Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 416

Qiye and Lily asked in a hurry.

"It doesn't seem to be, I feel like someone is talking bad about me."*2

Shion and Ryan replied depressed, they suddenly felt very unwilling.

"Hmph, Golden Drill, I think you are pure jealousy."

Rin finally broke free of Luvia's bondage. She ridiculed her own hair and said to the other party triumphantly: "It's a pity that someone hypocritically said that they didn't do anything before marriage. Now they can only stare."

"Don't think you won this way. Even if you have embraced it, it doesn't matter which senior he will marry in the end." Luvia said not to be outdone. "Maybe two years later, he is tired of playing and feels nothing new. It's boring to you."


Sakura not far away also sneezed.

"Hmm...Is this a cold? If I get sick, Qiye won't know if she will come to see me? Just feed me porridge like before... Yeah, so shy."

Ying covered her face with her hands, and pink bubbles seemed to appear on her body.

Sakura, who was falling into delusion, didn't know that not far from her two seats, two women were talking about topics that she would be very "interested" in.

"Isn't all so-called men like this? After you get your hands, the interest level immediately drops. For them, what they don't get is the best."

"You drill..."

Gritting her teeth and looking at Luvia, she knew that the other party's words also made sense, and that was the drawback of sending it too quickly.

If Qiye didn't plan to get married these two years, the ghost knew what would happen next.

Three years of pain, seven years of itch.

This is not just talking.

Of course, when facing Luvia, Rin would definitely not just give in.

"To put it bluntly, this is just the wailing and self-comfort of your defeated dog. Anyway, as an old virgin, you will never understand the feeling of being loved."

Although Rin had cold sweat on her temples, her guilty conscience was not discovered by Luvia in the pitch-black screening room.

However, these words that Lin said obviously touched the noble girl from Northern Europe.

"Tosaka Rin! I played with you!"

Luvia showed a fierce look, and she threw herself on Rin again.

It just so happened that Qiye, looking back to see the audience's reaction, saw Luvia pressing down on Rin's body.

"These two girls, take what I said to the ears..."

Qiye's mouth twitched.

Although it was Luvia who held Rin under her body, he still knew the truth about a slap not making a sound.

When Luvia and Rin are together, it's right for them to spank together when something happens. Anyway, none of them are innocent.

"When the movie is over, if there are traces like the last time, let's see how I go back to clean up the two of them."

Qiye said depressed, if it wasn't for the premiere, he would definitely do it now.

In order not to let bad things affect her mood, Qiye can only relieve her unhappy heart by watching movies.

On the screen, the plot has already run into the evening, and the first battle of the Holy Grail War is about to begin.

After passing the corridor dialogue, all the masters in the school have already appeared.

In the subsequent plot, Qiye adopted a parallel narrative approach between Shirou and Rin.

While showing Shiro Wimiya’s campus life, he constructs various elements of the protagonist to the audience and makes his image three-dimensional.

On the other hand, Rin's actions in school, who had already summoned his followers, were also revealed by Nanaya.

Especially after discovering the barriers arranged in the school, Rin began to be suspicious of the possible masters in the school, and began to eliminate barriers.

After school, Shiro stayed in the school because of Shinji's request, while Rin ran around the school building to eliminate the barriers in the school.

In the end, Rin met Lancer on the rooftop and started fighting.

"This is what I want!"

Seeing the two figures, one red and one blue, fighting on the playground, William was all excited.

When the film was shot from a bird's-eye view of Archer and Lancer's close encounter, William and the other audience keenly felt the screen change.

Under the sonorous metal impact sound, the scene of two men fighting each other filled every inch of the huge screen.

This is not a simple picture extension, but a totally different viewing experience from the previous one.

The shouts of the men, the sparks of the guns and swords, and the subtle movements of the followers on the screen.

The scene of the two fighting is even clearer than the daily scenes of the protagonists.

Coupled with the deafening sound effect of 12.0 channel.

William felt that he was standing at the seat of Tosaka Rin in the movie, experiencing the battle of the heroes at a very close distance.

This is no longer immersive, but standing next to them.

"To watch a movie, or to enter a movie."

William muttered to himself the opening picture of the IMAX movie.

"This is the real IMAX effect..."

At this moment, William, like all other viewers who were watching the IMAX version of Fate, finally felt the shock of IMAX.


pS: Mijiang’s opening report was sent back by her instructor, so... the two shifts will continue for a while._(:з∠)_

Chapter 266: The Man Who Sells Semiconductors

In fact, from the perspective of special effects alone, the visual effects of this battle are not too amazing.

Compared with last year's "Polar Express" with 3D special effects, neither the visual shock nor the effect of the 3D format on the screen are far incomparable.

However, Qiye's picture has one characteristic that is far better than "Polar Express", that is the real texture of the movie picture.

This has nothing to do with the 3D animation of "Polar Express", but Qiye is more realistic in the deployment and production of the screen.

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