankle, Qiye estimated that for at least one or two months, he would not want to walk around.

So, Fate's shooting ended in this imperfect ending.

Because the scene in Einzbern Castle did not involve all the crew members, Qiye brought everyone back to Japan without even holding the finale party.

For Qiye, in the next period of time, he may be more busy than during the shooting period.

The results of the first trial screening a year ago came out, but the results were not ideal.

Although the audience who participated in the trial show praised the wonderful action scenes of the movie, many people were a little confused about the setting of the movie.

"Although I can understand what the movie is talking about, I always feel that a part of the setting is missing, which makes the movie cover a layer of white gauze."

This was the reaction of one of the audience, and it was recognized by most of the preview audience.

In this regard, Qiye asked the audience to record the information they felt was missing and let them summarize it.

Excluding some of the content related to the second half of Fate's spoiler, other information that audiences want to know Qiye added when editing version 2.0.

However, in this way, the rhythm of the movie has become a bit procrastinated.

In response to this situation, Qiye had to convene some actors to make up-shoots for certain shots, and finally came up with the 3.0 version in early April.

Afterwards, at Qiye's request, Jiufeng conducted the third small preview.

And the results of the feedback received this time finally made Qiye relieve her hanging heart.


pS1: Dutch angle shot, also known as "German lens" (early Chinese translation was incorrectly translated as "Dutch lens").

It refers to the tilt of the camera in the vertical direction when shooting with an oblique lens, which will eventually cause the object on the screen to tilt and lose the sense of balance.

Usually, special lens shooting methods are used in special situations such as weird, manic, violent, uneasy, thrilling, drunk, etc. However, if they are used extensively, the audience will have a sense of alienation from the movie screen and reduce the audience's viewing experience.

Because of the extensive use of this lens in German movies in the 3rd and 40th, it is called a German lens.

This lens was used extensively in "Thor 1", so at that time someone complained that the film was shot by Shen Gongbao with a tilted head, and the camera was not aligned.


pS2: For the words about [lie] and [Glorious Moment] mentioned in Mijiang's article, you can go to the previous chapter of Mijiang. There are more detailed explanations in it, so there is no more nonsense here._(:з∠)_


pS3: Gong Rin and Little Eggplant are really beautiful and practical, especially their buttocks and thighs.I really want to lick it~

(╯▽╰ )~~

Chapter 257 People Are All Animals Thinking With Butts [Plus]

In mid-April, Qiye once again came to the meeting room on the top floor of Jiufeng to participate in the fate project announcement meeting.

With the advancement of the project and the approaching of the 2005 summer vacation, fate film announcement meetings have become more and more frequent.

"Xu Yuanxuan, the first draft of the first fate novel, has been submitted. You can read it after the meeting."

As soon as the meeting started, Shion gave a novel with a white cover to Qiye.

"Is it done? I know."

Qiye didn't expect Lao Xu to be so fast. He originally thought that Lao Xu would not submit his first draft until after mid-May at least.

You know that Lao Xu wrote fz novels in his previous life at the rate of one book a year.

However, Qiye didn't think it was weird to think about it carefully. After all, at that time, Lao Xu still had the work of a script engineer, and fz novels were completely sideline.

But now, as a cooperative project with Jiufeng, Lao Xu will naturally step up his liver to finish.

I'm afraid that even Lao Xu's own owner, NITRO, thinks so.

This is the perfect time to approach the thigh of Jiufeng.

"The manga version of fate, the Japanese version has been published to the third chapter, while the European and American version has just released the second one."

The meeting host released a PPT form with the release data of the fate comic version.

The serialization of fate's Japanese manga was given to Kodansha, which has always had a cooperative relationship with Washmine.

Like "The Lonely Gourmet", it was serialized in the monthly magazine "AFTERNOON".

As for the choice of the painter, Qiye has been unable to give advice for a long time, so Jiufeng conducted a large-scale solicitation of papers.

In the end, among hundreds of submissions, Qiye chose the one that she saw the most pleasing to the eye.

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