Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 415

During the seven nights in college, in order to pull the film of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, he bought a complete set of "Lord of the Rings" novels and read the novel from beginning to end.

It is precisely because Qiye has such an experience, Qiye would rather work hard on her narrative skills than hope that the audience will be confused about the story.

Therefore, in the opening nearly 3 minutes of the scene, Qiye only conveyed a key message to the audience-the protagonist Shiro Weimiya, who aspires to be [Justice's Partner].


pS1: Mijiang has always felt that the film is actually the producer's service to the audience, so it is necessary to consider consumers as much as possible, and the audience can understand the story of the film. This is the most basic requirement of commercial films.

There is no benefit at all to be mysterious.

On the basis of telling the story clearly, add your own characteristics to make the audience marvel at your technique. This is what the master does.

As for those who can't even walk and think about starting to run, Mi Chan thinks it's better to forget it._


pS2: Regarding the content of Fate, Michan has learned from the experience of "Brother Killer" and will not cover every scene from beginning to end.

It will mainly focus on key nodes, such as some places where Qiye has made changes, or details that are worthy of details.

By the way, Qiye’s opening reference and borrowing from the beginning of the FSN comic version, but there is still a big difference._(:з∠)_

Chapter 265 A-Sneeze!

[Partner of Justice] This concept is similar to superheroes, and both are a profession that saves others.

However, it is estimated that it is difficult for anyone to say directly what the outcome will be after embarking on this path.

But at least for Shiro Weimiya, it would not be a good thing for him if he kept walking with such a [lie].

It's just that at the beginning of the movie, Shiro Wimiya, who believed in [lie], didn't know that he would have this ending.

When the title of fsn is over, the next shot is a ward where the young Shiro Weimiya officially meets with Kiritugu and is adopted by him.

As in the previous shots, Kirishu Uemiya still did not show his face.

This way of handling, although part of Qiye was trying to piss off Ilia's stingy old father, but he didn't want to be caught by it.

However, from the perspective of the movie, Qiye hopes to symbolize the role of Kirishu.

As the leader of Shiro Wimiya, the existence that gives his adopted son the meaning of life, the ambiguity of his body image can make it easier for the audience to grasp its essence.

"Yeah. Let's talk first, I'm a magician."

As these words were uttered, Shiro Weimiya opened his eyes, who ended his memories.

"Speaking of a magician, I was really naive back then."

Shilang shook his head, and slowly said to the electric heater in front of him: "——The same tune, start."

This is also the first time for Qiye to show the difference between the moon world where Fate is in and the real world in front of the audience.

Withdrawal of supernatural ability.

Originally, there was no such bridge in the process of repairing the heater, and Qiye made a special modification in order to compress the plot.

At the same time, the time is marked in the lower right corner of the camera, and it is written 12 hours before the opening scene.

At this time, Shiro Wimiya was just an ordinary student. Although he had a great ideal of becoming [Partner of Justice], what he was actually doing was just helping the students around him.

Such as repairing electric heaters and helping to maintain Kyudosha equipment.

These behaviors make him look more like a good old man who works hard and doesn't complain, especially the kind of talk.

The time of the movie is limited, and Qiye is definitely not able to show all of Shiro's school life like games or TV dramas.

Therefore, just like repairing a heating stove, Qiye greatly compressed this daily plot.

Repairing the heater shows the speciality of Shiro Eimiya.

Then Shirou left the student union classroom and met Kazusei, Tosaka Rin, Makiri Shinji, and Makiri Sakura, in order to show their interpersonal relationship.

Seeing Shinji Makiri blamed his sister on the screen, Shion stabbed Qiye in the arm secretly.

"Did you bully Sakura in the same way in school before?" Shion said, and glanced at the direction Sakura was sitting. "It seems that you have been taught and educated very well."

"What's a joke?" Qiye quickly denied, "I am not a pervert. Although I am a bit strong, I am not yet sadistic."

"How do I think she seems to be having fun."

On the screen, Sakura's face is reddish and her head is lowered. If it is understood from the plot, it should be Sakura who was a bit shy when Shirou saw her shameful side.

But Shion always feels that it seems that Shimoya Sakura is darkly cool because Nanya touched her face.

"Tsk, this ex-girlfriend. And why does that guy touch so skillfully? He doesn't touch his face every day before, right?"

Those who thought the same way, obviously not only Shion alone, but Rin also saw the weird expression on Sakura's expression.

Reminiscing about the scene at that time, Qiye and Sakura had been seen again, which made her feel unusually tasty.

"You can change your mind, at least that woman didn't deliberately let your man touch it twice."

Rin nodded: "Well, it makes a little sense. Um..."

[It's a routine.

Rin's body stiffened, and she turned to Luvia after a pause.

"Sure enough!"

Luvia reached out and pinched Rin's neck directly.

"You actually shot him!? What about the professional ethics of your idol?!"

"What kind of morals are you talking about at this time! Isn't it just looking for a good opportunity?!"

Angrily replied: "I'm already over 20 years old, okay, if this continues, I will become an old maiden."

Luvia became even more angry, and she shook her vigorously, "Are you not even 25 years old, what an old maiden! You are getting a spring on your own, don't blame others! Someone is almost 30, still guarding the film Yeah!"


Ryan and Shion sitting in the front row sneezed at the same time.

"Have a cold?"

"Is the air conditioner too cold, sister?"

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