Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 417

Therefore, although the battle between Archer and Lancer does not have any 3D stereoscopic effect, it gives the audience a more realistic picture.

This special visual impact made the audience lock their eyes firmly on the screen, not wanting to move it even for a second.

It was not until the battle between the two servants was interrupted by the onlookers that the picture was retired from the IMAX format.

At this time, many viewers breathed a sigh of relief. The battle just now was so exciting that people could not help but hold their breath.

Many viewers were breathing slightly, as if they had watched some unhealthy content.

"You are really... amazing."

Although Shion had already seen the previous trial version, it was the first time she had appreciated the IMAX version.

"thank you."

Qiye raised the corners of her mouth triumphantly.

Probably because this smile was a little wretched, Shion patted him on the shoulder.

"I didn't talk about you, but about your movie!"

[What do you think I understand?

Qiye was full of black question marks, and then his hand was held by Shion.


Qiye subconsciously wanted to pull her hand out, but Shion didn't give him this opportunity.

"No trouble." Shiyuan gave him a white look. "Watch the movie well."

[You still mean that you are holding my hand, right?

Qiye secretly glanced at the row of actors behind him with a guilty conscience, and after he was sure that Rin was still entangled with Luvia, he was relieved.

[No, this feeling of affair not being discovered is swollen!Obviously just shaking hands...]

Qiye can only force his attention to the movie, only then can he ignore the soft touch from his hands.

Ge Shirong, the reporter of "The Secret Treasure of Filming" sitting in the media area, couldn't help muttering to herself as she looked at Shirou running in the teaching building.

"The fight just now was really exciting. If the audience bought IMAX movie tickets, this action scene would be worth the price.

"But the total number of IMAX screens is only that small, and it is the ordinary screens that determine the box office data.

"The fight just now was seen on an ordinary screen, so it should be the same. So, whether you can capture the hearts of most of the audience, the most important thing is the storyline level of the movie."

A Rong recalled the plot just now, although the organization was clear, the overall rhythm was still a bit fast.

The current movie time is only 15 minutes. Generally speaking, there is no need to put so many clues.

"Two possibilities, one is that the plot will be filled with a lot of action shots, just like Michael Bay's movie.

"The other possibility is that the movie itself has a lot of plot settings, so it can only speed up the progress."

A Rong nodded her chin, she had a lot of expectations for the next plot.

Suddenly, the surrounding audience shouted in exclamation.

Ah Rong's attention returned to the big screen. It turned out that Lancer had found Shirou and killed him.

"Definitely not dead."

Miss Ayo is not confused by the plot. She has seen many scenes in the trailer that are not used in the current movie of Shiro Wimiya.

So unless Kiryu Qiye was idle and took a lot of fake scenes, otherwise this plot can only be regarded as a blind eye.

Sure enough, Shiro Wimiya was rescued by Rin Tosaka who had rushed over.

Rin left before Shirou woke up.

After waking up, Shiro Weimiya felt a moment of confusion. He stumbled out of the school and walked home in his bloody clothes.

On the way, he met a loli with silver hair and red eyes.

Seeing the girl standing at the top of the ramp, Shiro Weimiya couldn't help but stop.

The girl on the opposite side was very happy after seeing Shirou, she smiled happily, and then happily walked down the ramp.

"You will die if you don't call it out quickly, big brother~"


Shiro Weimiya quickly turned around, but at this time the girl was gone.

William was a little surprised by this plot, not that he was surprised by the role of Ilia.

But in the case of the movie making drastic changes to the prologues of the novels and comics, he thought there would be no such plot.

"But this can be considered an introduction to this silver-haired girl."

William still has a good impression of this little loli, but he is even more looking forward to the next episode.


"Miss Saber should be coming out soon, right?"

He Gu muttered to himself. At this moment, he straightened his waist and stared at the screen closely.

Ever since he saw the lady named Lily Waiting, he was deeply attracted by the other party.

Although he has watched it countless times in front of the computer, he is still very excited about the next plot.

Sure enough, Lancer then raided the House of Eomiya, and Shiro fought against it, but was driven directly to the warehouse.

Just when Shirou was about to be killed by Lancer again, a hurricane blew in the warehouse.

"My Miss Knight..."

Seeing the golden hair fluttering in front of the screen, He Gu unconsciously said what was in his heart.

"It's not bad."

Luvia teased, "Senior, he really cares about the girl named Lily. You didn't use this special screen when you came on stage."

"It's the IMAX picture," Rin corrected. "Because Qiye said he wanted to give Altria the most gorgeous appearance."

Of course, Rin was still jealous when she said this.

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