Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 432

Although the friendship between himself and Shion is good, but the friendship belongs to the friendship and the business belongs to the business, Qiye still knows this very clearly.

"You see, Lily's Saber image has become popular all over the world." Qiye said to Shion, "She is now a cash cow for our two families."

As Qiye said, Lily's image as Saber is currently very prosperous all over the world.

Don't talk about it here in North America, just look at the couple hotels now offering Altria cross dresses.

Lily is also popular here in Europe, especially in Lily's hometown, England.

As the old lady who was always on standby announced her recognition of Lily, Lily's popularity in the UK was second only to North America and Japan.

Although the role of King Arthur goes back to its origin, it does not belong to the current British subject nation.

Even the outline of the legendary story of King Arthur was first organized and written by the French through the stories circulated in the UK, and then passed back to the UK.

However, the story of the Celtic king written by the French was extremely popular in the UK, and was circulated in various versions on the British Isles.

Until the 15th century, with the publication of "The Death of King Arthur" written by Thomas Mallory, the story of King Arthur was basically finalized.

Today, the story of King Arthur has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has become an integral part of British culture.

The British monarch has even stated more than once in history that he is the heir of King Arthur and displayed the so-called "relics" of King Arthur as evidence to establish his own authority.

This shows the status and popularity of King Arthur in the hearts of the British people.

Although many aristocrats in the UK have a lot of criticism towards Lily, they feel that being an actor is really aristocratic.

But in the British civilian class, Lily is currently the most popular nobleman besides Her Majesty.

In this regard, Qiye can only serve a certain prince who has been a prince for decades and is likely to continue to sit on the seat of the prince in the future. His Royal Highness mourns for a second.

"But we have not yet reached the time to relax." Shion reminded, "Although we won the "World War", this week's "Fantastic Four" is also a strong opponent."

Qiye tilted his head and asked, "So you plan to call me to investigate the enemy's situation again?"

Shion's face blushed, and she played with her fingers and answered inexplicably: "How much do you think we will have at the box office next week?"

"It's hard to say." Qiye shook his head and replied.

Although this week "fate" ate up half of "World War"'s original box office in the first week, and stepped on its corpse to top the weekly list.

But Qiye has no bottom on whether "fate" can withstand the impact of "Fantastic Four".

The status of "Fantastic Four" in the eyes of the American people as an old comic IP that has existed since the 1960s is self-evident.

Qiye believes that many people will buy a ticket for the sake of feelings even if they know that the movie will be bad.

So under such circumstances, it is hard to say how much the box office of "fate" will drop in the next week.

[In my memory, the box office of the first week of "Fantastic Four" seems to be more than 50 million US dollars?It shouldn't have much impact, right?

Qiye set up a flag for herself, but I don't know if this flag will come true.

In order not to make her crow's mouth come true, Qiye decided not to say this.

""Fantastic Four" can not go, but..."Escape from the Clone Island" can't go."


Shion was taken aback by Qiye's words, and she looked at Qiye in amazement.

"Invite actively? When did you become so bold? Are you worthy of Rin?"

"what are you talking about?"

Qiye looked at Shion with contempt, and took out an envelope from his arms.

"The invitation letter to the premiere of "Escape from the Clone Island" brought me by Scarlett, she invited all of us to go together."

"Tsk." Ziyuan's face suddenly turned black.

"What, what? Sister Scarlett's invitation?"

Lily suddenly appeared behind Qiye, she reached out and took the invitation letter and opened it to take a look.

Qiye touched Lily's head and said, "Yes, Scarlett brought it, and she specifically asked you to go."

Then, he was kicked by Shion.

"It hurts." Qiye complained, "You can just say it if you don't want to go, why are you kicking me?"

"Go, why not go."

Shion pouted and said, "It's rare that there are free movies to watch, just take it for yourself to relax."

[You still have the money for the movie ticket.

Qiye rubbed her calf and stared at Shion uncomfortably.

Unfortunately, due to Shion's power, Qiye dared not say anything, so she could only go to Lin for comfort at night.


The flag that Qiye set for herself did not come true in the end, and "Fantastic Four" did not have much influence on "Fate" from film reviews to box office.

To use one word to describe the 05 version of "Fantastic Four", it is "half-tempered", and more bluntly is half-hearted.

This half-heartedness is in many aspects, from the character image, the storyline, the film reviews to the box office.

With the old-fashioned plot and single character image, it is hard to imagine that this movie will be produced by the same production company as "X-Men".

All the media have low ratings for this film. If it were not for Fox's request, it is estimated that they would not even mention the film.

As for the basic disk of the Super British movie, "Fantastic Four" also missed it.

Out of cost considerations, both the four protagonists and the villain Dr. Dum, their abilities have been greatly reduced. The direct consequence of this is that the comic fans directly abandon the movie.

"This is not the Fantastic Four and Dr. Doum in my memory!"

When the manga fan said this, he spit on the movie, and stepped on his foot.

As for the passers-by audience, it is difficult for them to tell the advantages of this movie, but for movies at this level, they cannot tell the obvious disadvantages of Fantastic Four.

If it were not for the new version of "Fantastic Four" in the future, this mediocre movie would really be left in the history of the movie.

If "Fantastic Four" did not meet other hot competitors during the schedule, then it might be able to win a half-hot box office champion in the first week.

Unfortunately, "fate" is booming at this time.

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