Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 482


pS1: Regarding the names of the reporters in this chapter, you can understand them as Zhang San and Li Si, and Mi Chan herself doesn't know whether it can be transformed into a regular one.╮(╯▽╰)╭


pS2: The update tomorrow morning and evening will remain the same. If Mijiang has too many codes to spare during the day tomorrow, it will be updated according to the situation after returning home.(?°?°?)??

Chapter 301: Washboard or Keyboard, This Is a Problem

In the office of the chairman of Jiufeng Tokyo headquarters, Ms. Shion looked at Qiye with a smile.

"What's the matter? Our great director? Why does he look uncomfortable?"


Qiye's silence didn't let Shion let him go.

"Oh oh, and ah, congratulations, you hug the thighs of the female nobleman. The object is the rising star of the British diplomatic circle, and is known as the woman with the most perfect body in the UK~"

"Although from my personal point of view, her chest is too big and her waist is too thin, she might break her waist someday. So I suggest you be more concerned about the weight of your new girlfriend's waist. "

If it was just a simple ridicule, Qiye wouldn't think much.

But seeing the report that Shion's hands had been crumpled, Qiye felt that her life was really in danger.

"My girlfriend's tortoise! ​​I just danced with Ryan! There really is nothing else!"

Qiye faintly felt a stomachache, and now he finally knew what had happened.

"Aren't you there when I met Ryan?! You should know that the reports are all nonsense, right?!"

"Oh roar~ How do I remember that someone came directly with a big breasted face?"

Shion was still smiling, and others might feel very happy just by looking at her facial expressions, but the movements of her hands exposed everything.

Originally, Shion wanted to give him a good compliment when she came over today.

Although the initial enthusiasm of fate movies has passed, the surroundings of fate are selling better.

In order to earn more peripheral profits, Jiufeng learned from Disney to subdivide the peripheral authorization of fate in very detailed.

Take mugs, for example, Jiufeng divides them into ceramics, plastics, and wood according to their materials, and then authorizes them separately.

Companies that have obtained the authorization of Saber's wooden mugs are only allowed to produce wooden mugs printed with Saber.

If you want to make a ceramic cup, or want to In Tosaka Rin.

Sorry, you need to apply for permission from Jiufeng again, otherwise it is an infringement.

There are also hand-made toys for the role of fate. Jiufeng further subdivided the assembly and the finished product, and then divided it into a twelfth, a sixth, a quarter, etc. series according to the proportion, and then sold them to Various toy companies.

But even so, each family still rushed to authorize, and even followed the requirements of Jiufeng in a proper manner, for fear of crossing the boundary and causing Jiufeng to directly refuse to cooperate.

Shion originally planned to wait for Qiye to come back, praise him first, then talk about work, and then invite him to dinner at a high-end restaurant.

Then at night...


just now!

With all these plans gone, Shion felt that she was polite if she didn't throw Qiye into Tokyo Bay.

Is our rich Japanese woman not big enough?Or is the taste of Kiryu Qiye changed?

This is probably Shion's most real thoughts.

Shion stood up, she stretched out her hand to open the gap between the blinds and looked at the reporter who hadn't finished walking underneath.

"That Shion..."

"Qiya, do you know?" Shion said in a mocking tone, "It has been a long time since the front of Jiufeng's building was so lively. The last time so many reporters came around was in the era of red and white machines. This time I returned I really want to thank you~"

Since Jiufeng lags behind Sony on the host platform and the royalty system collapsed, Jiufeng's influence has been declining.

Although Jiufeng's influence is picking up thanks to Shion's efforts in recent years, there is no news worthy of such fanfare by reporters.

In fact, this time being blocked by reporters, the biggest contributor is not Qiye, but Ryogi's popularity in the domestic entertainment circle in Japan.

If the hapless woman in Qiye’s love triangle is Shimoya Sakura, the reporter would not be interested at all.

After all, it is normal for a little idol to be kicked by a female nobleman.

"Uh, you are welcome."

After Qiye finished speaking, Shion was stared fiercely.

"I'm not praising you!"

Qiye curled her neck when she was scolded.

"Now, see for yourself."

Shion took out a copy of "The Sun" and a copy of "Friday" from the drawer, and handed them to Qiye.

Although Qiye has listened to Shion's explanation, he hasn't read the original report.

So he carefully opened the newspapers and magazines and read them-because there were signs of being pulled strongly, Qiye was afraid that they would tear the newspapers and magazines too hard.

Qiye carefully read the contents of The Sun. The name of the British paparazzi is indeed well-deserved and tells the story of herself and Ryan in a decent way.

Especially the description of the relationship between himself and Ryan, although they are all fabricated, but the writing is very smooth, it is difficult to see the traces of rumors, on the contrary, the only factual part of dancing is just a hastily.

If it weren't for her family to know her own affairs, Qiye would feel that she should really have a jiān relationship with Ryan.

After Nanya carefully read the English and Japanese versions of the scandal about himself, he raised his head tremblingly.

"Have you finished reading? Any thoughts?" Shion asked with a smile.

"The little one dare not, please make the decision for yourself."

Qiye lowered his head and begged for mercy. He knew he should be counseled at this time.

"Do you know what I think?"

"do not know."

"My opinion is... what a romantic modern Hindrella story~"

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