Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 431

The manager thought so.

With so many years of experience in operating theaters, the manager is very clear about the truth that the publicity of movies must be targeted.

A commercial film directed by Michael Bay, but it turned out that it was about to be screened, and even the cinematic worker didn't know what kind of film it was.

It can be seen from here that this movie is a pit, a super invincible big black pit.

You must know that Michael Bay’s movies are never that kind of word-of-mouth movies, and there is only one result of poor publicity.

However, as a good subordinate, of course Mr. Manager will not say such things.

He just nodded quickly and said, "Okay, I'll let someone arrange it."

There is no need to ask the boss's request, just follow it obediently.

After assigning the task, Dringwood left the manager's office.

He needs to contact Jiufeng as soon as possible to get more copies of "fate".

Because other theaters will certainly do the same, Delingwood knows that he must move fast.

As soon as Dringwood entered the hall, he heard a loud noise.


When Dringwood looked up, he found a lot of young people in the sales department of the theater.

It seemed that I had just watched the "fate" movie and planned to buy some souvenirs before going back.

A hot movie is accompanied by popular peripheral products.

The best thing to do in this regard is "Star Wars". Peripheral products such as lightsabers will sell well every time "Star Wars" is released.

"Fate" movie is far from reaching the height of "Star Wars", but movie-related peripheral products have begun to be welcomed by audience fans.

"Look, don't I look like a Master like this!"

A boy showed off to his friend, he had three red tattoos on the back of his hand.

Dringwood knew that it was not a tattoo at all, but a skin-specific sticker.

He also knows that this Lingshu sticker is the best selling in all the surroundings in the past few days.

In addition to the style of the Master's Lingshu that was clearly shown in the movie, there are various other patterns of Lingshu stickers that have not appeared in the movie.

This sticker tattoo is not a novelty, but it is very attractive to these audiences. The addiction of being a master at a cost of $1.99 is perfect for these young people who have just watched the movie.

Even if you don't like popular styles like Shirou or Rin, there are many more exaggerated and unique styles to choose from.

For young Americans who are pursuing personalization, such small things that are not expensive fit their pursuit.

In addition to Lingshu stickers, the followers' weapons and costumes are also best-selling products.

With such a little effort, several men have persuaded their girlfriends to buy the Saber dress up suit for $259, and even the 399 luxury suit (with the addition of the crown and the knight cloak) have been sold twice.

As for the purpose of these suits, the sales staff looked at the faces of these men with a fascinating expression and knew what to do.

But these have nothing to do with their sales staff. Even if the man buys it back and wears it himself, it doesn't matter what they sell. They are only responsible for selling things.

Even these sales jobs also hope that these customers will use it more intensely when they go home, such as cutting clothes and cloaks.

In this way, they might be able to make a second business.

The peripheral sales of "fate" are so popular that I didn't even think of it for Qiye.

In his original expectation, as long as the peripheral sales can reach one-tenth of the box office, then he can prove the commercial value of "fate" to the outside world.

However, when the statistics came out, the results far exceeded his expectations.

"Sale amount of 16.07 million US dollars!?"


Jiufeng’s staff nodded and said, Qiye’s surprise seemed to him not surprising, because he himself was taken aback by this pin shòu.

You must know that the $16 million in peripheral sales is based on the statistics of the theater sales department, and other channels are not included.

"The best selling is Saber's surroundings?" Qiye asked when looking at the report.

The other party nodded: "Yes, the figures, costumes, swords, and costume suits are all big-selling products. The goods have been sold out several times in the past few days, and the sellers have been urging them."

"It's... crazy."

Although there was a hunch that Altria would be popular, she never expected it to be so popular.

[It seems that the happy life of the rest of my life depends on you, Lily.

Qiye raised her head and glanced at Lily who was talking to Rin in the distance, her eyes were as if she was looking at a hen who could lay golden eggs.


pS1: The English name of [Escape from the Clone Island] is The Island, literally translated as [], it is no wonder that the US media has always blamed a large part of the failure of this movie on the inadequate publicity of Warner.After all, just look at the name, who knows what to say.

In fact, this is also a common problem in the naming of many foreign movies. The English name is simple and crude but it makes people unclear.Like [Avatar] is particularly hot and well-publicized, then the unique name is a fashion highlight.

But the reverse is a disaster.Because the audience has no idea what kind of movie this is, they have no desire to buy tickets.


pS2: Version 4.0 of the opening report was still returned, and we will fight for version 5.0 tonight._(:з∠)_


pS3: Py "The Recorder in the History of Xingyue" by [Fate and Nothing]. You can tell from the name that it is Xingyue's epic. There are so many books on this subject recently, and the grades are good. I am a little envious.

Chapter 274 Premiere of "Escape from the Clone Island"

"Maybe Altria's mass production plan can be put on the agenda."

Qiye rubbed her chin and said to herself.

"What plan are you talking about?"

"It's just a money-making plan around."

Regarding Shion's question, Qiye hummed twice, he still didn't want to say it too thoroughly.

You should know that [Erque Studio] and Jiufeng are only a cooperative relationship on the fate project. In the commercial development of the role of Altria, Qiye feels that she still has to keep a hand.

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